Is this kino?
Is this kino?
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Incredibly pretentious.
Literally Plebbit humor. At least he made fun of ath*ism.
I liked it 2bh
Leddit af, so cringe when he sings some parts of the dialog...and of course, normies are going fucking nuts over this
Makes people think they're smart for twenty minutes although they will forget 95% of the information in less than a week and any information they do retain will at most be trivial knowledge or maybe a lighthearted joke.
Is it entertaining? Kind of.
It got weak near the end
Annoying as fuck autotune voices
history of the world:
>diverse tribes used to live together in peace
>then the white people attacked and forced them to segregate
>now theyre crying because we call them out on it
Remove the shitty singing and it'd be ok.
Also, I'm pretty sure I saw some globalist propaganda in there.
>leddit af
>trivial knowledge or maybe a lighthearted joke.
But that's literally the whole video. Nobody learned anything watching this, it's just a long list of people and events
Literally everyone who watched this remembers all this shit from high school. Anyone who went into a 20 minute video about "the history of the entire world" to really learn anything are the autistic ones. It's entertainment.
what about those "the school of life" shits that trend every day
can't even click one because the titles are so cringe and insulting that adults actually watch crap like that
>paying attention in high school
Id kick the crap out of you, you fucking dweeb
Think about all the people who listen to Neil Degrasse Tyson for a couple minutes or watch a five minute video on evolution or the big bang theory or even an episode of Jon Oliver and then feel like they're enlightened. They walk away from a short video feeling superior.
>Literally everyone who watched this remembers all this shit from high school.
Even if this was true, which it is not because you're overestimating people (I'm assuming you know your history), but even if this was true, you're forgetting that some people watch this to reaffirm the idea that they know something.
But yeah, I admit. It's pretty entertaining, or else it wouldn't be popular.
Obviously I was exaggerating when I say everyone but all the people I showed this video too (yeah, literally all) knew at least 90% of what they saw. That being said though, I at least feel like a vast majority of people diving into that video are going to watch it more as a source of entertainment than a history lesson.
But I agree with your very first point absolutely, those people are beyond frustrating. Almost kinda sad.
Hey, Bill. You should slow the video down a bit and add more information.
>Hitler gets mad at the Jews for existing
Wrong bluepilled faggot
His entire depiction of Jewish history is suspicious.
True enough. I was getting caught up on my bias against those types of people we were talking about in the beginning of my last post. I can definitely see a lot of people diving in for entertainment. Hell, I was afraid to watch it at first because I didn't want to contribute to that sort of mentality, but I caved (knowing the guy's track record, i'd like it) and was entertained for twenty minutes.
This is still my favorite of his, though:
It's almost as if it's a extremely simplified video for the purpose of entertainment, not a real history lesson.
My pretend gf did some art videos
You mean when he got closer to the present day? Heh...really makes you think...
>allah called one true god
>way too much asian wank
But the best part are comments. Half of them is literally "christians will get buttmad about dinosaurs".
Less kino than History Of Japan but it's still fucking great.
it was weak all over, his japan video was far superior and not just a rehash
But it wouldn't be a good video then.
Also, there's the matter of
i unironically love this, im high as fuck
>fuck it
Woah...he swore! This guy clearly does not a give a fuck!
Not really
The cutting and editing is distracting but I learned a few things from it
I only watched it for 3 minutes before i got a headache and closed it. Only reddit can watch such a video
It is, without exaggeration, the most reddit video ever created.
That some of the most basic facts are completely wrong is just the cherry on the cake.
>can't name any of the wrong facts
Damn, you guys get triggered easier than tumblr
Will muzzies ever recover?
>That some of the most basic facts are completely wrong
List 'em, chuckles
>it's a Sup Forums is being contrarian episode
>18 minutes in
>mentions the cold war
>"Evil virus of Satan arrow" flashes between communism and capitalism
>just so happens to land on capitalism in the end
damn...that really makes you think
For a start, in 1914, the ebin autist pseudo-intellectual fedora faggot fart-huffing narrator claims that the last major war in Europe was the 'Seven Years War.'
This is so mind-numbingly stupid and ignorant that even if there were no mistakes in the rest of the video (which I find HIGHLY unlikely given that they couldn't get this basic fact right), it single-handedly destroys the illusion that the narrator and the people who made the video are knowledgeable/trustworthy enough to make something of this scale.
>who are the tamil kings
>merchants probably
There are few things more hilarious than Sup Forums hambeast SJWs who pretend, or worse, actually believe anyone outside of their brainwashed echo chamber is going to parrot their bullshit.
I dont like how he focuses on asia so much and leaves out most of the americas
Idk why this word triggers me
Even more than "thicc"
Maybe because the America's have only been a blink of human history.
>ebin autist pseudo-intellectual fedora faggot fart-huffing
>mind-numbingly stupid and ignorant
Also, how are you guys literally dissecting a video made as entertainment?
>Harmless, funny video
>All these sad fucks crying about reddit, normies and how a 20 minute history-of-everything comedy video isn't in depth or accurate
>h-hehehe you cant tell why the video is wrong
>tells you why the video is wrong
>TRIGGERED! haha fuck off back to tumblr
kys ledditor
The entire Western half of the world only became relevant once the Euros arrived
I hope you are larping as an autist.
I wasn't one of the people calling for what's wrong in the video, I really couldn't care less. I'm smart enough to treat the video solely as entertainment, not a lecture. Don't be so mad, sweet child.
We only laugh a things that are edgy.
>le shoveldoge XD
No, the video should have gone an hour in-dept about Hitler in a glorifying light. then continued as normal.
This is what Sup Forumstards actually believe.
This video is reddit and tumblr combined
It's insincere and unauthentic. I'm sick of insecurity and pretentiousness thinly veiled behind irony.
i found the emphasis on INDO
more interesting then yuurop tbqh
europe has been covered in exhaustive detail elsewhere
i laughed a few times but i would not be able to handle watching more videos done like this
Well someone can't read
School of Life is actual kino.
Are you talking about yourself, idiot?
>, idiot?
>unfunny irony meme
Typical defence mechanism to hide insecurity.
You sound like you cry a lot
>umad meme
More cringeworthy Sup Forums memes that don't make sense in English.
It's gay as fuck but the way people react to it is even gayer, if everyone who commented on this video instantly died the world would improve dramatically.
jesus christ, user. are you a parody?
>youtube commenter detected
Go talk about how history classes are irrelevant thanks to this video or something
What is this nigger talking about?
I don't think I can stand 20 minutes of this you guys. Is this just a shit normie meme or something? It's so lequirky!
Yeah I agree. What made his Japan video really good was that he focused on a single thing, rather than a shit load of things.
The shtick where he sings the dialogue gets old real quick.
There's also a ton of little nit-pick shit like him placing the Mexican-American war after the American civil war or claiming the Seven Years' War was the last major european war before WW1 when there's no mention of the French Revolutionary/Coalition wars. I also hate all the comments going "wow i wish this was cleaner so i could show it in class" pop-history shouldn't be taught in school.