How does Hiroyuki Sawano compare to Hollywood composers?
How does Hiroyuki Sawano compare to Hollywood composers?
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This is gorgeous
Zimmer is boring after a while. What about Basil Poledouris?
He also made the iconic Robocop theme.
Imma listen to this nigga but I raise you a Yoko Kanno and not that overplayed Ghost in the Shell shit
I wanna give this lady the succ
simplistic but fitting
This dude is even more generic the nu-Hans Zimmer
Zimmer has undergone something of a renaissance stylistically, since he had sex with Peter Glass.
>Peter Glass
And what about Ramin Djawadi?
- Pacific Rim
- GoT
- Westworld
- Prison Break
Glass is just a poor man's Max Richter
Richter and Glass is a weird fucking comparison.
>Zimmer has undergone something of a renaissance stylistically
Zimmer fanboys get more delusional by the second.
Dude this composition is way below what Hans doing.
Shapes with such simple patterns, like a pop song. sounds nice, tho.
He's what kajiura yuki was in the 00's. Everyone praises him like the second coming and is using him in everything and this is where it goes wrong. Sawano is being used too much to the extend that most of his shit is rehashed or not interesting at all. Unicorn is imo his best work but he made plenty of shit in between.
His work works for series but not for movies. Because he is being so overused in everything he wouldn't have the time to make a great movie score, he would really need the time to figure that out cause he can't pull the same shit he has been doing for short run shows nobody remembers.
Now this one is gorgeoys. Best one so far.
that's because this nigga doesn't know sheeeeit
Glass has, for one thing, a much bigger portfolio than Richter. I like Richter a lot but he's sort of pleb neo-classical whereas Glass has made some shit and made some real kino. He is the legitimate article.
good shit
this is best with phones and the lights off
You can keep them both.
This mofo right here is the greatest in Japan right now.
that movie is kino
can't even play his own songs at concerts without fucking up
got track light of the seven is overrated garbage
>generic pop rock jazz
>Not even the best cues
Get it together
Iwasaki can destroy any other composer mentioned so far in this thread when it comes to wielding a traditional orchestra too if that's more to your liking.
>more generic shit, this time of the Disney flavor
stop watching anime you fucking pleb
>he thinks everything that came before modern Hollywood percussion nonsense sounds like Disney
Zimmer fanboys continue to show their retardation
>how does Japanese Hans Zimmer compare to Hans Zimmer?
>generic shit
Wagner wants a word with you.
>more generic muzak, even Top Gun has a more original sound than the generic Jap shit you keep promoting
Delude weebs think their sub-mediocre taste are above average because of relative obscurity
>posts 80s synth garbage to show off "superior taste"
So far your example is the most generic thing posted in the entire thread. Congratulations.
do you lack reading comprehension?
Do you lack understanding of the English language?
Really ironic for someone calling others weebs.
The word 'even' was used to highlight how generic your weebshit is. Though I should know better when dealing with weebs, you simpletons need everything spelled out. 'Even' the sound track to a shallow Tony Scott blockbuster is less generic than the Jap shit you posted. Also the only thing ironic is the way in which you try to use the word weeb, such use would go against the definition of weeb.
>Sup Forumstard writes an entire wall of text to defend his ESL origins
Still, your point is moot because your synth shit is, as I said before, the most generic garbage in the entire thread.
Congratulations on contributing nothing. Keep raging.
>admits he lacks reading comprehension
>still reaches for the Sup Forums and ESL memes
Congrats, not only do you have shit taste for generic Jap muzak but you are also an idiot
Are you telling me BvS soundtrack is bad?
>NO U: The post
If you're trying to hide your Sup Forumstard origins, you're not doing a very good job there, sonny.
>gets BTFO
>reaches for >NO U: the posts
Just keep doubling down Jimmy, eventually the otherside will give up and then you can pretend you were right all along
>posts "MURRICA FUCK YEAH: The Movie"
>I ain't not Sup Forumstard!
>breaths air
>must be a Sup Forumstard!
Brilliant logic, apparently pulling generic music from one of the most popular flicks of all time to show how the posted weeb music is even more generic makes one a Sup Forumstard
>one of the most popular flicks of all time
Stop projecting yourself into this movie
>lacks reading comprehension
>lacks basic understanding of logic
Are you implying that a property that is found among many groups can be used to deduce membership to one specific group?
>highest grossing film of 86, ingrained into pop culture
>calls me delusional for claiming it is a popular flick
Keep going user, I get enjoyment out of your idiocy
>1986 represents "all time"
>trying to claim a movie whose l entire rep is "MURRICA FUCK YEAH" as not being political
>"Fuckin Jap-lovin Weeb I ain't no Sup Forumstard!"
Seek help.
>keeps trying use illogical arguments and false claims to push Sup Forums meme
Are you saying Top Gun is not one of the most popular films of all time, that is not referenced throughout pop culture, that it is not one of the most iconic 80s movies. Also where did I claim that Top Gun was not political, though only weebs or simpletons are influenced by such simple entertainment. Seek education and better culture.
>All this backpedaling
Jesus fuck
I'm glad we both finally agree that you're Sup Forumstard who likes Top Gun for being MUH AMERICUH
Do you consider calling out outright lies backpedaling? Keep digging, weeb
>outright lies
Oh-kay kiddo.
Get back to me when Top Gun is known for anything other than MAGA.
>Top Gun 1986
>MAGA, alt-right, Sup Forums, Donald
these mental gymnastics, please seek education weeb
>Trump invented MAGA
>Trump invented the Cold War
You couldn't be a more typical Sup Forumstard
Dude, you lost like five posts ago. just give it up, you're embarrassing yourself.
>Regan's and Clinton's marginal use of the phrase is more important than Trump's
>Trump is ideologically comparable to any Cold War president
Keep reaching weebtard.
Also with respect to the lies comment I was referring to you trying imply that I said Top Gun was not political, you called that backpedaling, to me that is calling an outright lie. I keep forgetting I have spell everything out for you weeb simpletons.
>>Regan's and Clinton's marginal use of the phrase is more important than Trump's
But it is.
Once again, typical Sup Forumstard delusions would be the only way you would believe otherwise.
My argument was that you're a Sup Forumstard and Top Gun is a patriotic political film.
You've all but agreed with me the entire time. Once again, thanks for contributing nothing other than your butthurt and rage.
>But it is.
Your argument is that you can deduce that someone is a pol/tard because they have seen Top Gun, which is some retarded logic. All of this to defend your generic weeb muzak.
>Your argument is that you can deduce that someone is a pol/tard because they bring up the most stereotypical example of "MURRICA STRONK: the movie" as better than something foreign
I can, and you've confirmed it with each passing post.
Back to your ragepill now
>all of this projecting
All I said was a generic song from an 80s flick is better than the weebshit you posted, then you got butthurt from this truth and started calling me a pol/tard/ because I insulted the honor of MUH FOREIGN MUZAK. Go back to if you wish to discuss children's cartoons with other maldeveloped weebs.
>someone on Sup Forums who brings up Top Gun without knowing what it represents
You're as dense as the wall that Trump promised he would build for you.
>watching a film is the same as subscribing to the politics of said film
This is idiotic, even for a weeb
>using a figurehead film for Sup Forums's ideals against something that Sup Forums hates does not make me a Sup Forumstard!
>all I did was watch the film, not champion it for 20 entire posts about how superior it is to that evil chink weebshit!
>tfw one of the best pieces ever is written by a japanese woman
Watch that movie series anons, it's great
>weebs still puking their shit everywhere
Kill yourselves.
>Top Gun
>Figurehead film for Sup Forums's ideals
>all aesthetic distinctions are politically motivated
learn to read weeb, I said the generic music in it was superior to the generic weeb muzak you posted.
Maybe i will, but only if you listen to it first
>time to backpedal again about Top Gun not being Sup Forumsitical
>Top Goy
>Sup Forums's ideals
Sawano is a hack SnK is a fluke
all other anime scored by him have maybe 1-2 good tracks (aliez etc) (except re:creators which doesn't have any good tracks) and the rest is really generic boring trash. also he has an instantly recognizable signature sound caused by reusing the same drum samples and boring melodies in literally everything he produces except SnK which is genius
Hey man it's not our fault that the best music scores can be found in anime...
>I'm not from Sup Forums but, let me correct you on how to be a proper Sup Forumstard!
Replace SnK with Unicorn and I would agree with you
>there is no fixed definition for Sup Forumstard, I can use it willynilly
>thread about composers
>muh Sup Forums
>muh trump
>muh clinton
this board needs to be deleted for at least a week
I think that's often the problem with a composer getting 'famous' or over used. They produce a good soundtrack (or a few songs) worthy of listening to outside the media and it's great at what it was made for. But then every director wants them to replicate that past success, even if the tone or hype isn't the same. Eventually they just become their own generic wash of samey shit. IE for nips Shiro Sagisu, Ali project etc.
There is too much of a good thing and an overuse of a composers style can get old.
>muh Goyum
If you dislike Nip composers that much, wait until you get a stroke knowing that almost all the popular Golden Age Hollywood composers were Jews
Sawano's been recylcling Unicorn for almost a decade now. He's a fucking hack.
Based Iwasaki.
Joe Hisaishi is better than anybody listed here, faggets.
Who /jazzgundam/ here?
I was pointing out how ridiculous it was to imply that a Jewish produced movie represents Sup Forums's ideals
Move aside kids.
Underrated scores from bad/forgotten movies
This is good but it doesn't stick with you like the classic movie themes. Composers are so bad at making memorable scores now.
He even makes meme music
Finally, someone with actual taste.
Yeah, people seem to ignore him here, but he was as good, possibly better than John Williams.
Step aside plebs.
>Jewish produced movie
so all of them
Real film composer coming through:
His range was incredible.
I was waiting for this
Zimmer is German
Morricone is Italian
Horner is British
Ryuichi Sakamoto is also Japanese
And as mentioned most Golden Age composers were Jews
Take your bigotry and get the fuck out of here
Miyazaki shill please