Did this man singlehandedly win the election for Hillary?
Did this man singlehandedly win the election for Hillary?
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She was going to win anyway most likely but Bill solidified a lot with that.
Republicans wish they had anyone half this charismatic to pull out to speak at the RNC. Even at only 75% of what he was he still was twice as good as any republican that spoke.
What are you talking about? Anyone with an IQ above room temperature realizes it was a sham. My mom who is a staunch liberal can't stand his guts and was calling him a liar throughout the speech.
I hope you realize your going to have to shill more for your 2ยข
Sage goes in all fields.
I can't bring myself to hate Bill honestly. He was a third way, personal responsibility Democrat. The type that's completely gone. Plus
>getting a blowjob in the oval office
$0.02 deposited etc
You should try harder to bring yourself to hate Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton is doing the exact same thing he did - except she's doing it badly.
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.
>personal responsibility democrat
>gave us affirmative action
I'm a little worried, honestly. The Bill speech was good and did a decent job at humanizing Hillary.
Despite Bill's obviously horrible history, the American people have always liked him. He's more relatable than his wife.
The "Change maker" slogan will fall flat. It's just as dull and uninspiring as Hillary. It's the humanizing aspect of it that I'm worried about.
The speech overall was solid. Clinton affair attacks will only resonate with Republicans. Independents will shrug their shoulders, Dems will plug their ears.
The Achilles heel of that speech, that I noticed, was at the end.
Bill went on a tangent of "If you're X, vote for Hillary."
When he got to the Hispanic portion of the speech he said something along the lines of:
"If you work hard, and pay your taxes, but risk facing deportation..."
He's essentially encouraging illegal immigrants to vote for Hillary.
I think that could undo and eclipse everything else in the speech if it was hammered home hard enough.
I already tweeted Trump and his kids. I'm really hoping that O'Reilly or Hannity pick it up, though.
Win? Maybe if he tapped the Clinton Foundation and gave every Hillary voter a $1000.00 bucks. My price would be 10 K.
He signed the wto agreement with China fucking us in our asses uniformed cuck
Post of the fucking year right here senpai
Considering she wouldn't bw jack shit if she wasn't married to him, yes.
you can only reheat pasta so many times user. No one wants to eat this shit anymore.
I'm almost certain you posted this same shit with a different speaker last night.
>$0.05 has been deposited into your account.
>1 post by this ID.
Wait, can illegals actually vote?
NAFTA, fuck off shill, and may you never have to try to find a decent paying blue collar job.
Yeah like it or not Bill can work a crowd.
She's always ridden on his personality. No change there.
All of the empty posturing and good feels stories wear off as easily as they were tacked on.
All it takes is one debate with Trump dismantling her and it's done. He brings up Nafta, glass steagal, monica, TPP, super predators, saudi king money, haiti clinton scam etc etc
Not a chance, I'm voting for Bill now
*They can and do thanks to Dems. blocking Voter ID requirements.
I think California was raising a fuss about this issue a while back, too.
Not so fast, there was just a semi-convincing article published by the washington post about Trump's "racist history". I don't take it seriously but if there's any more mileage to get out of "Racism Ammo" it will be in a debate.
That does it.
I'm an honorable member now.
Pedo Bill's last hurrah!
This is my favorite Bill Clinton speech, nothing is going to top that. I also liked his Republican economic policies that helped to create the 90s tech boom, something current braindead democrats would boo and hiss at him for now.
I thought it was funny how much he was talking her up when she wasn't good enough to keep him from fucking how many other women? Maybe they had an open relationship and the media can start asking Chelsea how she thinks her father treats women. So much entertainment watching this party evolve and digress at the same time.
>I will end welfare as we know it
>The era of big government is over
be gone fetus
the age of blue collar jobs in america is over. accept it
Everything that happens in the US affects canada, big bro. We even have to put up with black lives matter bullshit here, and we have less blacks than gays.
they say requiring ID is racist
because they're too stupid and lazy to get ID
I'll shoot this to Breitbart and Fox
>Never had to support himself, and is ready for the end of blue collar.
hillary didn't have blonde hair when she met bill. She didn't have her phony arkansas accent either. Bill just told the story about meeting the wrong girl.
You just did so it must still be good, enjoy
>She's always ridden on his personality.
If she had of ridden something else more often Monica wouldn't have been a factor.
>dont talk to me or my crooked wife ever again
AA began with Johnson and was established in 1972 with nixon. Fuck you leaf
it's reality. not saying it's good but it's reality. you need higher education or a service industry job to make it in america now. shit when automation really gets going then you definitely kiss your blue collar pipe dream goodbye.
if the jobs were still here, with american unions and regulations and workers' rights, then prices would explode so much that you wouldn't be able to afford anything with your shit job's salary.
none of my statements have anything to do with niggers. it's basic economics you poorfag
Can we take Bill instead of Hill?
Bill god damn exudes personality, his charisma is like a palpable force.
Bill Clinton is Hillary's smartest investment to date. Can you imagine how quickly she would've dropped off the map if she divorced Bill after the Lewinsky scandal?
It smells like Hillarys yeasty vagina itt
Yes, I am now #MentallHill
Bill Clinton confirmed Redpill. youtube.com
Why does he always sound like he has a little cock in his mouth, or something?
4 months out from the election this speech will be long forgotten.
He's a fucking rapist.
And she enables him.
>pay your taxes, but risk facing deportation...
lol what? Illegals got paid in cash and don't even have a SSN to pay taxes. This is some liberal level of delusion
It's kind of insane how weak the RNC's lineup was. The Democrats have Obama queued up too.
Let's see.
>Did the speech where the guy who cheated on his wife and got impeached and disbarred for lying under oath talked about how much he "loved" said wife win a presidential election?
I don't know. I think most people on Sup Forums can see beyond the 90's nostalgia goggles, but a lot of apolitical oldfags might get suckered in.
It's going to be so wonderful filling idiots like you with hot lead when the coming Civil War breaks out.
Well, I mean, he isn't though, but believe whatever you want since you have absolutely no influence on the outcome of our political affairs whatsoever being from Bongland.
Bill isn't some nefarious/evil dude.
this one's going in the pile
It's not that Bill is someone great, it's that most Democrats are brain dead zombies that fawn over a man that they would demonize to hell if he didn't have a (D) next to his name. he's the modern day equivalent to a plantation owner that's nice to his black slaves and has affairs.
He used and abused women?
Don't worry, he's a democrat.
>What a great man!
From what I can see from twitter the liberals were bored by it, (>omg too loooooooong zz).
Personally, I thought it was a good generic speech even though she is worst.
if they are anything , Bill and Obama are good at speeches
Men are the only reason this Strong Willed Independent Hard Working #Yestoallwomen Hardcore Feminist even has a chance to win
Carson and Christie were way better.
Have a picture of my Boston.
Lurk Moar faggot.
you can keep your guns, i'm pro-gun.
but a gun won't help you keep your job when a robot can do it for free at much higher efficiency. economics aren't on your side, innovation isn't on your side, and demographics sure as hell aren't on your side.
except Bill isn't Chelseas father
that line about the white neighborhood was really good
It's not even the same party of the Bill era. The bernbots have shifted it so far left of course he's gonna get boo'd. He's just another sexist, bigoted, racist, xenophobic, southern, white, cis gendered, straight male that used a confederate flag to run for governor. Imagine the triggering if he used it again.
Pretty much, yeah. She always had it, this just gave her an even bigger win.
>there are people in this world that aren't baiting and actually think like this
Only if the current year is 1995.
>I also liked his Republican economic policies that helped to create the 90s tech boom, something current braindead democrats would boo and hiss at him for now.
anyone that'd take the time to google "New Democrats" or "Third Way Democrats" would know that if 1996 Bill were here he'd get booed off the stage. I guess 2008 buried that way of thinkin. Alas
Won't matter.
All the speech is, is posturing and goody goody stuff. He's her husband. He's of course going to divulge all their great memories about how nice she must be.
But politics is different. The whole night was filled with how much she's done, but anyone who actually goes and looks those facts up sees it's empty. She's been riding this "womens and chilluns" shit from the beginning because that's an easy one to ride on.
These scumfucks pushed for child health insurance for fucks sakes. For kids. Yes, those sniffly noses and paper cuts aren't going to mend themselves, you don't want to be a bad parent and get your child taken, do you?
All it takes is one debate where Hillary has to be off script and verbally fight Trump and it's over. All that goodwill and carepandering is undone just as easily as it was done.
Nice speech and Bill Clinton did some good things during presidency but the Democraps are far too broken to say that this speech really changed anything for them.
>not having the original
laughing girls.jpg
Requesting art fags to draw him raping children on Epstine's Lolita Express. It has serious political merit and would thusly not be classified as obscene under the miller test.
(it would even be legal in the US if filmed with actual child actors)
That version of the Ds I could support with a few disagreements, but nothing major. Leaving both sides feel like they got a good deal and yet not everything they wanted is one major component to good negotiating. I don't think we're gonna see moderate approaches for a while, if ever again.
Goodbye melting pot, hello multicultural pluralism.
jeez he was good, but Elizabeth Warren gave me a justice boner, but she made no news, her speech was awesome
damn, never saw this before. redpill as fuck
Yeah carson hands down best speech for both conventions. Worst speech goes to every feminist movie star on dnc stage.
>Anyone who actually goes and looks up those facts.
>Looks up those facts.
>Looking them up.
Just get Bill, Warren, and Sanders to campaign for her and she'll easily win
>the American people have always liked him
His approval rating is down to 50%
It was a great speech, very moving. Bill Clinton and the Kennedy's were the reason I became a Democrat. Bill was a hero of mine, but finding out how corrupt he and Hillary are this election, I just can't believe him anymore.
I was ready to vote for Hillary, but I'm not going to do it anymore. It's very sad to me.
this happened during his speech
I think you're underestimating how tired people are of hearing about "muh racism" especially after race relations have taken a dive due to the shit media. The only people that would go along with that would be voting for hilldawg no matter what anyway.
It is a felony and directly against the Constitution to allow aliens to vote. However, the RNC is legally barred from suing the DNC for voter fraud + the DNC trying to remove all voter ID requirements + trying to give aliens amnesty = A ton of illegal aliens voting Democrat
Our politics are literally cancer
Now that's why Hillary was fine with Bill defiling that filthy Jewess. It all makes sense now...
If it is such a sure thing why are the Jews still shilling hard for her? Pic seriously related.
Sleep tight, pupper.
What if the total number of votes counted is greater than the number of voting age citizens excluding felons and other disqualified?
OK, lemme check snopes. Nope it says your wrong.
$0.36 deposited
Nah, his speech actually wasn't that good, it was way too long and jumpy in the middle and got really out of control at the end, despite having some catchy moments there. What makes it stand out as a good speech (it was good, just nowhere as great as people think) is that the other speeches at the DNC have been total clusterfucks. There's just nothing else to say about them, absolute catastrophe. From lifeless and monotone to shrill and overexcited to actual kindergarten-teacher gestures and intonations (as if the audience were 4 year olds) to insulting like Sarah Silverman to broken English, disabled speech impediments and outright Spanish because the illegal immigrant didn't speak English despite having lived in the US for over a decade. This was abysmal.
Of course an experienced, charismatic psychopath like Ted Bun- I mean: Bill Clinton will stand out as a shining star in such an environment. But nothing is won singlehandedly here, this thing isn't over. With occasional highlights like Michelle (still had some stuff about "rigged systems" in her speech, lel) or Bill and Obama, she might still get a pretty good convention boost in the polls. Which can easily be eradicated within very little time if e.g. muslim attacks across Europe continue or another leak hits and implicates her more directly.
So to talk about winning the election now is just as retarded as the daily "NEW POLL X LEADS 2% Y BTFO HOW WILL Z EVER RECOVER" threads.
>looks those facts up
Nigga, where have you been all day. Today was Vagina Day at the DNC (yes, way more than usual), women don't give a fuck about facts. They got an AWW SO ROMANTIC story about how I met your mother, nobody cares for any facts, what matters are the feelings Bill has, and what feelings his speech evoked. How effective and lasting it was remains to be seen, but it has nothing to do with facts. The target group was another.