What did she mean by this?
Star Trek
Other urls found in this thread:
She meant "I'm stupid, completely disregard everything I say and ignore me".
She means:
OP is a fag
Soon 50% representation won't be enough.
She means she won't be happy until every white man on the planet is dead.
When will I find girls who will talk about star trek with me?
Or is this some kind of cruel ironic wish fulfilment where they will discuss Star Trek for hours, but only about how it is another example of patriarchal dominion
>let me prime you with what to think
>by the third word of my title
I love meming like this
so she is basically just repeating the democrats political platform
There's an annoying lack of men on The View
you can't satisfy these psychos
>Soon 50% representation won't be enough.
because statistically more than 50% of all babies are female. it's only because so many female fetuses are aborted and female babies are killed that women are not the majority.
women were a mistake
pic related only good use of ribs
Shatner send help
that's a pretty dank reference bro.
Shatner to the rescue
You fell for the click bait.
can i steal this for my webcomic
Who said it and in reference to which iteration?
>Main character female
>Security officer female
>Science officer female
>Superior officer female
>Villain male
>"Waaaah I want a job on tv, hire more females!"
Being a fan of escapist manchild TV programming, I generally don't wish to talk about real-world social issues or politics (outside of those alluded to within the fictional worlds I enjoy). The subject of your thread is "Star Trek," but I'm starting to believe that your naive question 'What did she mean by this?' may in fact be disingenuous, or even some sort of generic meme meant to fulfill a comment requirement for what, essentially, I suspect, is not a post about Star Trek at all. J'accuse, monsieur!
Now this is real bait
Gotta make good for past injustice you misogynist trumpist nationalist religious backwards white fucking male.
Fuck niggers and if women want representation lets see them make up 50% of the armed forces. I want to see 50% on the front fucking line taking bullets like the men.
>mfw DS9 had no human female main characters
nor any human male characters
legit lol'd
What, Sup Forumslacks who make up fake screencaps to support their extremism?
Fair play, I see your point.
Well, it's kinda true, the cast IS rather man-heavy. Looking at IMDB, there twenty cast members listed at present. Fourteen men to six women. Looking at just ones with "series regular" level episode appearances, it's still nine men to five women. Arguably, it's somewhat better than past series, which usually only had two or three female regulars, but it's still a bit off kilter.
Uhhh aren't all the main characters women besides a gay guy?
Laughing at your life.
The cast of Xena was 60% male due to Ares, Joxer and Autolycus
I stand corrected.
How many are black? How many are Asian, Native American, Indian, Australian Aboriginal, Transgender, Gay, Attack helicopters, Thai ladyboys.
Where does the fucking madness end. The real world isn't made up in proportionate numbers to keep people happy. I can't walk into a shop and complain they have no Mongols working there.
Hey Sup Forums, I didn't put a spoiler tag on that picture you piece of shit
>There's an annoying lack of women amongst the dead and horrendously disfigured survivors of our major world wars.
You could if you wanted to.
I miss Xena...
>I can't walk into a shop and complain they have no Mongols working there.
you probably could
>implying women haven't always been the primary victims of war
Don't you fucking start
If I did I'd be laughed at, just like people demanding a 50/50 male female cast should be.
just saying, you have the ability to walk into a shop and complain, it's not like you cannot do that
>there aren't enough women on this show that completely revolves around two women
What the fuck
Do Broad City and Two Broke Girls also lack female representation?
They're pushing for more women in the army aren't they? There's actual respect to be gained from serving so it figures they'd try and shoehorn in on the action.
Make up 50% of the refuse collection industry or something similarly manual. Then we'll talk.
Women can enlist but can't be conscripted. This is apparently equality.
>implying Mafia service isn't respected
She meant that no amount of pandering will ever be enough because these virtue signaling hacks will never be satisfied, otherwise they'd be out of a job.
Dude, it already not enough, see Black Panther, they basically say is pretty diverse, but not diverse enough even though it has 99% blacks.
>coming from a country that allows important public services to be run by organized criminals
It's us or them at this point. They made it this way.
I hope our future will be as bright as this.
>Dude, it already not enough, see Black Panther, they basically say is pretty diverse, but not diverse enough even though it has 99% blacks.
>implying everything isn't run by criminals
can i make enough money off of clickbait articles to leave my mama's basement?
Kirk found a way to have his shirt ripped open/off nearly every episode. In the interest of equality I want the same for this captain
I think I'd be pretty good at clickbait articles. I think most people from Sup Forums would, they're posted so often here you get to learn which ones outrage people the most
Well, where do I find guys who wanna talk about star trek? Here in Brazil nobody watches it and I'm mocked by my friends for liking it.
Looked like 90% of the characters were women or aliens from the trailer...
It also looked fucking awful, so she'll probably be the only one watching it anyway.
wow so diversity really just means non white. Sup Forums was right again
it's a perfectly cromulent word
Start beating up anyone who mocks you and killing them if necessary. Accrue followers. Rob and maim anyone who does not enjoy Star Trek. Soon, Star Trek will be respected.
In other words you mean just be Brazilian.
>90% black
remember: the person that wrote this is allowed to vote
democracy was a mistake
Let's be fair here
Diversity also means not Asian, not Hispanic, not Arab, not Indian
Ah, so another fake quote, this time from a literal who? I'n sure this is guaranteed for 300 replies.
>Not enough women
Isn't the Captain and her number 2 female? Is there even a white male in fucking show?
Aren't the main characters women? Also that actress is hot
It is set in Africa, mate. But I can see where you are coming from.
So look, you really have to go out of your fucking way to find articles like this from actual nobodies, just to get upset at them. 74 replies, 46 posters...over a fucking blog piece written by a literal nobody.
You all need a hobby.
wow I wonder when rap labels will get this diversity award for signing such diverse artists
>It is set in Africa
Well you can't make a movie set in Europe now without half the cast being African so I don't see why the reverse is allowed
Because people can make whatever movies they want and cast whoever they want? When you pay taxes towards movies, then you can complain about it either way.
>implying half the cast of irl Europe isn't African
it's not fake, fag
So what? Even if it is, it's from a fucking nobody. Why do you care? Nobody has even heard of this website.
What's with the ad hominem? She made an excellent point in the article which you probably (in Sup Forums's Sup Forums style) have not read.
I don't know who you are, why should I care what you think ya fucking degenerate cuck.
I just don't care for false flagging for manufactured outrage, user.
Boy this is getting confusing now, so I'm a degenerate cuck because I don't spend my own personal time getting upset at blog pieces written by retards I have never heard of? Just to get artificially upset over it?
You really should just consider suicide at this point.
It's not about that you dumb ass.
That's the sad thing, this isn't manufactured outrage. There are fucked up people out there who think this way.
Any chance we could discuss Star Trek ITT?
>I'll call him a cuck! Look ma, I said it again!
I don't know who you are, why should I care what you think ya fucking degenerate cuck.
"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."
Who think you should be outraged by any blog piece on the internet?
Every fucking thread
Only when leftcucks stop turning everything political.
Sure, what do you think about the badges in std? Continuity fuck up or time traveling shenanigans?
Then stop replying you triggered tard.
fuck off imposter