What are some movies about shallow people?

What are some movies about shallow people?


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LMAO @ manlets getting butthurt
>i-it's ok for guys to like giant t-tits but it's wrong for women to l-like guys over 6 foot ;_;

How come the most successful people are average height then?

Maybe if my dick wasn't mutilated I would give a care about what """women""" think.

You'll have an easier time in life when you realize everyone is shallow. Sure women in general are the worst, but we have our own shallow.

But also keep in mind women don't really have a conscious, or that part in your brain that clicks and goes "maybe I shouldn't say this, as it might make someone feel like shit" - they don't do that, as they only focus on themselves and their opinions.

I'd say it's inherently shallow to only want guys who are above 6ft tall but odds are if that's all your requirements, you're a dumb whore anyway.

Think about what you just said. Think about what the word "average" means.

>This is worse than guys who won't date fat chicks
What a fucking white knight. As if health is shallow.

What even is this vine shit? It looks like short videos by idiots slapped together. What makes it a vine and what is its purpose?

Who gives a shit? Everyone's allowed to have sexual preferences. I'm not going to make videos about it though, but women are retarded, you should know this by now

Just a reminder that Zac Efron is only 5'8.

as someone who is 198cms tall I must say.
i'd have more sympathy for you short folk if you didn't try to start fights with me my whole life for no reason.
i get it, you're short, but you won't get taller by getting into a fight with a tall person.

the short guys have become the new nice guys™

I'm 6 foot 2 inches and nobody has ever tried to fight me. I think you're lying. What country do you live in? I live in America. Granted, hardly any niggers or spics live in my area.

I'm 5'10 and no one has ever questioned me when I say I'm 6'0

>tfw 5'11
>always say I'm 6'0
Half-true since I always wear an inch footwear.

It's literally just teenage girls who care about this shit.

Somehow every time I find myself in an altercation with someone it's always a short guy with something to prove. Be it just an anecdotal observation, but I have never had anyone my height or taller start shit with me.

>Mfw I'm 5'12

But then you'd only be 5'12'' idiot.

I have no clue how tall I am. The few times I've been to the doctor they've only weighed me. I wish I knew how tall I was so that I could properly find out my TDEE or whatevs it's called.

>It looks like short videos by idiots slapped together.
That's what it is.

Usually the (joke) involves a cute girls booty

Beauty isn't everything, it's the only thing

>tfw when 5'19 manletrace

im 184cm, dont know what that is in burger measurements but im taller than most guys

You can find out your TDEE without knowing how tall you are. Just start eating 2000 calories and see if you lose or gain weight

Nailed it.

>Be 6'4
>Constantly wear 2 inch heels on my shoes

Feels good

>just barely 6ft barefoot
>comfortably 6ft when wearing shoes
>6'1 when wearing boots or Jordans

Now there's someone who deserves to be a manlet.

>Bitch how fat are you?

It's slightly short of six-one.

Literally me, but I'm 6'3

If I see someone taller than me in the supermarket or something I purposely avoid them too. I intentionally seek out manlets to stand near. People only mire if there's a reference point

ITT: everyone is 6'2 and 6'3 but it's a burden because women are intimidated and you feel sorry for the manlets and zzz.

yeah you know guys my dick is massive but it hurts the girls I'm with, and do you know how embarrassing it is when girls look at your bulge and lick their lips?

Don't think, you're not good at it.

>had 2 girls hit on me last month
>"wow, that's a lot of height! haha"
>"umm, do you play basketball?"

I didn't fuck them of course, I was too busy playing vidya and shitposting, no time to go on dates and shit.

what the fuck is a vine

posting for posterity.

Women have poor spatial awareness. Everyone in this thread add 1-2 inches to the length of your dick and say that is the length to the next woman who sees it and she will believe you all.

>that manlet rage

>literally nobody in this thread has a post about how being tall is a burden

how insecure are you m8?

When girls ask: "i'm 6'1"
when guys ask (usually shorter than me): "I'm 5'11"

for some reason it kills them.

>got a shit tier spine so I stand all crooked
>still stand at 6'1 even when full hunchback mode
You manlets want some extra inches just let me know, I got some to spare

Oldman here. What does the fist on your mouth even mean?

Bro, I'm 25 and I have no idea either.. I guess it's something like a silent "daaaaaaaaamn" but not sure.


6'2 but no one cares because Dutch fag.

>tfw no tall,big guy bf from Sup Forums

kek this

i should really work on posture though, but i guess i have too much integrity to get pussy on super easy mode

Calling her fat on twitter doesn't change the fact that she can have sex with anytime she wants.

do you do it all for the nookie?

>I have never had anyone my height or taller start shit with me.
you're 198cms shit for brains, you probably don't meet anyone your height or taller anyway

That doesn't make sense

Fatty detected, the only thing you're having sex with is food you fat fuck

I want to see one for "When she's got more than DDs and isn't a fat slob"

Yes, if by quirky you mean retarded.

>5' 8" is manlet now
oh god what the fuck

>mom's 6ft
>uncles and her dad all well over 6ft
>married a 5'6 manlet for some reason
>brother turned out 5'11
>I turned out 5'7

its a cruel world lads

That's because you're a giant. How many people have you actually met have been your height or taller?

What world do you live in where women under 300 pounds can't get laid?

>All these assdevastated manlets

My dick is 4 inches ;_;

Below 6' is manlet.

>mom's family is nothing but (wo)manlets
>they're all around 5 foot or even shorter
>mom is 5'11

me too senpai. everyone lies. we're basically 6 1 irl.

girls have called me a giant before lel

Why haven't you dorks posted fatkino yet?
Manlets, I swear...

it isn't actually though

If I had a mom and she was taller than me I'd probably masturbate to the thought of fucking her A LOT

>he doesn't realize how easily women can get sex
You're in for a bad time user.

I think it might be like biting their finger, but it's a fist near their mouth. Like biting the index finger while the hand is in a fist in an attempt to quiet their loud reaction.

>this manlet rage

Fuck, I'm retarded.

It's really difficult for people to judge the height of someone taller than them accurately. Even shorter is hard, but at that point they don't care, they know you're shorter.

But a guy who is taller than 5'11 can claim anywhere to 6'3 to a short person and get away with it pretty easily

you are trying so hard to start a new meme. have some gold!

Thanks. But is it supposed to be a good reaction or a bad one?

pls explain what the fuck I just read

I think it can be both, so you'll have to base it off context, but in this video it's definitely good.

Average American woman, circa 2017.

I hate white people who debase themselves and act like niggers

social media is fucking cancer

You must be one of those 5'11'ers

I'm 6'1



holy fucking shit, this is depressing.

butthurt manlet couldve recovered

"look up when youre on your back" for e.g.

went all sad angry pathetic instead of flipping it on her

>Have we talked about how tall you are yet?
Are women autistic? I swear that's something my dad would say.



This is disgusting.

i know a girl who's heir to a few million at least and she's dating a 6'4 retard and her family hate his guts cause he's a retarded guy who works on a boat and has no other redeeming qualities except that he's tall

lucky cunt is gonna have rich children, i hope they're short like her, and retarded like him and her

Honestly anyone 5'10 or under shouldn't breed.

Your children will be forever tainted by you. Women are genetic gatekeepers for a reason.

Some unemployed girl has too much time on her hands and spends it collecting all sorts of STDs under the sun, what else is new?

>I'm instantly rejecting you now because you're short

>Don't take it personally

How can they not take it personally? You just said something physical about them they cannot control about themselves is the reason you're rejecting them after showing interest before knowing about it. Christ, what a stupid, shallow bitch. Guy dodged a bullet on this one.

how tall does one have to be to not be a midget?


what's that in real measurements?


approximately 6 feet and 3 inches

People love tall people and I don't know why exactly. I'm trans and 6'0". I wear heels often so I'm probably walking around mostly at 6'2"-6'4". Men, especially men who are sub-6 feet seem to love my height. Strangers are always striking up conversation with me or cat calling. Even some women have flirted with me simply because of my height.
I know some people like that. They say 6 feet, but they are shorter than me when I'm in flats right next to them, so I roll with it an pretend to be 6'2". Don't worry, we got your back.
It's okay, I've had my ass busted wide open by a 5'7" guy. I think he was embarrassed by the height difference and channeled his insecurity into his thrusts. Do that, crack some pelvic bone.

holy shit all those manlets dropping dislikes

They're simulating what they think the size of his cock is pressing against their lips.

He didn't handle that well at all, like said. As a 5'5 male, you always gotta come back with something smart and playful. I've had 5'10 chicks just by not getting so hurt like like that. Everyone, women in particular, are really fucking insecure about themselves (hence this thread). If you don't give a fuck about your perceived insecurities without being showy about it, nobody else will and they'll focus on your other aspects.

Helps to have a nice dick, too.