Are you happy for her, Sup Forums?

Are you happy for her, Sup Forums?

god damn that dude has a big forehead and a big head
that baby is going to irreversibly ruin her cunt hole

>implying it already isn't
senpai, she's 5'2" tops

she's a virgin

Of course. If bunnyfu is happy, I'm happy.

Like Crazy was comfy as fuck.

>tfw he left the shower only to move his Ford

No not really. She was meant for me in life.


but I'm not happy for myself. I want that bunny ass on my face.

this is legit her only good movie.

Why are the Houses of Parliament next to the sea?

Daisy Ridley > Felicity Jones

which one smells better down there after a long jog?

It's a metaphor. Watch the movie and you'll get it.

yeah great move. her career is over. She needs some $$$ stability

>her career is over.
Is that a joke or are you a retarded person?

Is it confirmed ? I think I might kill myself.

That jew doesn't deserve her.

why would you be upset about this lol it's not like she'd date you if he wasn't around

You're wrong

>you will never give Felicity Jones an enema and watch her emptying her bowels on your chest afterwards

Of course, what do you think i'm, some bitter Sup Forums dweller?


congrats to her
