Please bully my country, I deserve all the hate Mexico gets and I deserve it for living in here

Please bully my country, I deserve all the hate Mexico gets and I deserve it for living in here.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Mexican middle class

I like your food.

No, i like you because youve confined yourself to that shithole of a country you call home.

For the love of god, stay there. Dont come here.


>Mexican intellectuals

Pick one, tranny.

Mexico is a great country. Mexican culture is shit.

>self-hating race/country cuck thread

you guys are more pathetic than black lives matter




chicano as fuck

>Oaxaca posters
Are you a literal cuck?
Not even Sweden does this

We really need Donald Trump to win...

Nah man, you've got it bad enough already just living there.



do you like it when people shit talk your country or something?

Sweden's case is different, they've been brainwashed to committ ethnic suicide, the guy just want to let out some of his frustration (on the worst place to be honest).

I appreciate you for staying there.

>Military Police State
>Still somehow Ruled by Cartels
>Daily beheadings
>Impoverished despite being right next to america who throw money at brown people

How can a country fuck up this bad

not sure about OP, but i think people got used to it, i mean: cholos, corrupt politicians, drug lords, imbecils worried much more about football or LOOK DA BOOTY N SHIIEEET than any other thing, stupid ex-presidents talking shit when they've fucked us over more times than i can remember. Many haven't kill themselves by some miracle. Trump was just one sad thing on a long sad list of bad and awful things, burger.

But i always go there. Are you sure you don't mean illegals?

>1 post by this ID
you must be a mexican ""intellectual""

Mexican food is overrated. It's good, I mean who doesn't like a taco every now and then. But most of the dishes taste the same. They look the same, but it's all the same basic ingredients. Ground beef, some cause, and some cheese on some sort of breading. It's ridiculous how many variations of this recipe these glorified Indians figured out ways to sell to gringos.

paco, please make room for the 11 million.

I'm still here, I feel happy for being insulted.

What can I do that the cartels, your president, the illegals from south america, your parents, friends, family, and clergymen already haven't?

Literally every thing in Mexico is run to shit and it's hot as fuck to top everything off.

Mexico if you want change
1. Violent overthrow of the government
2. Marshal law 24.7 for a few years with loose kill orders
3. Tax

You obviously haven't eaten true mexican food, user.

>2 posts by this ID

Vacationing in your country right now. All I see is short fat manlets. Women are fine as hell though.

Stop being a commie cuck and join some real mexicans


>implying if it ever happens a stupid socialist wouldn't try to take over
almighty jesus christ ... :(
in a way, we are also ruled by the kikes that rule you, it wouldn't change much

The eagle is too small on your flag motherfucker

Im mexican and can confrim, we have over 60 species of peppers for fuck sake

Who said anything about letting others rule?

Dictatorships rejuvenate countries when they are not self interested

it would be cool, problem is you'll be deemed a terrorist by for defending your countrymen from those psychos...god why?

I like your country.

The Baja is nice.

Fucking self-hating mexican.
You are the cancer of this country.
Go and jump the fence so you can be happy in U.S. and ltethe rest of the mexicans work for México.

Not a mexican, but they rarely use ground beef. Their tacos lack both ground beef and cheese. That's an American thing.

Maybe a little bit of self-hatred is what your country needs to unfuck itself. The only reason you're any different from the rest of the Latin states is because you're our toilet and feed off our shit.

>cholos, corrupt politicians, drug lords, imbecils worried much more about football or LOOK DA BOOTY N SHIIEEET than any other thing

Hahaha, you guys are alright. Keep it up. Take care Mexico.

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handdle it

What is it with Central and South American countries getting overtaken by criminal gangs?

Are beaners just really predisposed to accepting bribes?

Corruption m8. It can fuck up a country in less than 100 years without a dictatorship.

Why not legally emigrate to the US?

Help us keep out the hordes

God-tier tacos are goat cheese, tomato, cilantro, lime, and a tortilla made by a big titty mexican mom on a cheap hotplate.

If you stick around to talk to her, you learn about her children, and how proud she is of them, then you drop her an American $10 and walk back to the hotel, hoping her kids made it out of that shitty place.

It's fucking hot south. I don't think there is a single civilized country anywhere near the equator

If it was that easy, every cuck would do it.

I will if Trump wins


>hating mexico


We in South America have our own Jews, they are called politicians

>Maybe a little bit of self-hatred is what your country needs to unfuck itself.

This is what America wants to happen to every nation that is against him. Now go look Libya, Iraq, Egipt, Ukraine... all of them full of self hating peoples who tryed to throw their government and way of life and now are shitholes.

Keep your good intentions and advice for you. Please, go and vot for Trump, i want to watch the U.S. to fall.

>Inb4 "if the U.S. falls, youre shitty country too.

Yeah, but we are ready to swim against the river, the U.S. people no.

Hotdog bun + Taco meat = American Taco.

You saw it here first.

Looks like one giant scrap yard.

At least we are not Venezuela

I've never seen an authetic mexican taco with cheese. Every one that I have eaten had seasoned hunks of tasty meat dumped in a flour tortilla with a splash of lime and some variation of greens which varies by vender.

You fucks piss in your nasty mango and coconut drink bottles, and then leave them littered around the jobsite. Go use the Mexican spaceship aka peurto juan like the rest of us.

Corruption is the cause of all our woes.

Gun control.

Fuck off, Chumel.

>tfw Mexico wasn´t and will never be great

speaking of which, haven't seen any venezuelan poster for a time, i wonder if all of them have passed away..

Why are you Mexicans so violent?
Even our most bloodthirsty ruthless narcolord Gacha had a nickname based on you( el mexicano)

honest question
whats with the tacos? why dont you eat rice or some other shit, you just keep shoving tortillas with meat and hot sauce in your mouth, how can you stomage process years of that shit? its not even that tasty, its all hot sauce, wtf, you cant even taste it

this, the only ones armed are the gangsters and cartels and if you dare gun down one (at leats in Mexico), it won't be long until the human right commision bring down your door, fuck you over and throw you in a jail cell (even if the bastard had tortured others and killed others, you are the bad one for DEFENDING YOURSELF)

>Being proud of that

>I'd personally shoot every mexican if I could


Same happens here fucking liberals an their fucking human rights, some fuckers just don't deserve to be called human.

Just become a state already, Mexico.

I don't mean that in a derogatory way either. Seriously, join us.

Tacos are fucking delicious, and tortillas are the cornerstone of mesoamerican cuisine. Chilies have historically been used to prevent food poisoning, especially with poorly preserved meat because it acts as an internal desifectant. That`s why they eat that hot. But you get used to it, and it`s delicious.

the funny thing is when people sick and tired of them and the cholos that kill say: "just euthanize them and let's get this over with" and they then utter: NAAAAAAAWWWWW MONSTER MONSTERRRR, HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT (CRYING DESPERATELY) and then, when those bastards get out and the ones crying for them get mugged by these scumbags they start complaining...fucking nonsense

There's a lot of Mexican dishes, often served with rice. Mole, Posole, Menudo, Chilaquiles, Tamales of several kinds, Morisqueta. All good, not-taco dishes and a lot of them have differences between regions.

You need to visit Todo Santos.
There's a place there that will make you see God.

The best thing we could ever do as a country is to admit Mexico as a territory.

The need us, and we need them, but they have got to chill the fuck out.


You could, we don't have firearms to defend ourselfs.


The usa is not ready to take on a third world country as a 51st state right now, and would have no real reason to even if it were manageable


>at least a mexican can build a swimming pool

Shit nigger, we could take you in 5 minutes, but you have nothing to offer but hockey (gay) and slush.

holy shit...

Build the wall, Paco

you cant even handle your own shitty states

C'mon now. Life is shit everywhere, m8o.

You got cartels. We got authoritarian """liberals""". It's shit everywhere.

Just come out north so I can test my aim.

I mean I can hit a dime at 200 yards so a running beaner would be fun.

> women
degenerate as fuck, islam can't be worse than this

>when you played simcity and this is a imagine of when your city is under tax and budget crisis

is this real life ?

>Mexico: The Philippines of America

>you cant even handle your own shitty states

Quiet, you. You owe your entire existence to us.

That's Neza.
Not quite middle class; it's pretty much our own little detroit inside mexico city.

What's the difference between you and them?
Legit question, not trying to offend.

I like Mexico. I just wish that immigrants would come here LEGALLY.

just say you are a spaniard and move to spain?

Don't hate yourself, Juan.

Mexican food is best food.

>moving from a shithole to another shithole

Thats ciudad neza, im from here :)

Mexican womens are bullshit, really

Your government supports freedom of movement between itself and Mexico. What upsets you again?

Mexibros, what's the general opinion of chicanos?

How do you feel about them latching so strongly to a culture they only know from their parents despite being raised here all their life, while also celebrating the worst aspects of it?

Why does it seem like the vast majority of them appear to be almost pure bred ugly indios? Spaniard Mexicans have secured their own nice areas to live in so they don't see the point in leaving for the US?

I don't necessarily hate on Mexicans so long as they travel and immigrate here legally with a willingness to integrate, but I fucking hate chicanos.

But those rear ends.....