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Post conspiracy core
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Manchurian candidate
Ghost writer
Just watched that movie yesterday on Netflix. While the tech is otherworldly, it's still a fine flick, but only because Gene Hackman is such a fucking great actor.
the wife character is a little hamfisted
decent movie though, and has actually aged well given all the shit that has happened since
this was the first R rated movie i remember seeing
I didn't know that Anna Gunn was in it, either. I laughed when she told Jon Voight about the fact that there were bank deposits that she couldn't account for.
Is she just typecast as Accountant Bitchy Wife or something?
All the privacy/surveillance stuff helps since it still feels relevant.
they kinda wasted the R rating
no nudity and no real crazy violence as far as i can remember
surprised they didn't just cut out the random F bombs to make it PG 13
No nudity? Pretty sure they were spying on politician getting head from his secretary who was down to her under wear.
There's the lingerie store.
not really the same but A Scanner Darkly
movie fell flat for me but the book is kind of a mindfuck
Clear and Present Danger
Bourne Legacy
>Sup Forums decides to kill Nixon the movie
Turns out he's a Jew too.
Literally nothing in enemy of the state is conspiracy anymore. It's all been proven true.
They can't rotate along the vertical.
Ive seen satelite pics that can literally tell me what you watch on netflix. And that was 5 years ago. They can put a peristant surveillance drone up for a week that can tell me when your herpes flares up. And thats the shit my low level sapper ass knows about.
>satelite pics that can literally tell me what you watch on netflix
Satelites that look horizonwise and have... Well lets not get into the details im not sure whats classified anymore.
The us govt can literally watch you watching tv if it wants.
Even if they can look from horizon there's no line of sight from the horizon or sky to my tv.
Conspiracy Theory, prime Mel biting off Picard's nose
You got an xbox? Hell even your phones mic is probably always on unless you turned it off yourself. ...siri... And theres software out there for free that can identify any song ever in 3 seconds.
You really beleive the govt can't figure out what you watch on netflix if it wanted?
Oliver Stone's JFK
>You really beleive the govt can't figure out what you watch on netflix if it wanted?
Obviously they can just check with Netflix or my ISP.
Well that can be easily hidden with a few proxys and vpns if you were trying to hide it. I'm saying that there are other ways to snoop on something so mundane.
How have you not understood this yet?
The gunfight at the end made me nauseous
>I'm saying that there are other ways to snoop on something so mundane.
Which are?
I don't have an xbox or any smart devices and my phone is kept in a box or I can pull the battery.
>How have you not understood this yet?
Because you're idea that they have a satellite that can watch my TV screen is stupid.
>Well that can be easily hidden with a few proxys and vpns if you were trying to hide it.
You'll still have to login to your netflix account...
Yea im sure thats true. You post on Sup Forums but keep your phone battery out in a box. And hey if you dont beleive ok whatever. But I've seen horizonwise sat photos and its pretty nuts. Also there are planes that can literally pick up everything electronic you do, so i don't doubt there are drones doing the same thing.
Literally everything in enemy of the state is proven true 20 years later
Oh shit. Its super hard to pick up a prepaid visa at krogers.
>Looking up wireless usage data is the same thing as horizon viewing satellites that can see through walls
different times, parents brought their kids to R rated movies
>Also there are planes that can literally pick up everything electronic you do
No there isn't.
only thing i remember from this movie was mel gibson setting the glass bottle on the door knob so it would wake him up if someone tried to come in
thought that was pretty clever back in the day
I wouldn't be surprised if major stores kept photos of anyone who purchased prepaid cards and phones.
This is all a bit silly since you shouldn't be using netflix if you're privacy conscious.
>>implying i give them easy accessed records like netflix or a library card
There are literally cesnas doing basic electronic and visual recon in cities all over america and news stories about it.
Again, i dont know how much is classified anymore i got out about 5 years ago. But yea, they got planes that can tell me when haji turns on a microwave.
>control-f the conversation
>0 results
generation pleb in tha house yall!
>basic electronic and visual recon
You said "pick up everything electronic you do". Spotting pot farms with thermal imaging is a bit different.
>admit it. youre 16 and not a very good liar.
whats the color of the lighthouse at langley? cmon tough guy whats its color??
>1969 to........1980
Literally everything from the 70's.
Ive never been to Langley. As i said earlier i was low level. I had a ts and a sapper tab. I did a few cool missions.
I am doing my best not to say shit that might still be classified, but to my knowledge ew aircraft and horizon facing satelites are unclassified, as is pretty much everything in the movie we are here to discuss.
So back to my main point, everything in enemy of the state is now proven true.
>everything in enemy of the state is now proven true.
>ew aircraft and horizon facing satelites
And you grossly exaggerated the capabilities of both.
The Conversation
Blow Out
Blow Up
All the Presidents Men
Seven Days in May
Three Days of the Condor
Not a movie, but a damn good tv show about a conspiracy.
>three white guys
>one white woman
Yeah nah
langley virginia. lighthouse. lol.
christ youre fucking 12. go watch ronin and learn how much i just showed wat a little bitch you are