DNC Walk Out is nuts. People were burning flags in the street, people talking about rushing the gates...

DNC Walk Out is nuts. People were burning flags in the street, people talking about rushing the gates, now some HRC plant is trying to convince people to move from gate.


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bumping quality "party unity"

Hillary ya dun goofed, shoulda picked Bernie for VP, the bernouts would have been dumb enough to be appeased by that...

Yeah, The applause also sound like the room is empty. Like 20 people are clapping for him.

How will MSNBC and CNN spin this, Sup Forums?

Too bad these people are too low test to actually riot

She couldn't. She had already promised it to Tim Kaine to get him to step down as the DNC chair so the woman who co-chaired her first presidential campaign (((DWS))) could rig the primary for her.

DNC literally bused people in as walk out occurred. Now media trying to show angles of crowds again.

Glad we have this initial picture. Thousands walked out.

I was wondering who they refilled the crowd with, they were showing tight shots but showed one angle that showed a fuller section

Huge crowd, looks full after clinton

oh my god banks go the fuck away

See >82961073

Link fail.

They either won't talk about it or will bitch about Trump some more.

Probably having ushers move people forward to pack strategically located seating blocks to make the TV look good.

Spot on brother.

Why are the protesters burning flags?
They should be burning Hillary or Wasserman.




It must smell absolutely rank in there. Like poo-poo pee-pee

When did they walk out?


So they definitely rigged the mics today right guys? There was literally not a single boo to be heard

They're probably mixing in ambient crowd noise, too.

Smoke and mirrors...

as soon as HRC got the nom

Christ what lies we live in. Makes you wonder what it real.

Nothing is real user. All of this is just keys and values.



How can nominations be real if Democrats aren't.

Everything is a presentation for your consumption.

Gawker claims " masterful bit of media manipulation" lmao. Can't make this shit up. Their narrative is falling apart before their eyes

>Trump supporters secretly infiltrate DNC, crash the party with no survivors

Shut the fuck up and finish your homework Jaden, you will never be as successful as your dad unless you do your homework

Wasn't their revenue cut in half this year or last year?

>Retard liberals who think they are untouchable


also checked

its all trumps fault if he wasn't such a bully their children wouldnt be so mad. THINK OF THE CHILDREN TRUMPFAGS! do you really want your kids to grow up to be CHADS who actually contribute to society????????


Why are people still holding up bernie signs?

love how they have to get niggers to talk to these protestors

Someone incite a riot there this is boring.

This is so boring I am falling asleep. Was about as exciting as the occupy protest.

Were they talking about Hulk Hogan's dick as he pushed their shit in?

White Liberals are so pacifist they won't dare attempt to stage a revolt

it's really up to the niggers.

Lmao philly is my hometown and this EAGLES chant is killing me

Is there more photographs or video of people walking out? What magnitude are we talking here, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands? The image you posted could just be some older photo of people walking out of an event that concluded on schedule.

probably trying to support him after they scrubbed him

They were walking out to register to vote early

just got home.Can anyone explain to a fucking leaf why there was a walkout?

>Bernie for VP
I think she likes being alive rather than assassinated.

because you're not good shitposters.

Someone needs to run down there and incite some fucking violence!

We need to send in an agitator

Meanwhile, the lugenpresse is reporting that the convention is going without a hitch, and what a historic moment this is to have a vagina -in-chief

>Austrailian taking back his title

god bless you Didgeridoos.

I bet you won't riot when a 2000-esque election ending causes your dear leader to lose to the crook :,(

Fucking cowards, the whole lot of us



Even the guards look bored out of their minds. Send BLM down there to liven things up.

Lol I love the fascination with protest that has happened over the past few years.
Protesting doesn't solve shit.
People think because some niggers protested and got some reforms that were going to happen anyway that they are gonna bring about change with pretty signs and chants.
Protesting only serves to breed animosity.



tbpfhwy famalam we really don't need to.

lol at everything but burning flags

those creatures burning flags makes me want to burn crosses

>Hillary Clinton
>because she took fucking Bernie, who has no ties to and is not really an asset for people up high

If anything, it would be Sanders with the barbell on his neck. There really isn't a reason why she shouldn't have picked him for VP, it's not like he'll do anything but assume the cuck position when she tells him to be quiet and pander.

It was dinner time and there was free food. That's all.

so all I see i autism, pure autism, hippies and numales that fell for the movember crap and grow beards to try hide their pussyness.... Fucking weirdass looking goblins, skelletons and fatsos

I couldn't watch anymoar

you are fucked up


Hey there Satan

Question, why has Hillary not been present at the convention? Tonight she was on a live feed from New York.

So, let me see if i got it right:

While trump got a shitload of points in his convention, hilary lost a lot cause of pitiful drama inside her own party, right?

Yeah. Sarah Silverman basically admitted as much yesterday.

The nominee usually doesn't show up until their speech. Trump was only there early to introduce his wife.

I'm aware of this, but usually they are present in the audience.

Reminds me of another leftist retard convention...

Burnouts may burn the house down just to kill her if she shows up.

>We can dream cant we?

I'm watching this now, and the spin levels are reaching bold faced lie levels. They are literally talking about how peaceful and quiet the room was, and how acceptance has finally settled into the crowd. This is reaching communist levels of revision.

Disgusting. Every incident like this is adding up to me and converting my vote to Trump.



>yeah she'd know

arriving under sniper fire

>Bernie speaks out and suddenly dies from a barbell falling on his neck
>his supporters absolutely go batshit crazy and storm the white house, killing Hillary

Please, Kek, let it be...

Well there is literally no mention of it on CNN's website.

unity in action :)

As if they haven't been ignoring retarded hippies for like 100 years

Someone needs to turn off that shitty rap music playing on the periscope feed.


that isn't an american flag they are burning

are they woke?

...we gave those bernouts too many redpills

When the purge comes, the heads of these media outlets, their star anchors, producers and writers need to be eliminated. Someone needs to make a list.

Dub-Dubs be praised!

Only if you consider Palestinians woke.

I cringed so hard it hurts

Democrats goofed, they should have picked Sanders. Money and money alone is the only reason she won.

>Still more people than 76ers and flyers games

Thats some 4D checkers right there

Why the fuck are there houseplants in the sink? Don't they need a sink?

I'm afraid the audience was too hostile to her for that to be considered safe

That's totes going to get all the young edgy kids.

It's so rad guys am I right?

Top tier truth bomb

Sanders can't win a general election because he's too jewish and too socialist, both of which are not gonna get you elected. he also looks too old.

Remember, it's all about image. Nixon beat Kennedy's ass in their debate, but Kennedy looked better on TV because he had studio makeup on, while Nixon didnt and ended up looking old and sweaty.

FDR pretended to walk because nobody's gonna vote for a cripple, while they might vote for the guy that's so tough he can walk with polio.

2. What does this mean?
3. Will we see chimpout soon?

We have to get this out

And too cucked. He immortalized the cuck stance

This allows water to drain.