Snyder took the lamest hero around and made him the ultimate badass

Snyder took the lamest hero around and made him the ultimate badass.

Aquaman being a Hawaiian or w/e and drinking booze makes me angry

Snyder took the lamest hero around and made him just as lame, but in the opposite direction.

hide or sage shill threads

Aquaman hasn't been a "lame" hero in years. Do you base your knowledge about him solely on pop culture or something?

fuck off

You put that cave man in anything, and it'll become badass.

Whywas Conan so shit then

go away, you are poisoning this website.

I poisoned your mother's snatch with my sluphuric cum, fagboi

Looks like a Thor ripodd, still, is going to be as useless as he was in the tv shows, kek

Why is DC trying desesperately to be like Marvel?

>Snyder is gone
>everything is suddenly better

Really peaches my tea


Force me to

Do you also think Amber's CW tier outfit is better than her armored suit? Rhetorical question.

>Aquaman is lame
God, I hate this normie meme

WW is more of a Thor ripoff than AM.

AM is similar in that he's a bearded masculine legendary warrior, but that's an established trope and pretty hard to avoid with a character like AM. But part of Thor's character in the MCU is that he's a fish out of water, which isn't as much the case for AM as it seems like he has some familiarity with human culture.

WW rips off thor more than AM.

>heir to a kingdom of mythological demigods who have long since broken contact with humanity.

>Sole wielder of legendary weapons and equipment.

>becomes interested in mortal culture because of hot member of opposite sex

>a lot of hilarious misunderstandings due to being a fish out of water demigod in a mortal world.

>main enemy is an evil demigod from the same pantheon

>uses lightning

Then just add some shit from captain America as well. She weilds a circular shield, it's set during a world war and it leads to a time skip preceding the first team up movie.

t. faggot who likes Superman because most people think he's lame

True, hovewer, I disagree with "That´s an established trope and pretty hard to avoid with a character like AM", I mean, he´s supposed to be a blonde causasian faggot looking guy

what's the marvel equivalent version of aquaman? narmor roght?
I didn't read the comics but isn't marvel and DC ripping off each other? why should I care who play him when the original character idea is from greek?

It is, however, they´re supposed to be adapting the comic version of the character, I mean, they didn´t make Thor a beardless short haired old greek vestiment with a little hammer looking guy, did they?

>they didn´t make Thor a beardless short haired old greek vestiment with a little hammer looking guy, did they?
no they just currently made him a faggot with a numale haircut (and a woman if you're a reader of crappy picture books)

but they made heimdall a nigger


and superman british

A numale haircut? Aren´t numales supposed to be shorthaired or bald?

>and superman british

Superman is not even part of Marvel, so

>Given the helm of the Detective Comics Cinematic Universe
>direct the origin story for the most iconic superhero of all time
>pit two of the most recognizable superheroes against each other while introducing the franchises other key characters
>future Flash from the bug planet, Israeli "Wonder" Woman, piss jug Lex Luthor, Bat of Murder
>Given Aquaman
>throw everything in the garbage, make him a Game of Thrones knockoff character played by a meme actor

>Superman is not even part of Marvel, so
what I meant is that hollywood never had cared and nver will care about the origin but about the money

>hollywood never had cared and nver will care about the origin

superficial as always. when you look at this Aquaman, you're already expecting him to be a badass before he does anything. it's boring.

There's been a comic superhero that you didn't expect to be "badass"?



To be fair, he embraced what Peter David did with the character back in the mid to late 90s. I salute him for it. The King of Atlantis should be thought of as "lame" by no one. No one.