American """cinema"""

>american """cinema"""


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ITT movies literally no one watched except maybe retarded low IQ movie going Mexicans

Ice Cube wins the fight and charlie eats through a straw for the rest of his life. Cube goes to prison for attempted murder

cube is a tubby pussy irl

t. amerifat

this is so fucking on point

Not a bad audience to market to considering they make up about 50% of the population

I bet Ice Cube is just as short as Charlie in real life

This is most likely true. Amerikkka's nightmare

This would not be considered cute, nor funny in a healthy white society.

Do Mexicans go to movies? Taking 12 kids to the theater would cost like 500 with popcorn and drinks

That is terrifying

American cinema
>black guy gets angry at white guy
>they resolve their differences in a comicsl fashion

European cinema
>married white woman gets impregnated by black movie
>it's an art movie celebrated internationally

>ameripleb damage control

Good thing he is American, you'd be sent to jail for that in Britain

who the fuck cares about britpakis, aka Irrelevant USA, fatso?

average Trump supporter.jpg

> Drives a shit car
> Blames liberals for his problems

Kek. It's like cuckservatives forgot how Capitalism works. You actually have to work to achieve that lifestyle that you crave, not expect a politician to fix it for you.

>not expecting a politician to fix it for you
isnt that welfare loving liberals?

it was actually a really funny movie

he's either ridiculously fat or old

nope it's welfare loving conservashits that beg for corn and coal subsidies

limp-wristed faggot.

the pregnant mom in this movie was hot as fuck though

That explains why the fast and the furious is such a big franchise.

I only saw it for my husbando Charlie


Aw snap, that white boi gon' get kilt.

Fist Fight is one of the worst movies ive ever seen. Charlie Day's character arc is basically that he is a regular white guy whos trying to do his job and be nice to people, and of course hes portrayed as a weakling and coward. So over the course of the movie he learns how good it feels and how much respect you get when you basically act like a nigger by stealing, cheating, lying, abusing your power, using intimidation and using physical violence against weaker people.
Im pretty sure the target audience for this is niggers.

Mexican working in movie theater in mexican town in SoCal

These are absolutely 100% true

Some spic movie called Lowriders is out and currently selling out the past two weeks hear

Every fucking day is "Where are the Jalapenos?" "Where is the tapatio?"

The kids usually arent that bad though, what really sickens me is just how many times I see genuinely good movies flop because all these normie spics are too obsessed with Fast n Furious and other normie movies

Ghost in the Shell drew an oddly high asian crowd, which was nice

Oh, and fuck nigger movies. Any time a major black film comes out they come out in hordes and just fuck up the place

In a way, spics are a blessing

It was a pretty funny movie


Didn't watch it but I love me a good bullying

>Christina Hendricks' """career"""