Good article, I recommend reading it for some perspective on what the new series likely will and will not be.
Twin Peaks Is Not The Show We've Convinced Ourselves It Was
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The only people who will be disappointed with the revival will be the ones who don't know much about Lynch.
He said himself it will be like FWWM and we all know he is a mad man that has perfect taste in horror. Im expected the show to be pretty creepy.
>The show’s severe case of artist’s block is how we ended up with a wheel-spinning episode where Leland Palmer drove around with a murder victim in the trunk of his car while audiences clamored for closure to the Laura mystery. It’s also the reason why there was so much stuff in the second half of season two that was weird in a cutesy or gratuitously wacky way, almost like something out of a bad David Lynch parody (think of Josie Packard as a doorknob, or Catherine Martell reappearing on the show as an Asian man with a mustache).
Stopped reading there, Matt. Drive with a Dead Girl created suspense before the denoument of the Bob plotline. It was perfect.
The Josie thing is because of "Ghostwood."
Catherine dressing up as an Asian was just a necessity to get him to sign the rights to her.
Laura Dern has also described the series as "hilarious".
yeah as i see there is diversity now, 3 niggs in the cast
I liked that episode as well. I actually think they could've built an entire storyline on that, and keep Cooper always one step behind as the audience already knows who the killer is. For a few episodes, at least. Would've been gloriously titillating.
But I hope you're memeing with >stopped reading there, surely you can deal with a different opinion on such relatively minor things?
There were several in the old series, just minor roles. And it makes sense that there would be more, since the story is expanded beyond the town.
Catherine as an asian man is the best part of season 2.
>You haven’t seen the new Twin Peaks yet. Neither have I.
wow great article, very informative
if you listed out all the crazy stuff in season 2, it reads straight out of a modern anime.
swim suit contest
etc, etc
lynch was ahead of his time
>modern anime
Run a hot bath and open your wrists.
>blindly judging the contents of an article by the outlet in which it is posted
user, I have a feeling you miss out on a lot of good content this way. Let me guess, you're also averse to images downloaded from tumblr because of the website's "community"?
Decent and good articles find their way onto shitty websites and magazines pretty frequently.
Do I need to watch any Twin Peaks episodes that are after they find out who killed Laura Palmer?
The whole article reeks of ignorance and stupidity. I get it, it is a tv show and should be light and entertaining. Then again, it's David fucking Lynch. Anyone who couldn't enjoy the first sequence of the second season simply shouldn't attempt to watch his stuff at all.
Why wouldn't you? Because some neckbeards on an image board told you you shouldn't? Jesus fuck, you guys are tools.
I remember some one telling me it gets bad. I did not mean to upset you.
>ignorance and stupidity
Did you even read the article my dude
Season 3 will get the same reception FWWM did when if first came out. People forget or don't know that Lynch will always do things according to his vision rather than pander to an audience, even if that means making something polarising.
I can't wait personally
Is this article another "here's a universally agreed and critically acclaimed piece but were gonna nit-pick stupid superficial shit and claim that it's flawed and think that we're the only ones to consider this truly "critically" "
No, he literally just published another essay about the greatness of the series and its cultural impact, why don't you actually read the damn thing
I've counted 5 black characters with speaking roles in the first 24 episodes of the original series.
Just watch it. Every episode still contains necessary information for the series.
Yeah, it's totally worth sticking with. Sure, there are a couple of episodes that don't hold up as well as the best but they're still worth watching. Plus in eyes it helps add to the pay off at the end.
I don't understand this idea of skipping episodes. Surely once you go back in you'd just be confused about what's going on? It's not like X-Files where you could afford to skip bad MOTW episodes.
Just read it, pretty much sums up my feelings about the reddit/normie crowd:
about to embark on a trolling expedition through the most tediously literal-minded era of film and TV fandom — a period in which social-media users and media outlets (including this one) fall over themselves to parse the microscopic details of mythology-rich shows, and producers participate in “exit interviews” and electronic press-kit sit-downs, live tweets and liveblogs, Facebook videos, and Reddit AMAs.
Tfw you know you'll never feel a love as innocent as the one between Dale and Annie
Was she a nun, or just considering it?
>Why Twin Peaks Is Not the Series We’ve Convinced Ourselves It Was
>lists 7 obvious points that anyone who has watched the show is aware of
ok? his 7th point is the only one of real merit, lynch has gotten weirder and I doubt showtime will hold him back much or he wouldn't have agreed to it
I'm pretty sure she was. She mentioned being at a convent and the like.
Think that's why pulled out of doing it for a little bit. He wanted full control or nothing.
I've only saw FWWM, never any other TP. Should I take the plunge? I LOVED FWWM. I don't want to ruin the experience with something of lesser quality.
The show is just as good. Has some scenes that are better than the movie definitely
How can you watch fwwm and not do the series? What have you got to lose? Go and do it and most of all enjoy it!
Fuck off.
>You haven’t seen the new Twin Peaks yet. Neither have I.
>Nevertheless, I’m worried.
>Not about the show. About its reception.
>I fear that a good number of viewers will be shallow Marvel-tier redditor plebeian normalfags who are going to watch the new Twin Peaks without appreciating the patrician artistry of Lynchkino, and be offended and disappointed that it isn't the easily-consumable, GIFable, le-upboatable meme normie show they are expecting to tumblr post about with their shallow, narcissistic, attention-whoring SJW social-media-addicted millennial emotional-babby snowflake friends.
What did he mean by this?
What I think he meant is that you should not get mad because someone else likes the same thing as you.
holy buzzwords
Seriously, all the piece says is: "millennial warning: twin peaks is legit kino, not the big bang theory"
Do you not intend to watch the new series anytime soon? If so, just watch the whole thing, and see pic related for some guidance. If you're just thinking about marathoning everything before watching the premiere, you should watch at least the finale, and FWWM. Watch a few episodes before the finale to know what the fuck is going on, but they're pretty poor other than a few moments. The finale itself is great.
>Just finished speaking with a friend in the industry. He was at the premiere and afterparty. There is a total embargo, so no tweets or anything are allowed. I respected his boundaries, but he did volunteer one piece of information: this is not meant to be easily digestible by a fairweather audience. If you do not have the originals fresh in your memory, it will likely not make any sense whatsoever.
>Season 3 will get the same reception FWWM did when if first came out
Not it won't, since FWWM is loved now.
The point isn't that it will be similar to FWWM. It's that it will be similarly divisive, due to subverting expectations.
>when it first came out
I expect the FWWM reaction, I expect it to be different and not all coffee and pie's, I expect it to take some adjusting and I also expect to enjoy it thoroughly.
I would have more doubts from a different creator but david lynch singing up for at least 18 hours of directing content says he's feeling it.
If you're a pleb who didn't like or respond to FWWM i feel bad for ya.
What will happen is that it will get rave reviews at first, then after a while, the division will set in. A few years later, people will either praise it as a masterpiece or a failure.
Really can't stand that chart. Go in blind, don't go thinking "episodes 10-16 are naff" cos they really aren't. There's only 2 episodes at most where I think it totally loses it way. The rest are just fine.
Are you asking about the new series? You definitely should. Lynch has said FWWM is "very important" to the new series - possibly it will have more in common with it than the old series.
As for the old series, this is still a pretty rare opinion, but I do think it's of lesser quality than the film - then again, it's simply so different it hardly invites comparison other than due to preconceived notions of what it should be. You should give the Pilot a try, just be ready for something very different.
Again, I recommend watching the new series in any case - it's not exactly Season 3, by the way, it was shot as an 18 hour film - before spoilers flood the internet. Mystery is a core element of it, as exemplified by the extreme secrecy surrounding the production. Nobody really knows what the fuck the series is about.
I strongly disagree, I think several of latter S2 episodes are absolutely terrible with very few redeeming elements. It feels like a poor parody of TP. I think the chart is accurate. But of course, everyone should make up their own minds. The chart is just a guide, not a brainwashing tool.
Not gonna read the article...guess I should stop coming to Sup Forums after a while. We all new normies would not get the show cause all they remembered was coffee, quips, logs, percolator memes, etc.
It will be FWWM with hints of old peaks humor comfy.
I don't think it will get exclusively "rave reviews". I think the reaction will be very divided from the outset.
We'll see.. pretty soon.
Fuck off shill
>muh normies
>Not gonna read the article
Why? And not browsing Sup Forums is never a bad idea. I won't be here when it premieres either. The threads have been increasingly horrible during the wait.
>by the way, it was shot as an 18 hour film - before spoilers flood the internet. Mystery is a core element of it, as exemplified by the extreme secrecy surrounding the production. Nobody really knows what the fuck the series is about.
This is what really hypes me. At one point they were considering a digital release of vastly varying episode lengths having them be released randomly and by surprise, all to serve the plot. Sounds like lynch is really cooking something up and going all in.
>At one point they were considering a digital release of vastly varying episode lengths having them be released randomly and by surprise
No, "they" weren't. Is this a deliberate attempt to start a false rumor? Unless you know Lynch and he told you personally, it's totally false. I even think I know what throwaway comment you're referring to in some article months ago.
oh, so there's an actual Twin Peaks Mythos?
I thought he was just making shit up as needed, and weird for the sake of weird
Neither is Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul. Funny how this faggot only has the nuts to shit on a show that ended over a decade ago.
It wasn't months ago, it was back just before lynch left production. Don't make me go find the source aaaa
>The threads have been increasingly horrible during the wait.
Agreed there. Too much dick swinging about who watched it when. I'm certain not a single one of us watched it when it first aired so none of us have a right to boast.
season 2 live stream just started at