What if Ed Edd n Eddy got a reboot from CN?



It ended pretty decently.


Pretty sure Antonucci managed to hold on to the rights to the series, so CN can't pull any PPG-Reboot type shit on EEn'E without his permission.

It would be rejected because the series ended on a good note with a movie. I for one don't want the series to come back.

Danny still holds full rights to the series. It's his baby and no one is allowed to touch it.

Plank would suffer from a gender identity crises

I will play your game user, they would add/change race of cast, their would be drama and the comedy would be less slapstick

One would be gay, one would be black and Muslim and one would be a MtF transsexual.

CN, keeping in mind their progressive themes, present the sequel:

Dad, Dadd. and Daddy

by rebecca sugar


>The neighborhood kids are friends with the Eds
but that's how the movie ended


might as well pretend the school episodes were a reboot


They would make it as bland as possible so that it can't alienate any potential viewers, which means:
>Get rid of Rolf because he's potentially offensive to people from wherever Rolf is from
>Put in not-so-subtle romantic undertones in conversations between male characters to get that shipping audience
>Jazz soundtrack is replaced by something new and electronic-sounding because kids don't like jazz
>More references to funny internet memes, because that's what kids like
And why not throw in dull, round Cal-Arts animation that doesn't squiggle for good measure? It looks terrible and lazy but it saves money!

i'm the only one who think the season 5 was shit here?

No, it was pretty underwhelming compared to previous seasons.
>Samey plots
>Samey jokes
>Writing on the characters isn't as tight
>Not as many memorable moments
Luckily, they turned it around in time for the movie.

>An episode where they get famous off their let's play channel

>that episode where the Edds go viral
>that episode where the Edds open a foodtruck and sell burritos
>that episode where Jimmy comes out a trans and everyone is forced to accept him
>that episode where the Kankers publically castrate the Edds for being sexist shitlords when they reject the Kankers' advances

Half of those are we bare bears plots.

>We stand a greater likelihood of getting this instead of a series that follows the Eds as career-criminals in their adulthood

For fuck's sake.

The original wasn't even a Hannah Barbera/CN Studios show

of course it's a white male

>lets play

>smart phones

This is what I've been talking about lately. About how the difference between cartoons now and then is that now there is a push to make it 100% modern where in the past it seemed more timeless and universal. The millennials want everything specifically catered to whatever fads their engulfed in at the moment. That's not how you make lasting art.

>It's a "The Eds try cooking meth in Double D's lab but accidentally blow up his house" episode
>It's a "Kevin curb stomps Eddy as an initiation rite to get into the local Hells Angels chapter" episode