>group needs thief
>"I know a guy."
>finds said guy
>"So how good are you?"
>guy holds up leader's wallet
>"Oh you're good."
Group needs thief
Other urls found in this thread:
>thief is a girl
>"I grew up with older brothers"
>group needs plastic surgeon
>"I know a guy."
>finds said guy
>"So how good are you?"
>whole group has now a brand new vagina instead of a penis
>"Oh you're good."
Yeah, and?
>mc needs to get inside
>"can you get me inside?"
>"Oh. i can get you inside"
Never got the sauce desu lads
>and your OTHER wallet?
>i'm in
>she's good
>you have no idea
group needs a nigger
finds nigger
how nigger are you
nigger kills everyone
oh your good
>"How do I know I can trust you?"
>group needs a nigger
>finds nigger
>how nigger are you
>nigger kills everyone
>oh your good
>if you kill him you'll become just like him!
>Hey you know what happened to the last guy who tried that
>Me neither
>Group needs a white guy
>Find white guy
>White guy has a chastity cage and offers his wife to the black male lead
>Yooo dis boy's good
>brings home wages at the end of the week
>pays taxes
>lets the crew rob him of the rest of his wages when they've finished fucking his wife
>"this cracka ridiculous!"
>copy and pasted someones whole post
>proceed to then take the time to turn it into a greentext
youre autistic
>>>copy and pasted someones whole post
>>proceed to then take the time to turn it into a greentext
>youre autistic
>can you get me inside?
>you're already inside
>and your OTHER inside
>how many of them did you kill?
x-men 2?
>"Trust me, this guy is the best"
>"Well where is he? I don't see him here"
>can you get inside?
>i'm already inside
>i don't feel anything??
trust me this nigger is the best
well where is h-
>Tries to do something romantic
I'm sorry. This is crazy
>look again
>listen up, we all need to remain calm and collect-
I am newfag and I already know about highlighting...
Nailed it, a few movies use something similar
>what's plan b?
>That was plan b
>In english doc
>and you other plan
>Nameless soldier in WW2 takes out a photo of his wife back in USA and watches it
>Get's killed in the next scene
>look, we need to remain calm and collected
>... and your OTHER collected
>We're not gonna make it!
>Oh we'll make it!
Janice Griffith you mongoloid
stop fucking up the thread you stupid idiot nobody thinks its funny
>group needs mexican
>"I know a guy."
>finds said guy
>"So how good are you?"
>guy holds up leader's taco
>"Oh you're good."
>...and your OTHER other collected...
>Villain explains why he killed a supporting character to the protaganist
>"It was nothing personal"
>"It was for me!"
>WW2 movie
>american or british soldier talking shit about hitler to one of his soldier friends
>friend starts to look nervous
>"he's behind me isn't he?"
>guy turns around
>its hitler looking pissed
>middle of ocean at night
>boat sinks
>lose consciousness and sink to the bottom
>wake up the next day on a beach in the sun
>cough up some water and get on with your day
kek fuck white people
haHAA i'm 12 btw
That actually happened to my grandpa
>What you're doing is wrong!!
>Hmhmhmhmhmh. Don't you see the beautiful art?
>You're a madman!
>Rogie cop goes to see the black chief
>villain listens to pop hits of the early 2000's
>"it's evolving.. like it has a mind of its own!!"
shit i'm sorry man
>and your other mind
>group needs guy
>they know a guy whos a total legend
>they go to his house
>hes a fat old alcoholicnow
>messes up big time and the end of the 2nd act
>gets his shit together and saves the day at the end of the 3rd act
say 5 movies that had this
>Group sees a meteorite about to destroy the earth
>"I know some drillers"
>Is a cat
>group needs a nigger
already failed concept
best one ITT
its evolving..like it has a mind of its own
>locates protagonist
>"we need you back"
>"i've retired"
>"you're the best there ever was"
>"im sorry i just cant do it"
>does it
its a nigger
>Not where but WHEN
>Not who but WHOSE
>Not what but HOW
>but sacrifices himself in doing so
>and your OTHER drill
>"okay but i get to chose my own team"
>"you got it"
>cool intro for each of the supporting characters
>locates protagonist
>"we need you back"
>"i've retired"
>"you're the best there ever was"
>"im sorry i just cant do it"
>movie ends
Stargate sg1
>character who has the coolest intro and abilities does nothing during the movie
>a petty crime is committed
>its a middle aged white guy in a beanie
>scientist: 2+2=4
>military man: In English doc!
>Samuel L Jackson dies
>but not really
>Then I must consider this an act of treason.
>Treason!? Have you lost your mind?
>Have I?
a petty crime is comitted
turns out to be a nigger
>is awarded posthumous degree
>turns out to be smarter than Einstein
>movie is set in 1860s american south
>and your other nigger
>movie sets in Europe
>half of the population is a nigger
>doctor in middle ages
>he's a muslim
>le dark ages
>le golden age
>crime movie
>antagonist character is a women
>background involves prostitution
>Terrorists attack city
>Terrorists are all Russian nationalists
*pshhhh* noting personel kiddo
Only in America
oscar worthy desu
>movie set in nigger
>is everything ok? I'm getting married in two days
>gets killed
>"you will be back wont you?"
>"i promise"
>comes back
>"i promised you didnt i?"
>one of the kings nobles is unaccountably a nigger
>educates the court with a soulful and thought-provoking rap
>the king smiles and nods in approval
>cop1: hey you ready for retirement?
>cop2: sure am can't wait for the next two days to pass
>cop1: what your pla-
*car crash*
*cop1 died slowly*
>cop2: damn damn damn damn. Say goodbye to my wife for me
>villain is hitler-esque white male
nigger you will be back wont you?
i promise
doesnt come back
Was he Jewish?
no he was nigger
Last action hero was kino
>daddy you will be back wont you?
>i promise
>doesnt come back
every nigging time
>wouldn't it be easier to teach astronauts how to drill instead of the other way around Mr. Bay?
>Shut up! Fuck you! You fucking dick!
>Always nay-saying everything I create! >You piece of shit!
>You create something like Armageddon! >You fucking shit!
>You fucking sit in your tower!
>Fucking nap..
>What's funny?
>You fucking bitch!
>Fucking fuck you!
>Fucking cock ass!!
>your fired from this movie Ben.
>nigger needs a nigger
>nigger nigger
>nigger nigger nigger
>"oh nigger"