Watch pic related

>watch pic related
>wow the holocaust was awful, I'm goig to google it
>turns out it never happened
Thank god

I've never actually seen this movie, heard it's good

Is it true the gas chamber doors are wooden?

I know right, my fee fees just couldn't handle it if the white race did something so terrible.

Thank god it's just propoganda, like slavery and the crusades. Feels good know that white people literally did nothing wrong.

Slavery = people that were sold by other blacks. We just bought them
Crusades = defense against Islam

You should feel thankful cuck otherwise you were sucking mohamed dick right now

The Crusades were self-defence you idiot. You think the Holy Land was always under Muslim control? How do you think they got it? Who do you think ruled it before that? How do you think the Arabs expanded?

about 1% or Americans owned slaves. Slaves that were sold by Jews.

I myself am not American, why should I feel bad about slavery that happened generations ago? Slavery that my anglo people fought to abolish even though it still continues in non-white countries this very day?


I know all the figures guys. I agree with you. Whites are the best man. Just great. It just hurt my fee fees for a bit before i "took the red pill" lmao.

Being told by the media and Hollywood and academia that I'm a bad person because of my white skin and that I owe blacks something.
These self righteous motherfuckers are the ones driving a wedge between races and between the sexes and pitting us against each other and they wonder why white nationalism is rising.
They think people voted Trump for his leadership, not as a FUCK YOU to their insanity.
So fucking sick of it.

Thank god the holocaust happened and that Hitler was only responsible for killing 50 million white people instead

>responsible for killing 50 million white people
huh sounds like Hitler was a good goy after all

It's very high quality, but dont expect any action whatsoever. It's a pure drama. The ending will make you cry

>when Schindler realizes he could have killed more Jews but missed his chance

>Leave Europe in Ruins, kill tens of millions of its population
>Cripple France and Britain meaning they are forced to relinquish their global empires
>facilitate the advance of communism over all of Eastern Europe
>forever tarnish nationalism and white pride of any sort
>facilitate the establishment of the state of Israel

best goy

How do we stop them?

White people stopped slavery with the first global boycott of it and now you pretend like we were responsible. Fuck you, fucking anti-white FUCK. This is why we never should have bothered.

mass immigration

Hitler's mother was a Jew, he was Jew, stupid goyim

>fucking jews in the media we should exterminate them like nazis did
>but the nazis actually respected and treated jews well

Sup Forums school of logic at it again. also look up einsatzgruppen you retard fritz

>tfw no Anne Frank gf

>the nazis actually respected and treated jews well

no one ever claimed that

>having high verbal iq

It's quote obvious now:
>shekel grubber

>stopped slavery

only because your bullshit couldn't support itself. let's not forget you still pushed centuries of systematic racism and lynchings after that.

>I stabbed you but here's a bandage
>now pretend I never stabbed you and worship me

dumb ass wypipo logic

There are more slaves in the world today that all of history.
Guess who are the ones providing humanitarian aid where they can?
Google search "attacks on aid workers" and scroll for fucking infinity.
Meanwhile, black people can't even give blood which is a massive short supply due to sickle cell.

>no true scotsman: the post
I'm not the guy you're arguing with, but come on you dumb nigger.
>they don't deny that the treatment of the jews was unjust
come on, are you even trying?

hurr durr dey wuz a good race dey dindu nuffin

I'm not the guy you're arguing with, but you're not very intelligent, user. Deflecting a strawman argument is not a scotsman fallacy.

Too bad that "stab "victim"" is a disease. Should've decapitated it.

was he /our guy/?

>The Crusades were self-defence you idiot.
This. The three Crusades in which Finnish pagans where massacred were 100% in self defence.

they could not allow the Finnish Empire to regain their power.