Ill Bills

I lost my folder of Ill Bills, can you guys help me out? I made some OC too!

Other urls found in this thread:

just watch his speech going on right now.



I need some too

Someone should make a Faces of Meth Ill Billl

I made one the other day too.

And also an "Obama looks OK."

No takers?

Lmao thx




hory shit is that shopped?






He looks like sickly nurgling


Thanks lads, keep 'em coming!

Anybody have the one where Trump is showing Barron a picture of Bill?







I'm 12 and what is this

Holy JUST batman.

Well done lads. Please keep 'em coming, this is seriously not a slide thread, it's just that ill bill is my favorite meme in ages and ages.

He will be with us for a long time.

Bye newfag.









Hahaha this is the one




Hahaha holy shit thanks user, you're a prince among men.





this is a new one to meeeeee

He still has a better hairline than me, the prick.


someone make him wojak




Does anyone have the Ill Bill version of this?


I did not make this










I feel like this is a real pic. Context?


Holy shit how come nobody still hasnt stopped him onto Start Wars Emperor

I'm almost certain there's at least one circulating.

This thread... i swear to god i am almost chocked on my food.
There should be a health warning on this site
>you shoudn't meme and eat simultaneously
This is not the first time this happen

i think you meant

Someone post the radiation victim bill thanx

You mean ?

No the one where it's some mutilated man held up by strings and his skin is melted off because of a power plant explosion or something



This one?

What the hell happened to him?

Serious question

is that jimmy carter lmao

I know the one but I don;t have it

radiation exposure.

his name is hisashi ouchi.
