What about the droid attack on the Wookies?

What about the droid attack on the Wookies?

Who gives a flying fuck Wookies are a dumb as fuck alien species

When has ANY wookie done something that a droid can't do? They're geurilla warfare mongols and never help anybody with their shit

Why was Kashyyyk a "critical planet"? Definitely not any resource reason.

was at a crucial area for key hyperspace lanes

yoda had a slex slavery ring with the tribal elders

Deepest lore

>Key hyperspace lanes
>Pedophile ring

Was yoda a kiddy fiddler

I need to know

such a bunch of dumb assholes, they fucked up so much while doing so little

>>Key hyperspace lanes


That is a sincere political perspective. However, those who fought along the Wookies have a greater appreciation for who they are, and their capability.




It's a good thing Obi Wan didn't find any of Yodas "personal instruction" lessons with younglings on those holotapes





well canonically he's like 500 years old so basically every human would be a kiddy to him

so, yes

bravo lucas

Chewbacca lived there and he was a character from the originals!!! I'm glad they included him and his planet in the Prequels! Really tied the whole story together. How COOL is it that he knew Yoda!?!


>the Conehead was a liberal
Oh George! Looks like you got them again!



All rebels are addicted to kahyykhurana, a drug that makes them fearless. This drug can grow only on Kashyyk. Without it, rebels wouldn't be able to fight the nazis, as they would be too intimidated by vaders voodoo magic.

>wat about the psyop on the generation kukd?

So is he sitting on the same exact kind of chair where he is? How does that hologram work?


Why was that dude always a hologram in the meetings?

He's got better shit to do than hang around in the Jedi Palace

Such as?

Get laid

it's a metaphore. He is transparent, has nothing to hide.

I clapped when he got blasted by the clone troopers.

Despite being taller, he never really had the high ground.



Mirin hive mind




Would you not want giant sasquaches on your side?

kill yourself