ITT: low-key perfect films

ITT: low-key perfect films




Literally symmetrical

What do you mean by "low- key"?


seldom mentioned?



I've had this shit on my hard drive for months now. Is it really that good?

i didn't think it was anything special when i watched it


It's aesthetic

I wish they still made movies like this

how do you even call this genre?
I love the 90s "cheap" movies like this, just a basic plot but the most comfy movies ever

I think they're just action thrillers. The Fugitive also comes to mind. I can't think of any recent ones like the ones they made in the nineties. I guess there's Jack Reacher but Tom Cruise is basically a superhero in those.


so fuckin good

>I guess there's Jack Reacher but Tom Cruise is basically a superhero in those.

Nothing he does in the first Jack Reacher movie is as over the top as jumping off a waterfall without injury, your superhero analogy is dumb.

it perfectly described OP's theme
comfy as fuck movie
low-key plot
but for some reason famous actors

Yeah that's the one outlandish thing Harrison Ford does in that movie but I'm talking more in terms of tone. It never feels like Jack Reacher is in danger, he just kicks everyone's ass all the time. Nothing wrong with that of course, they're straight action movies.

I watched it last night. It really was just too goofy to take seriously. I know thats kind of the point but the only good things i found were the beautiful lighting/set choices by Argento, the amazing score, the razor wire scene in the attic and the fucking stellar opening. Everything else after that was bland and predictible. It didnt even have the trademark italian strangeness that hes known for.

The scenes with the bat, the dog killing the blind guy and the reflection scene where you can see the fucking camera and crew were legitimately laughable.

Patriot games
Clear and present danger

What happened to thrillers? They're cheap and entertaining.

WHY are their names not in order?

I'd stop well short of calling this perfect, but it's a solid action thriller, and I like the mangrove Florida setting.

desu all Eva Mendes movies fall into this category for some reason

also out of sight with Clooney and JLO

The 90s were a great time for political action thrillers.

I don't think I'll ever get sick of watching this.

The reason I can't take these threads seriously

Absolute perfection.

In retrospect it's pretty unrealistic, considering that agents are now Tweeting about how they will not protect the president.