I guess they weren't satisfied ruining Ghostbusters
Classic liberals
Can't think of their own ideas so they steal everyone else's and call it theirs
I guess they weren't satisfied ruining Ghostbusters
Where the fuck are they gonna save her from? The medical tent?
This seems completely legit and not fake at all
>conservatives in charge of being able to detect bullshit
Please tell me Sup Forumsdditors aren't THAT dumb
if this was played as an absurd parody i would watch the fuck out of that.
Shame that Schumer would be in it though. Maybe a pre production disaster would force them to put a less awful woman in there like Vanessa Bayer.
Hey, you dumb fucker
Shut up, 'cause nobody cares
Your thread sucks hot ass
Nah, they are just miserable pieces of shit and do this to make other people miserable.
>t. Amy Schumer
>Betoota Advocate
For those who do not know that is one of the Australian versions (we have a few) of the Onion.
seems totally legit bro
oh shit some nigerian prince is about to give me some mad cash money
This. Any little thing and they go flying off the handle, like if the thing itself kicked them in the balls and they demand satisfaction. And yet Sup Forums thinks they're not the opposite of SJWs.
>Believing our shitposting publication
this is the best shit I've seen all day
very funny
>complain s'more.. yer moms still fucking that black guy she brought home from the bar
Completely fake.
You just posted this on Sup Forums
Fuck off.
>tfw unsure if this is high level shitposting or really is some newcunt with facebook filenames spoonfeeding for upvote points
>OP butthurt about their shitty bait
Fall of Rome is near
So you came in this thread to prove how smart you are for not falling for supposed bait?
You really are a newfag.
She is an army wife who is having an affair, but unknown to her, her husband has been given an early leave due to an injury. One of her friends finds out that the husband is going home early, and the race is on to save her from being discovered having an interracial orgy by her husband. The film takes place in a single afternoon and follows the friend as she frantically tries to make it to the house before the husband does so she can disband the orgy and keep the wife's affairs hidden.
>Getting double trolled
>Getting triple trolled
sure is summer in here
Betoota Advocate is the only good mainstream satire publication in Australia.
The Shovel and SBS comedy can absolutely get fucked
And I'm betting half the cast will be black, because WE WUZ SOLIDERS AND SHIET, typical liberal shit.
le ebin trell
Nobody here actually believes it, my reddit friend.
>Implying taking 10 seconds to start a thread = flying off the handle.
Difference is they're not protesting in the streets, going on hunger strikes, or petitioning for it to be shut down.
And you think that makes them better? They're not doing those things because they're violent sociopaths, not because they're less whiny. You can't have a street protest to genocide people, dumb shit. Retard. They cry even more than SJWs do, just in internet echo chambers where they can't be called out.
>tfw it becomes harder and harder to tell what's satire anymore after all the shitty remakes
indeed, cuz my sex junk is so oh oh oh
Yep. This is why rednecks and other such retards kept asking to see Obama's birth certificate and kept thinking he was muslim. Cause you can't just say you don't want a nigger president, you instead find PC ways of getting that racism across. So you have hugboxes where they converse amongst each other and increase each others' rage, cause they can't just protest shit they'd like.
Also, not every liberal is a SJW. That's like saying every conservative is a bible-thumping hick who can't read. Hell, they have more than a few contradictory beliefs to liberals. They're against the ACLU, want limited rights, want less science funding, support mudslime suppression of women, etc. It's kinda like how Alex Jones crazies aren't representative of small-government types of people.
>I'm just going to spout nonsensical speculation based on stereotypes perpetuated by the media.
Haven't seen a post this reddit in a while.
>reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: the post
What's wrong about his post ? Care to explain ?
look up the police commissioner's report on the certificate.
It's a verified fake
Only reason I doubt the truth of this is because it's on Sup Forums
Fuck off Sup Forums
Muh pol boogyman
>>Quoting the Betoota Advocate
Paul Barry is very disappointed in you, OP.
The spread of the "Redfern bindy" is still the best betoota article.
Honestly in this day and age satire.and.reality are more then untertwinded in fact a lot of the answer were baiting you and.you fell.just as hard as they did.
Get your smugness out of here and go back to ledd!t you ll be able to bash the donald all day. They have like 6 topic on.the front page
Fuck the haters,this could actually work in a Tropic Thunder style but the only comedy set in war was Black Adder that did it so well but that did not involve jewish myth holocaust so not sure how they would do it.
Could actually be fun if it was real.
Fake news.
It's not real.
Move along or kill yourselves.
Funny how nu-poltards can't even read their own fucking sticky
look, with the current state of the industry, I wouldn't be so surprised either if it was true or false