How does that gel with her black empowerment agenda?
Why does she have a white boyfriend?
>enslaving a white man
>not empowering
less white babies. not hard to figure out OP.
is it a black thing to never smile?
Because once you go white you don't give up the fight
Because she's hardly black.
Once you go white, everything's alright!
She's the least black they could get away with without making not black
but the black babies become lighter
Oveereem is pretty dark IRL though plus he's a pussy bitch that always runs around the ring when it starts getting tough
really fucking handsome though
also what can he do, god gave him a shit chin
you have 2 bags
one filled with clean clothes and one with dirty clothes
you have clean shirt.
you spill a little bit of tomato sauce on the front of the shirt.
into which bag does it go?
Because that's the stereotype. Woke angry black women get with fixer upper or creative non-black men, because most black men are still stuck in the homophobic womanizing fuckboy phase, the religious authoritarian African phase, or the Hotep conspiracy theorist phase. The few good black men usually get with non-black women.
Why are third worlders such shitposters?
Did you watch the show? The entire point is everything isn't black and white, there are shades of gray. She can be an activist and still love anyone she wants.
Did you watch the show?
>identifying as black
that is how
Its a "I am powerful" face
those without power fake it
>into which bag does it go?
into my wife's baby bag desu
there's white and then everything darker than white for blacks is black
Coco is best girl
except white people invented the one drop rule
The bag that goes to the cleaners.
I didn't bother watching this garbage to give this the views. is she supposed to be a full black in the show or a half breed?
because it's true
But if they keep making babies with whites, over generations they will breed themselves out of existence.
Unless you have a Sup Forums-tier understanding of genetics, this should be obvious to everyone.
Why not watch at least one episode of the fucking thing and you'll find out
This makes literally no sense when you consider the fact that whites are heavily outnumbered in terms of world population, and that third world immigrants are pouring into white countries by the millions every year.
But whites are still not the minority race in thier respective countries are they you moron?
>inb4 they will be
Show me one unbiased source that claims this.
America is like 60% white at this point, and with Europe letting in 3 million refugees every year, it'll be minority white within one or two generations, it's simple mathematics.
i think the point is they're all actually shiters
Most of Europe is against it. It's those Western cucks that keep going and it's the reason why they will be exterminated (hopefully) before they gain any more power.
The whole show is about how she's in the wrong, you dumbass, it's supposed to look hypocritical
Thats not even close to true. Dark skinned blacks give light skinned blacks shit all the time for being true blacks
Thats the joke, women like this say one thing than do another, she is a poser. She's angry because:
* She is fighting to be taken seriously against white supremacy and racism whilst fucking and submitting to a white male. She gets into bed with the enemy to fight her war, using underhanded subversive plays
* she fights hard to be taken seriously by other blacks. (Blacks don't take mulattos seriously) ie. Mulatto Obama had to marry Michelle to be taken seriously by the Black community despite almost exclusively dating white women before marrying Michelle.
* She doesn't pass for white, therefore never accepted by whites despite having a white father.
* Sexually attracted to white males (exclusively) much like her father(which is normal as females seek men who remind them of their father and males of their mother)
She is angry because you can't have your cake and eat it too.
* Much like white supremacist males married to asian women talking about the 14 words, white children and a white ethnostate despite having half asian sons that will inherit the country.
*Much Like Asian females that whine about yellow fever, feminism and the asian community whilst dating and having children with White men at a rate of 40%
Light skinned blacks used to be house niggers that stayed in the masters house. Dark skinned blacks don't like them because they have a history of being uppity.
Whites don't like them as they still see black.
White passing blacks assimilated into white society, left their black siblings and family in the lynch and never looked back, still happens today.
Light skinned negroes will always be seen as house negroes.
>She can be an activist and still love anyone she wants.
I see. so you are saying she's allowed to be a hypocrite because she's non-white and a woman
>there are shades of gray
>not shades of brown
that's pretty racially insensitive senpai
No it isn't stupid. black skin can be bred out in like 2 to 3 generations. Then you end up with people with black features but white skin. or people with white features with direct, still living negro family These were called race passers. Since race is a social construct we made the one drop rule so that having white skin wasn't the only criteria for being white.
>I see. so you are saying she's allowed to be a hypocrite because-
>I didn't watch the show and have no idea what I'm talking about but watch me argue this thing I have no idea what I'm talking about nor understand.
Why do stupid people do this? Even looking up the cliff notes would let you know you're arguing something that doesn't exist. But even that requires too much intelligent thought.
How can black """men""" even compete?
Fuck drumpf and fuck white people. Let the BBC breed white wombs and put the white race out of existence.
>hand-wringing intensifies
He has weak fucking mind. Physical blessed but no mental toughness. Chin is somewhat physical but mostly mental. This dude quits before the fight starts.
Fucking handsome, though