"One is real, one is not,"
Just now at the DNC - Bill Clinton on Palestine:
Other urls found in this thread:
Say what..? They just had Sarah Silverman shilling for them and now THIS?!
You know those Berniefags who were convinced to vote Hillary last night?
They just got un-convinced. Dissing Palestine is sacrilege to the Berner.
haha what ? he said palestine wasn't real ?
>just fugg my party unity up pham
How Can Israel be Real if the Holocaust Isn't Real?
>Sup Forums will believe anything
C'mon, at least criticize something he actually said
he also said something along the lines of "people are scared of real agents of change, you have to make them look cartoonish," revealing exactly what they did to Bernie's ideas and Trump in general.
i'd almost say that it was a near full-on admittance Trump was a cartoon villian-esque plant to ensure election, but that's non of my business as a cuckservative
t. Jeb Bush, please reply.
What did he mean by this?
then who was gas chambers?
> inb4 spic
The russians
I-is he okay?
he actually said this
It's right there in the name.
>Is real
I literally watched the whole speech. He didn't say that Palestine didn't exist.
Stop false flagging to make Trump support look stupid
More like nigger.
Obama pls
The clinton family wont be welcome in America soon
None of their Bambi fuzzy bullshit is working. Trump is the last shot at the multicultural dream ever working out. More than likely it will be war before then.
>How Can Israel be Real if the Holocaust Isn't Real?
Real jews, religious jews, were opposed to Israel. The zionists needed a way to corral sheep to Palestine to start a new state. The answer was make them run for their lives. Still, most did not choose apostasy.
> (OP)
>It's right there in the name.
>>Is real
Isis, Ra, and El
Both Bernie and Trump are pretty cartoonish.
Only hardcore bernfags can't see that Bernie was a plant all along to shit on any future legit politician with similar ideas.
did he just lose the democratic jewish vote?
He said one story of Hillary is real and one is fake media controlled and not real.
All us who has researched her emails know what is real, Trump knows what is real.
All of us looking at the Clinton foundation know which Hillary is real.
The shit they are pumping out and selling is over the top. Non brain washed people are going to sell through this, Bernie bros who know how wall street works will see through this shit too.
I will say the DNC is doing some serious brain washing.
First night fake, 2nd night brain washing, third night....?
>is real
you literally didnt watch it close enough you faggot, stop sperging out
and hoe does this make trump look stupid? god youre retarded
Cool cancer forehead sore.
Damn, Bill ain't looking so good these days.
It's time to decide, Sup Forums.
Merchant or Kebab?
The Democrats are siding with Kebab.
>not wanting a two state solution
One state means that the Arabs outbreed you with their insane birth rates and by 2050, Israel is majority durka.
> le you have to choose le semite meme
protip: their donors are a bunch of jews
>the day Sup Forums was shilled to infinity
As long as we have the orthodox breeding like rabbits they will never over take us.
Is he alright?
Orthodoxs are sandnigger-tier tho
>Bernie was a plant all along to shit on any future legit politician with similar ideas.
Except that by getting so close he's probably inspired people to keep trying.
why run the risk? why would you even want to have any of them in your borders? Imagine if they all just disappeared one day into the Bank and Gaza. Just build a wall and maintain the military and all your worries would be gone.
>and hoe does this make trump look stupid? god youre retarded
Alright user, here's your chance. Just give me the time on the full video and you win another (you):
>yfw bill dies before carter or daddy bush