It's a Federation flagship.
Can you imagine if we sent lone aircraft carriers into uncharted or disputed waters?
It's a Federation flagship.
Can you imagine if we sent lone aircraft carriers into uncharted or disputed waters?
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Well isn't its job to explore the universe? The whole go where no one has gone before? It's more of an expedition venture than a combat one.
It's a diacoverer, you doofus.
Learning that escort vessels were a thing really made me lose my infatuation with the Navy. How can you literally put ships there to serve as a screen to protect other, bigger ships?
A what??
>but they do that all the time
Different ships have different capabilities and advantages. Think of it as covering the big one's blind spots. The little ones can't carry a host of fighter jets, but they are more maneuverable and generally have better weapons.
Why don't they have a squadron of starfighters? Star Trek's awkward battles between single, monstrous ships are kind of like watching whales have sex.
One ship can't do everything user.
I think he meant 'discoverer'
It's pretty stupid that they send ships out solo. Even just pairs of ships would open up countless tactical options. And make solving the challenges in like half the episodes trivial.
Those ships aren't there to 'take one for the team' they are there to literally shoot down incoming missiles and submarines
They have no intention of being blown up, just like infantry screen artillery or fighter jets cover a bomber group
>tfw you realise 95% of the problems encountered by the Enterprise wouldn't be an issue if ships travelled in a group of 2 or 3
I liked in Enterprise though, when they were being chased by Klingons, they just jumped to the Sol System and the Klingons got btfo by 8-12 starfleet ships
The idea that there were never any ships around Earth earlier or in the recent movie really pissed me off
Comparing the Enterprise to a military vessel shows you didn't understand Star Trek at all
Your memory is a little zanier than reality. It was just 3 ships. One "Intrepid-type" and two "Delta-type" (pic related).
>multiple ships always means a military/hostile force
If you had your way, all Starfleet ships would be unarmed sitting ducks.
I thought the Enterprise was a research vessel for scientific exploration. It was armed, just as many modern and past historical exploration missions on Earth were.
"Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before."
That is the dumbest analogy I've ever read in my entire life and everyone here is stupider for having read it. Myself included.
A lot of the time the enterprise does not need to interact with a planet as it can stay in orbit or away as they send down an away team. Sometimes the enterprise isn't alone though and that is fine.
The Galaxy class was like putting party banners and balloons on the battleship Iowa and calling it an """"explorer"""".
You don't send the flagship out to explore.
Roddenberry was a hack.
>you don't send your most advanced, powerful and impresive ship with top tier crew to explore
>you should send some shitty ass low class boat with red shirts only m8
You send mid level ships to explore.
You use your big impressive, advanced ship along borders keeping an eye on your enemies.
Wish is what the Enterprise actually did. Sometimes.
fighters aren't necessarily more realistic anyway. if you want realistic space combat it would be two ships firing tungsten rods at each over 10AU. also every ship would be covered in anti-reflective paint so you couldn't even see them. no sound either, to be honest realistic space combat would be pretty boring unless you made it like a submarine battle.
Was the original 1701 Enterprise the flagship or did it become that after it was the only one to survive its 5 year exploration mission.
Which by the way if 11 of your most powerful and advanced ships get destroyed because you keep sending them out on their own maybe they should have more of a "fleet" emphasis in Starfleet.
>Was the original 1701 Enterprise the flagship
No. Enterprise D was the flagship.
You should watch the movie Battleship, it'll get your enthusiasm back up and explain all that.
>le "no federation warships" meme
That isn't realistic at all.
>firing tungsten rods
Wouldn't be as effective as torpedoes
>over 10AU
You could use impulse engines to dodge those attacks
>anti-reflective paint
Why? Sensors aren't reliant on visual targeting
Tungsten rods are fucking OP against ground targets though.
Because it's not a Warship retard, it's an exploration ship that primarily stays in Federation territory.
>Deep Space Nine a Galaxy Class Ship is sent through the Wormhole
>It has an escort of smaller ships
I guess that's technically correct but i meant during the TOS ERA
the original yeah but once they encountered hostiles you would think they would send out a fleet
They did, they sent a small force to establish diplomatic contact with the Gorn.
Have fun staying in a formation smaller than several thousand kilometers for more than an hour.
In space speed and distances are pretty wild. Even in low-earth orbit a few m/s difference in velocity will cause orbits to differ greatly and vehicles to drift apart real far.
They have really great computers in Star Trek, I'm sure they can synchronise their engines into parallel trajectories, or at least activate a system that will auto-correct if they drift over time.
Modern spess ships and satellites do this too, and it's a pain in the ass, and a huge waste of delta-V.
TL;DR: if you want to stay with something, dock with it.
>Computer, match their course and speed
Was said countless times.
The enterprise was never referred to as the flagship in TOS era.
Its just another ship. We don't even know if it was the most technically advanced ship the federation had.
>two runabouts
Proven on countless occasions to not be a problem.
I think it became the flagship after Starfleet adopted its emblem as the Federation symbol.
Std is spitting on that but I don't think anyone cares about std at this point.
>Computer, match their course and speed
Literally did nothing, if they're in orbit.
>Computer, set up a rendezvous course and kill velocity near the closest point
This is what you should to.
People think ST is MUH SERIOUS SCI-FI but they mostly ignore orbital physics.
Trek was never hard sci-fi and never claimed to be such. They have magical beings and space combat is like in atmospheric combat.
Babylon 5 is the only one to get zero G right in that regard.
>>Computer, match their course and speed
>Literally did nothing, if they're in orbit.
Yes it did, it put them into the same orbital path and speed. I'm sure I remember it being used to hide at the other side of a planet to someone a few times.
>>>Computer, set up a rendezvous course and kill velocity near the closest point
>This is what you should to.
If you want to trigger their planetary defences, sure
>this whole post
What the fuck retard.
Why does the flagship of the Federation have 1000 civilians on board? Then act surprised when aggressive races feel no remorse in attacking them despite this fact
I'm certain there's at least one international law irl that makes riding into combat loaded with civilians a war crime. Human shields and all that.
The Federation just doesn't do that sort of thing, their ships almost always operate solo. No, it doesn't make a lot of sense, but that's what they do.
>it was the only one to survive its 5 year exploration mission.
I never liked that bit of lore they created post-TOS. It's one of those things they think up to sound dramatic but actually makes it seem terrible if you think about it for more than a second. If you lose 11/12 ships (and over 4000 people), it wasn't a successful class.
The Enterprise never seemed to be more than a few hours warp away from the Neutral Zone.
What is the naval equivalent of mortars? Why not just lob those at the carrier's parked planes.
The Federation is never more than a few hours warp away from the Neutral Zone.
Picard was an Ambassador basically. What they meant by "Flagship" wasn't the military sense of the ship that the commander of a fleet would use, but some kind of mobile advert for why you want to join The Federation (look how smart and advanced we are, look at this luxury, you can have this too if you just let us be your bosses forever). And Picard was the chief salesman of the USS Propaganda.
Federation aren't easily startled cucks like the USA.
Because even if you get close enough, the SeaWhizz will shoot it down no problem
Because phasers are ridiculously accurate, they're capital-ship grade weapons with the accuracy of point defence systems. Starfighters wouldn't do shit since they'd be too small to mount proper shielding onto, maneuverability is of limited use in Trek, you're not going to dodge weapons with any reliability.
Star Trek weaponry also draws power from the ship's warp core a lot, so smaller ship means smaller warp core means weaker weapons.
Unless it's a Chinese hypersonic cruise missile.
it covers dias
Enterprise is not supposed to be an aircraft carrier more like a shop of the line.
The GOAT Trek scene
Never seen the show here.
Are all these required viewing or do people usually skip some of them?
This thread sucks. It was started by an ignorant normie. Learn about Star Trek before posting, Chadlet. Why are you even here?
Yes. But watch the original series and ONLY the original series.
Everything afterwards is pretty shit with very very few exceptions.
Is std out? Also great acronym
Watch every episode of whatever you pick. I can't say whether to watch the remastered or original versions of TOS because there are a few different remasters and some are better, some are worse. There's no point watching 2 versions of each on your first go though.
The trailer dropped the other day and boy is it bad. Jj lenseflare, Dutch angles and barely any lighting. Massive contradictions to established canon. Awful set design. They ruined the Klingons and the plot is the cliche old an ancient evil awakens.
Just forget it exists.
What's the smallest change you can make to Voyager to make it great?
Big ships are an really easy target. And big trophy for the enemy. Just look the Bismack or the Yamato at World War II.
Remove Braga
have it run on syndication not upn
Didn't the Federation have fighters/corvettes during the Dominion War?
Starfleet ships have shields. Escorts are kinda the shields of the carrier. So if the carrier had shields it wouldn't need escorts and could go alone.
or the Titanic
Icebergs 1
Titanic 0
They did. The ships that Wesley and his cadet buddies also looked like fighters, and I think it's unlikely they'd manufacture some just for cadet display groups to use and nobody else.
Did you miss the entire point of the show? Starfleet are explorers, not military conquistadores. They have weapons for self-defense, not for destroying anyone they see.
Ironically enterprise was/is the most powerful-est ships in the entire show
Because the navy commanders in Star Trek are crazy nut jobs that can't organize shit.
That's the canon explanation.
Not even close though, any Breen ship could destroy it, and I'd put bets on a Romulan Warbird over a Galaxy class. Then there's all those mega-powerful alien ships that Picard talked down
why did they send a single ship in VOY to capture the Maquis?
They had a man on the inside, and the Intrepid class was very powerful even compared to Federation ships, nevermind a shitty Maquis runabout that it could store in its hold.
Because Star Trek is retarded, that's why.
>So if the carrier had shields it wouldn't need escorts and could go alone.
You know nothing about maritime warfare.
>exploratory ships can't travel in groups
the defiant was supposed to have all its power and was faster and more agile becuz no science labs and families and luxuries
but space is big, by sending single ships in more directions they can cover more ground
also this way when they meet the god alien of the week only one ship is potentially lost
>but actually makes it seem terrible
I think its just to show how dangerous space is especially when a very small fraction of the local galaxy has been explored.
This is so painfully stupid I really don't know where to begin
it's not like guided missile destroyers are just cannon fodder, they'll blow you the fuck out long before you ever reach them either..
You should begin by stop being stupid and realising he's right
Escort vessels serve a variety of functions, strategic, tactical, and otherwise. Shields just let you tank damage. You're retarded, user.
"He" huh?
>think it's unlikely they'd manufacture some just for cadet display groups to use and nobody else.
>a variety of functions, strategic, tactical, and otherwise
Well, they're not a military so they don't need the one function you mentioned here, got any others?
>You're a mongoloid idiot poopoo head
Do I win now?
Space combat in TV and film is basically retarded in any real sense, so who cares how it's portrayed.
>Starfleet isn't a military
Yeah, we're done I guess. Koolaid can't be undrank.
nuBSG did a good job with it
>just for cadet display groups to use and nobody else.
>Beechcraft T-6 Texan II
>2 Operational history
>2.1 United States
>2.2 Canada
>2.3 Greece
>2.4 Israel
>2.5 Iraq
>2.6 Mexico
>2.7 Morocco
>2.8 New Zealand
>2.9 United Kingdom
So no. Furthermore, that's used for training pilots for similar aircraft, why would they train people in Starfleet to use fighters if there aren't any in real use?
The Federation's goal is exploration, not war. Besides, there were plenty of other Galaxy-class starships in the fleet, the Enterprise was just the first. Also, was the Galaxy-class really their most powerful ship in terms of weaponry? Kirk's Constitution class was the flagship, but I'm pretty sure it was outgunned by the Miranda class.
And if you didn't notice, Picard wasn't much of a combat tactician. They put him in charge for diplomacy and exploration.
Armed explorers who have military rank and hierarchy, and who engage in combat operations against governments hostile to the Federation.
Enterprise is comfy as fuck if you don't like Scott Bakula you're a fag.