Is anyone else disappointed with the pacing of Samurai Jack?
First half of the season was GOAT where he was practically Liam Neeson. Second half feels way too rushed and the tone is completely different.
Why are they only doing 10 episodes? All other season had 13.
What does Sup Forums think?
Angel Stewart
nope i'm loving it
Grayson Cooper
>They trimmed the 3 new seasons down to 1 season. They kept core plot points and cut the rest. The bit where Jack rallies the good creatures of the world into a rebellion to save Ashi from Aku's grasp.
>But now it cuts out all of that. The original final season was going to be the entirety of the battle against Aku. Sort of like a season of Game of Thrones. We're talking about a Return of the King tier showdown and instead it'll be a single 30 minute episode (~22 with commercials)
Logan Jackson
Last episode was right out of the pinnacle of the first seasons. The episode before it was cut from the same magnificent cloth as well.
Some episodes fell flat this season (like maybe 1 or 2) but most so far are what we love and cherish from years ago.
David Jenkins
- Genndy Tarkakovski at premiere showing of the finale
Elijah Turner
I'm guessing he only got ten episodes because the network didn't expect the show to be hit among ratings.
Blake Adams
forgot >People are really going to miss out on Jack proving and redeeming himself to the creatures he promised to save. He was going to end up being the peacekeeper of the world and protect them because he owes it to them.
>But of course, Cartoon Network thought kids didn't have the attention span for 3 seasons.
Leo Perry
Ashi should have never been a protagonist. What was Genndy smoking, when he decided to add a completely new protagonist in the last 7 episodes of the entire fucking series when they barely have enough material to properly conclude Jacks story. It's no coincidence the pacing went to complete shit the moment she became a main character. Even ignoring that retarded decision, pretty much all of the interesting and subtle themes built up in the first three episodes have been rendered irrevelant and replaced with shitty clichés, penis jokes, and forced romance.
Alexander Hill
I've been enjoying the fuck out of it thus far, the end of the last ep was PURE KINO, but I can understand where people's complaints are coming from on some levels.
I still like Ashi though.
Nolan Foster
I understand why people would be disappointed but frankly the fact that we have 10 new episodes at all is good enough for me considering how unlikely it was that we would ever even get a conclusion. Sure Ashi is a little tacked on but the fight scenes are still brilliant, the visuals are still unlike any other cartoon, and Jack is still fucking cool. A whole season dedicated to an epic showdown between Jack and Aku would have been incredible but I am more than satisfied with what we've gotten. In any case, the fact that the original Aku voice actor has been dead for some time means that new seasons Aku will always feel kinda off anyway.
Juan Perez
Has there been any news that the network is furious they won't be able to milk this anymore after they realized it might be a moneymaker?
Aiden Morgan
Is it really? I kind of assumed after last week, that tomorrow's last episode will be an hour long special
Isaac Ramirez
Bottom line is this season needed to be 20+ episodes. The 10 episode limit killed it.
Gabriel Smith
I hope they leave it. Anything after Jacks defeat of Aku would seem pointless.
Also was anyone else disappointed that Ashi didnt run into the Spartans during her search for Jack? Virtually every cameo i hoped for was in the season at some point except for that one. I doubt there will be anymore since theres only one episode left, unless Jack meets up with Scotsman ghost.
John Evans
I agree. If Genndy was given 20 22-minute episodes, or 10 1-hour, I think Ashi could have worked. But when you only get 10 22-minute episodes, you better make sure everything is fucking TIGHT so that not a single god-damned second is wasted, and it better be focused on Jack the entire time. It's beyond me, trying to imagine why Genndy decided to introduce Ashi given the fairly extreme time constraints Cartoon Network gave him.
Episodes 1-3 were fucking god-tier kino, it's such a damn shame Genndy let it slip and meandered for the remaining 7.
Anthony Fisher
this reboot wouldve been amazing if it were 2 or 3 seasons longer tbqhf
James Martinez
I just fucking love Rick and Morty, in the way that I fucking love science. It's so random and cool - it's like the show was designed for us Redditors, see? My mom says I have an unhealthy obsession with the show, but she just doesn't understand how funny it. I wish I could live in the Rick and Morty world and be their friends. Everything would be really and cool and funny if I did. Rick and Morty are so funny and I'm so awesome that it would make perfect sense, but it'd be even better if Bernie Sanders appeared. It'd be so awesome I'd turn up the TV in the common room of my dorm up all the way so everyone could hear the greatness of Bernie Sanders, Ron Paul, bacon, weed, atheism, The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Sweden, Bill Nye, 90s cartoons, cats, and fucking loving science.
I run the Rick and Morty Club at my school - we come together, browse Reddit, make some Deadpool memes and watch Rick and Morty. We don't talk to each other but there's a cute girl there I'm gonna try and ask out. I'm a nice guy and I dress well (fedora + trench coat + brown-stained underwear + well-trimmed beard lightly seasoned with dust and corn syrup) so I just know I've got a good chance with her. I've already messaged her on Facebook, I just haven't got a response yet.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand: Rick and Morty! My favorite character is Rick because his style of humor perfectly reflects that of Reddit. I bet if I asked him "When does the narwhal bacon?", he'd know EXACTLY what I was talking about. Also, did you notice he looks like Bernie Sanders if you squint a bit and use your imagination? This can't be a coincidence; MLG Illuminati confirmed. Yeah, that's right, I look at montage parodies too. What good Redditor doesn't? Lenny face, Illuminati, and Doge are so funny. If I met Rick and Morty I'd be sure to show them all those funny and awesome memes and more!
Yours baconly, Atheist92
Jonathan Baker
>jack defeats aku >aku lays dead >everyone rejoices >jack and ashi kiss >close up on aku's closed, dead eyes >THEY OPEN >roll credits >GOTTA GET BACK BACK TO THE PAST
Zachary Green
I love how he shot laser beams out of his eyes and DESTROYED the anger and depression of 50 years, that was so POWERFUL
Colton Brooks
>I fucking love science They don't love science.
I love filmmaking, and all the intricacies involved in the process. I'm willing to go long nights without sleep just to see the big, beautiful machine of a set in action. If I have to spend a night in jail to get a good shot I'll do it in a fucking heartbeat. It is my passion, and something I strive towards.
These fuckers don't know love. They think because NowThis posted a video on some new type of paste that can heal a wound slightly faster than usual that they love science.
I know this is a pasta but I got a real issue with cunts like this.
Joseph Morgan
kys kuk your hero is a sad alcoholic slowly killing himself while his "fans" take selfies with his pee-stained crotch
Levi Robinson
good discussion
Blake White
no heres how it end >Jack defeats Aku in the future at great cost, many die on both sides >Jack is the lone survivor of an epic battle >Ashi with her last act does some magic shit to turn her and Aku's body into a time portal >Jack goes back in time >Cut to Jack approaching Aku in the past >Their eyes lock, battle ensues >Aku throws open a time portal again, this time sends Jack even farther into the future than he did before >GOTTA GET BACK BACK TO THE PAST SAMURAI JACK
Jackson Reyes
Samurai jack is fucking clown shoes
Jonathan Ross
you mean the show turned back into samurai jack? I think that was the whole point right?
James Moore
Nolan Evans
>The original final season surely you mean final episode right don't tell me this is what we missed out on
Owen Jenkins
Yeah I agree the pacing in the first 3 or 4 episodes was very entertaining tone wise. We see a defeated Jack barely holding on with suicide contemplation and his visions. You feel for the broken man and it's very easy for this kind of tone to be related with. Starting from episode 5 the tone changed and what it developed to was a little bit sunday morning cartoony for me. It almost felt like it was jumping the shark in some of the story telling. I don't like how jack reattained his sword, I thought it was a cop out and too cheap for all this hype to be centered around it and all he had to do was release the anger inside him. Honestly I would rather have him travel into the depths of that cave and on the way face challenges and monsters, Idk, anything but just sit and meditate. Also I really liked the bearded Jack and it's not as important as other aspects but I almost felt disinterested in his character after it was gone, there's nothing else to distinguish his character from the show years ago, (battlescars, burns, beards). I could go either way with Ashi, I don't mind her as a character but I felt after she was introduced as a good character then the show fell back into children's cartoon formula, (FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON SAMURAI JACK).
>First half of the season was GOAT where he was practically Liam Neeson. Second half feels way too rushed and the tone is completely different.
Completely agree. Last episode is gonna have mixed reviews learning towards rushed but I'm just excited to see the conclusion.