Baby boomers (55+ years) are lazy, drug fiends that are in goverment right now, selling national assets and destroying the country in the long term so they have a fat retirement. To make things worse, growing up they had a booming economy to milk, and easy jobs. "Just walk in and give a good firm hand shake for a $60,000 year job starting, no experience"
Baby boomers (55+ years) are lazy, drug fiends that are in goverment right now...
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the word that isn't used for baby boomers but should is entitled. they were entitled to fuck shit up that their parents fought for and other died for during the wws. nothing says entitled like that.
also boomers didn't want to be like their parents and were rebellious, this is what 60 year old tantrum looks like (don't wanna grow up).
So everyone in the world is doing drugs?
22 also but I'm working hard for the Jews like a good goy
>Sad state of affairs really, and I'm a 22 year old millennial realizing this.
Oh fuck you, junior. Life is tough and then you die. If I could buy you young fucksticks for what you're worth and then sell you for what you think you're worth, I'd give back my Social Security that you will be working so hard to fund for me!
>implying millennials are the me generation
>and not the cancer spawned out of Gen Z
cmon aussie, bring the bantz next time, this is low-tier
The Greatest Generation thought the Boomers were spoiled and worthless. The Boomers hated the Greatest Generation because they beat their children (them). They also hated X and called them the MTV generation and thought they were worthless. Everyone hates Millenials because they forgot that they acted exactly the same way when they were that age.
Generations don't really mean shit. It's a fake distinction made by whiners so they can blame other people for our collective problems.
Nice one
>be a boomer
>tell your kids to hurry up and move out so you can live a luxurious life style.
>spend all money on yourself.
>ask kids to change your diapers.
Yeah it really is crazy how an entire generation decided to be complete fuck ups.
I'm not sure how that came to be considering the country was pretty standardly conservative.
I figured out finally how fucked their whole generation is one night talking with my long-time girlfriend/soon wife's parents.
Both stereotypical boomers new age self centered retards that plan on dying broke with nothing left for their children and both have side action and really don't give a shit about their family, big time druggies and former drug users, heavy drinkers etc.
What would be considered a derelict by 1950s standards more or less.
Conversation gets around to social issues and drug use and its reflection of society etc. Mention how people who are addicted to crack are a victim of both their addiction and the way the country is.
Dad is like "Well I smoked crack, nothing wrong with me!"
tl;dr my future father in law smoked fucking crack. Amazing.
What kind of retard do you have to be to end up smoking crack. I try to run myself through a lot of different situations but they never end up with me smoking crack.
Boomers are fucking children, they're worse than fucking children because at least most kids feel bad when they've done something wrong.
There isn't one boomer alive today who hasn't done some fucked up shit, they're just all really horrible people.
Post the shop with cicadas
Boomer detected.
I got my job that way though tbqh
There is nothing new under the sun.
This has been going on for thousands of years.
Every generation, worse than the last.
>"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."-Socrates
Impying is just as shit as the boomers inplying it's not gen y that will have to fix both of their fucks ups. Their a reason why the growing right wing movement is filled with young millennial white and asian men.
Are there 76 million old selfish drug addicted fucks actively trying to/have destroyed every part of your country?
You wouldn't understand. Go try getting a job in America that isn't McDonalds or Walmart without a masters and 5 years experience.
It took me 8 years to go from a big box shithouse like walmart to a moderate wage after changing jobs/upgrading jobs 6 times.
I might MIGHT be able to afford a house - depends on what the boomer underwriter comes back with in a few days.
I work harder than boomers can even conceive of - they tell me when they see me working "youre working too hard, slow down" etc.
Don't have time to you self absorbed fuck I have to work twice as hard for half the money because you've ruined everything, and maybe just maybe if we work hard enough we can fix it despite their fuckups.
>joel stein
thats the jew david duke sites all the time for his article about jews running hollywood
Sounds horrible tbqh pham. I didn't even finish high school and I earn ~$90k roobux in a pretty sweet .gov job
>Be 30 years old.
>Realize that according to this information, is part of her parents generation.
>Explains why she tends to frown upon people like her last girlfriend who was idiot level liberal.
Implying Gen Y will even realize there's a problem.
Implying Gen Y will have the cognitive function to solve problems of that size after they're done taking their daily pile of mood balancing pills, eating their gluten free breakfast and being reassured they're a special snowflake.
>Implying Gen Y will even take the time to notice anything is wrong as they're intentionally distracted and inundated by thousands modes of information input and ultimately overload.
Gen Y won't do shit until they're being pushed inside the camp and by then its too late.
We're all that's left before the abyss boys, get used to it and get to work.
>>be a boomer
>>Spent 18 years raising your sorry ass
>>Paid for college, housing, car
>>Should have just gotten an abortion
>>Life would have been better
Yeah, because all those drugs were illegal back then and everyone knew the negatives of doing them.
Yeah I make 42k and I am better off than literally everyone else I know my age.
I'll be 30 this year and I see my peers around me with literally no hope of moving up and they focus on stupid shit.
Put it this way the highest wage after mine of all my friends is 12.50. He makes 12.50 an hour and average rent where I live is $1200 a month for a one bedroom apartment.
So yeah its fucking horrible. I managed to get a leg up but no one else is and I have to work fucking hard for it too.
Yeah crack def wasn't illegal and everyone def didn't know what it did.
Boomer fuck go smoke crack, shoot up on heroine or whatever.
Do it until you're dead please.
I know alot of young men around my age that very fucking angry with what is happening with western society.
>be a boomer
>Force kids into college via a student loan to save face
>"muh kids r edukated, hurr, durr"
>still expect kids to take care of them when they get old.
12.5*160 = 2000
I earn 2100/month as a graduate student, live a comfy life and will make 6 figures after graduating.
You need to work harder, user.
I hope you're right. If there's any chance of righting this ship we need everyone we can get.
So really I hope you're right and the kids figure it out.
I mean for the average black male growing up in america, even if he does want to get his shit together when he hits 18 he faces a 52% unemployment rate for his demographic.
I'm not here to try to say blacks have it harder than whites, they actually have a lot of government benefits we don't get access to, but just imagine you're looking in the paper or online or whatever to find a job and you're going up against 50% of all blacks age 18-25.
Its fucking mind boggling how badly they have fucked everything up.
>Will make
>After Graduating
Let me know how the job hunt goes you fucking retard.
Also how much do you owe in student loans?
You know after you graduate deferment ends right?
Enjoy that 400 a month every month for the next 30 years.
Dipshit really.
Both my parents had a handful of job offers right from high school, and worked them for over 40 years.
My dad made ~ 75k and mom ~95k CAD
All with a simple high school diploma
Doesn't look like any of us will have these opportunities even after University
Friendly reminder that the millenial generation is a product of the world created by the baby boomer generation.
They're not lazy, jobs are more scarce. They live with their parents because housing costs 10x more and wages have remained stagnant. And they're mounted with immense debt from massive increases in the cost of college education.
You won't take it from me.
TBQH you can probably make more money without the degree these days when you take into account the debt.
Its not like the degree really increases your odds of finding a job much once you take into account the ridiculous experience requirements most places want.
The only places to really make money are in markets that will always be around, and always have demand. Food/snack/beverage services/civil service/any skill trade not raped by illegals/tech sector jobs (FOR NOW).
I'd advise most of you young guys to train to be drone pilots, I hear thats the next big market.
>Let me know how the job hunt goes you fucking retard.
That's what all previous graduates from my lab earn. Except for those who decided to stay in academia.
>Also how much do you owe in student loans?
>You know after you graduate deferment ends right?
I don't even know what a "graduate deferment" is.
Sounds like you are just too stupid to live in this "fucked up" world. Off yourself.
friendly reminder that millenials are in fact lazy twats
>23 making 115k a year with no post secondary
>what is deferment
What a fucking crock of shit. Enjoy whatever fantasy you're living in you delusional retard.
Deferment means that while you're going to school all those big numbers that the federal government says you owe don't mean anything.
Once you stop attending school however they become very, crushingly real. You owe 0 though so cool won't be an issue.
Maybe you can fantasy away the bill when it comes in too.
The first step is to try and improve things. For starters, don't fall into the self-entitlement/piss away money meme most millenials fall into.
>No Meme.
One fucking job, Time.
>Too retarded to avoid student loans
Jesus it's so fucking easy. Community college->cheap state school->paid graduate program in STEM->good job.
You might have some debt but if you have a degree in engineering/CS you'll pay it off immediately.
Sure, user. Enjoy your sad fantasy world where all college graduates are in debt, where you are a hard-working person and evil boomers in the government are making your life miserable.
Don't forget to learn drone piloting, and also vote Bernie.
MIllI here
Have been making 52k+ a year since I was 19 27 now with paid off house and 200k in bank
>tfw no education required
>tfw mailman and work 33~ hours a week
Pretty hot sometimes but its nice being done at 1:30pm everyday
Or military->paid community college->paid state school->paid graduate program and literally 0 debt.
Boomers have been pieces of shit since around 2000. The oldest gen y is about 35 now. Way more than enough time to recognise these simple problems and do something. But gen y and those younger gen x who are for all intents and purposes gen y as well voted against their own interests. They're worse than boomers.
Now we will pay for their houses, their retirements, health care, old people homes, pensions and the huge government debts we've racked up to keep things as they've been for so long.
One bazillion percent owned by boomers.
Gen x and y have just been a bunch of scum faggots.
>The oldest gen y is about 35 now
They are closer to gen x in the advantages they had mate. the middle of gen y downwards the that are pissed because we are sooo incredibly fucked even if we have done everything we should have to succeed it's not funny.
Yeah your anecdotal evidence of making a pretty buck in your rich daddy's firm definitely means the economic situation is in fact just the same as in post-war years.