I want this to bo exterminated

I can't tell my friends but I really hate this dogs.

Every fucking week you can see news about some child or elder getting killed by these monsters.

I had 2 German Shepherd and Doberman and they were real lovely dogs, not like those fucks.

Other urls found in this thread:


I hate the excuses Pitt Owners have for their dogs.

Fuck those dogs. I don't allow pits to set a paw upon my property.

Pitbulls are the niggers of the canis genus

Niggers /thread

>I hate dogs
Kys, Achmed.

Hey faggot I realize you are fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.

Superior family friendly cousin reporting in.

Who the fuck even owns those fucking dogs? Niggers and rednecks? Natural selection if you ask me.

yeah, this mexican guy beats his pits because they "need to obey me homie" and it pissed me off but he has excellent weed might i say

fuck off with this racist shit

Check your dog privilege, you breedist bigot

Not an argument.....faggot

The only animal more nigger tier are niggers themselves

Fuck off with your nigger dog

You nigs ever notice how many pits are posted on reddit? its so retarded. Some of them have the pit next to babies or kids. "Still not asking for it"

Really coward people who wants to feel gansta by using their dogs.

I own one right now, best dog I ever had. Big old love pupper.

nigger dogs

Any breed that doesn't visually look similar to a Wolf is degeneracy, huskies and malamutes are the only acceptable breeds.

My HOA banned pitbulls.
And there are no black folks living here.
What a coincidence.

There is nothing more repulsive than the face of a pit bull

Only niggers hate dogs. Cause they stop them from stealing shit when their in somebody else's home

>Nigger dog detected

you touch pitt, we nuke argi shit hole. kay nigger?

I like these, though. Cutest dog breed. Can you stretch "wolf looking" this far?

>go to my local hipster bookstore.
>look at a random section.
>it's the pets sections.
>see this book and another book.
>Oh fuck it's a goddamn apology for the fucking pit bull.
>Browse it.
>tl;dr - pit bulls dindu nuffins, they good dogs, they be dogs of peace. If you don't agree, you be raycist.

Get me off this ride.


bully breeds are for niggers. If you own or like bully breeds youre a nasty coon and need to be shot. My roomate had a pitbull and it attacked me. She didn't even like care. I had to go to the ER and shit.

That literally looks like a wolf, you dip

There is nothing wrong with pitbulls. They're absurdly popular to the point where they outnumber any other breed of sufficient bodymass to cause serious harm to a person by at least an order of magnitude, so of course they're going to be responsible for a lot of attacks. That's all.

nothing wrong with them - you seem to have been on the wrong end of the lead. I'd assumed everyone has pitbulls in Argentina?

Check out this chimichurri-eating faggot. Scared of pit bulls. So sad!

>being unable to control a fucking dog
>doggo is definitely the problem

The problem is that most people are fucking faggots.

Not really. Historically the most popular are the mestizos like pic related

Pitfalls are fighting dogs, so naturally they are stupid as fuck. I recommend getting a mutt that is part of a dog breed meant for herding livestock. I say mutt and not pure breed because inbreeding is a thing and can negatively affect the dog's health.

Excuses. Pittbulls are shit.

>Every fucking week you can see news about some child or elder getting killed by these monsters.

How odd. In the US they kill less than a dozen people a year. Maybe your country is bad with dogs.

Why didnt you stab it with your pocket knife? That's my go to problem solver. Get in dangerous situation, stab with pocket knife.

Who the fuck are those kids?

Animals are minions of their masters and cannot be held accountable for their actions.

Owners should be responsible for any damages or injuries caused by their animal.

No denying or excusing it - some breeds are harder to control than others and some individual dogs are virtually untamable and should be euthanised. The real problem remains that many owners are too fucking weak to raise a dog (or a child, for that matter) and most people are too fucking weak to manage an aggressive or attacking dog.

It's especially creepy when pet owners treat their pets like their children...

I shudder to think that these people actually want children and expect that because they are good pet owners they can be good parents.

omfg i can feel the rage curdling inside my chest, i gotta do something retarded... watch the news.

>all dogs are pitbulls

That's like saying hating niggers means you hate all humans

99% of dog breeds are based, but pit bulls are objectively shit and only the lowest common denominator likes them

But how many do they maim?
Pitbull terriers are illegal where I live and the last legal litter was born in the early 90s.

>It's especially creepy when pet owners treat their pets like their children...

I can't help but notice that many degenerate childless older women develop an unhealthy focus on their pets as some kind of perverted outlet for the maternal drives that torment them.

for fucks sake

this site is tumblr

>i hate x
>raaaageee look at this!
>hurr durr the other side uses emotions, we are logical!

you people sure need to re-think some things
also Sup Forums is one person meme
>but all other x groups are one person

Mostly niggers, wiggers, and assorted gang-bangers, and wannabes. They reflect their owners lack of responsibility well. I don't think they are very popular with rednecks.

Then again I might be wrong. I don't keep up with the latest redneck trends. But I do live near banger territory and see pitbulls almost all the time.

They are usually with some fucking wigger, or nigger. Maybe even a cholo or two.

One local psycho had one of these in the early 90s near my house. Went for a kid, dad goes round to tell the owner to lock it up or he'll get rid of it.

Owner doesn't get rid of it. Dog is poisoned, dies in agony and when the owner tries threatening the father, gets a crossbow bolt to the stomach

Basically what I'm saying is that people who live in government housing are terrible, terrible people.

Last I checked coconuts can't get up and maul your neck off.

All you needed to say was this:

> Women

Yea, that would have sufficed. HA!

and canis are the niggers of the animal world

>people who live in government housing are terrible, terrible people.
Nigga...you don't even know how true that is before you get to the third world, I'm not saying all of them, but they get used to "you owe us things, I can demand everything"

Wanting a wolf as a pet?

Normie taste confirmed.

I bet you even tell your family members that your dog is part wolf, huh?