Is this reddit: the movie?
Is this reddit: the movie?
is op reddit: the poster?
are you retarded?
How is it reddit? When I think of reddit: the movie I think of stuff like Guardians of the Galaxy
i for one prefer cnn for all my shitposting needs
No, but it's NOT the best movie ever made. It's not even top 100.
Fuck yeah it is. IMDb retards legit think it's the best of all time now without realizing they got trolled
Nah, it's just a good movie.
this is actually a good movie
it's a decent movie but if you have it as one of your favorite film you are a reddit pleb
>Shawshank redemption
>noone actually redeems himself
Shit movie
Is this the biggest meme on Sup Forums right now?
>knowing what qualifies as a "Reddit" movie
You have to go back, newfag
It's pretty good.
But holy fuck is it overrated.
stephen king is reddit?
What do you mean no body redeems themselves?
Not only does a prisoner prove that the main character is innocent he exposes murder and corruption at Shawshank and becomes a millionaire at the end of the movie.
f that isn't redemption then I don't know what is.
Shawshank is normiecore
>knowing what's reddit
back you go
That would be star wars lord of the rings back to the future etc
>these are the same people who blindly call whatever they don't like reddit
>embezzling a million dollars and running off to Malibu is redemption
i've been doing it wrong
This word has lost all meaning here, it's just a lazy buzzword for autists to use when they don't have an argument
>inb4 fags start calling me Reddit
So good movies with good plots? Why on earth would you avoid them just because they're popular