What are your thoughts on this movie?
What are your thoughts on this movie?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not good as Resurrection
Better than Aliens
Not David Fincher's fault.
I think you didn't need to make another alien thread when there are already multiple other ones right now. I hope you kill yourself you worthless sack of shit.
I liked it. It understood that it didn't need to be better than the original, but that it could be a variation on the same theme. I like how dark it was. Plus casting Charles Dance in it was fucking inspired!
>Gang rape scene
>Cue the Nu Metal Soundtrack
I almost died laughing. What the actual fuck were they thinking?
>what did chris cuckmann mean by this?
how many aliens are in this one? 3?
More like industrial than nu-metal. I love the 90s.
>fucking inspired!
fucking retard
why the insult? you didn't like Charles Dance? come on
Its stylish. The cinematography is fantastic and it has this sleek feel to it, doesn't seem like a film from the early 90s as it holds up today. Granted, the CGI ruins this notion, but the close-ups of the alien are fantastic. The story is alright, not the best but I certainly enjoy the bleakness of it all. The score is also amazing.
Don't bother. His entire personality is built on a shaky foundation of irony and cynicism to the point that any exposure to sincere positivity causes him to lash out.
His problem isn't with Charles Dance. His problem is that you enjoyed something and voiced that enjoyment shamelessly.
Never saw it as a kid because alien freaked me out even though I saw aliens as a dumb action movie. Now I'm hesitant to watch it as an adult because everyone complains about it being shit.
if you look at the poster, visionary director david fincher highlighted the right letters of the title to the viewer.
Anything past Aliens is utter garbage and should be considered pleb-tier flicks.
In terms of cinematography:
Alien > Alien 3 > Aliens
>Alien 3
It's a true and tested pleb filter.
Assembly cut fags need not apply.
It's a passable movie but knowing what they originally could've gone with (the wooden monastery planet) makes me hate it
yeah that's what i'm thinking.