Mathematics are the ultimate truth. They are beyond even science, as they have proof, rather than just evidence. Mathematics are the foundation of all intellectual pursuits, even artistics ones like music and painting.
Truely, the most red-pilled career is mathematician
Other urls found in this thread:
>proof, rather than just evidence.
God save you
Oh yeah, then calculate these repeating digits
Pythagoras was based as fuck
The rarest thing in all of science is proof.
Besides pure math with no practical applications is worthless.
Physics is more important than pure math
Chemistry is more applicable than physics
Biology is just dumbed down chemistry
Psychology is applied basic biology
Anything under psychology isn't worth ink in which it's penned.
There is no proof in science. The reason math is important is because you couldn't have the sciences, or the arts for that matter, without it, which is the point.
Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe.
- Galileo Galilei
:( so sassy
There is some proof in science, it just has to be qualified with parameters.
>H2SO4 is acidic
And it's qualified with something like
>at STP, acidic is defined as ... So and so forth.
You would still have sciences, music, art without math.
Math is a human invention designed to measure and record natural and man made phenomenons.
>Mathematics are the foundation of all intellectual pursuits
prove love in mathematical terms
Math and science R outdate and racist + sexist. They need to have an update. They are really Biased against people of colour and people who are not Men.
Maybe if the dumb mathematicians were smart they would realize this. Explain, why do I never see women in mathematical courses at my college? I only see MEN. It's so sad We deny people in to these things BASED on their colour and gender. It must be updated now or else we will all fall behind.
Oswald Spengler has a really interesting conception of mathematics. He says there is no Mathematic, but rather individual mathematics that correspond to the great Cultures that have developed Civilizations.
He says that each culture develops a notion of Number and this underlies their religious, artistic, philosophical, etc. creations. For the Greeks the number was the geometrical reality of physical space. For Western culture it was and is the function, it is the variable relation, thought of as a point extending into infinite space. I lack the proper education in math to define these things properly but the way he related this to other facets of the cultures are fascinating- the Greek statue, the Doric Column, the polyphonic counterpoint of Western art music, the horizon technique in Renaissance painting, the Cathedral, he draws metaphor between such disparate spheres of culture.
The Decline of the West I am convinced will come to be seen as a defining philosophical work of the West in coming centuries, once this Letist dominated period comes to an ending.
Graduated from Ivy league uni with masters in mathhematics, got 300k starting anywhere I wanted
Ask me anything
There is an abundance of evidence that H2SO4 is, in general, acidic. This does not constitute proof that H2SO4 is acidic. This is a somewhat subtle, but definitively meaningful, distinction.
Read Gödel sometime. God apparently wrote a language that only makes sense if you don't think about it too much.
>still lives in Finland
How many miles of bus stop is necessary to accommodate the maximum capacity of a Finnish bus?
Read Gödel sometime. He apparently wrote some theorems which don't make sense if you don't think about them enough.
Language is the ultimate truth. Read Wittgenstein.
You have proven that under the conditions of the experiment H2SO4 is acidic.
It's small, rare proof that only exists under the defined conditions.
nah NEETs are better
god I love it
>nobody trusts Finns
>Finns don't trust each other
>it's only a matter of time now.
>Oh look, another autistic neckbeard falling for the STEM meh-meh
I got A's in high school algebra. Starting salary was $300,000 a year.
if everyone becomes a mathematician who will build roads?
Mathematician here. Would remind you of Einstein's quote, "As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality."
Maths is the best modelling language, but that is it, we build models. You still must test them in real-world applications if you want to use them in the real world.
Pythagoras was an alien.
So it would be:
Maths>Physics>Chemistry>Geology/Biology>Psychology Where are actuarial science and economics?
Math is merely parlor tricks...
There can be only 1!
Bumping ths post.
Ssshhh.... no real red pills on Sup Forums
>intellectual pursuit
Physics is the philosiphy of the natural sciences.
Math PhD student here (pure math). I can attest that there are plenty of blue-pilled Hillary cucks in the department, and there are also plenty of libertarians and Trump supporters. Some mathematicians I've come across wear their heart on their sleeves, and can be a tad annoying. However, the majority are extremely open minded, and quick to admit they're wrong if shown to be.
>proof, rather than just evidence
If you considered them sciences at all
Econ is on par with geo/bio and actuarial is with psychology.
Actuarial goes with Statistics in Applied Maths. Economics goes somewhere between biologists and witch doctors
As a mathematician do you see economics as a real science? Please say yes.
There is proof in science.
Science is the collection of all facts that are relevant to the betterment of mankind.
>Mathematics are the ultimate truth.
HAHAHA! Nope, math is subjective.
Econometrics is applied statistics. Other forms of Econ may not be as scientific.
Economics is a real science, and a hardcore one at that.
Insofar as Statistical Methods (particularly Stochastic methods) and Probability theory (particularly the use of Martingales) is real mathematics. So, yes, some economists I've read do sciency stuff, and are essentially applied Statisticians, which is certainly sciency enough. Austrian school economists on the other hand are more philosophers than anything. Yet, they are likely right.
... and the language of Physics is Mathematics.
>If you considered them sciences at all
>Economics goes somewhere between biologists and witch doctors
There's this thing called fractions boyow
Mathematics, in itself, in its pure form, IS NOT SUBJECTIVE. The subjective part is the symbols, whether we use binary, hexadecimal, or decimal, we still have the foundational law of mathematics in play, and it can't be changed unless time changes it.
Mathematicians, of course. That's a silly question.
If you have evidence X is true, it means you have some good reason or reasons to believe X. If you have proof that X is true, it means you can demonstrate that X must be true and cannot possibly be false.
For example, the fact that the suspect was standing in the room holding a bloody knife when the police arrived constitutes rather good evidence that the suspect is guilty. However, the possibility remains that the suspect was, for example, framed, so it does not constitute proof. Proof in the strict sense is generally only available to mathematics, due to such factors as the fallibility of the senses.
They are two different disciplines though.
Thanks for making me feel better, based mathematician pals.
>it means you can demonstrate that X must be true and cannot possible be false
So you're saying it must be always true unless it isn't so it's false. How can we know that it is really true when we don't even can demonstrate it again and again and again until we passed the period of knowing it is true?
What about Gödel's incompleteness theorems?
And could a quantum computer decode that?
Math relies on the nexus of continuity, which itself relies on God.
Mathematically speaking, the chances of an organized reality
>like 1 + 1 = 2
Are stacked from an infinite number of realties, to 1.
Einstein called this God Aquinas.
Just keep an eye on economists who make it up to their own satisfaction. They're not scientists. Where Econ uses maths, it's fine. There is a large amount of other shit in the field sadly.
>whether we use binary, hexadecimal, or decimal,
It's subjective because where you start in mathematics is arbitrary. You can chose whatever base system you want to start with, but it requires that you chose a base to begin with, which makes it subjective. Choosing a base 10 system will create differing results and anomalies compared to, say, a base 2 system. And while you can convert between them, they are still arbitrary.
Laws are a social construct #BLM
We don't have evidence yet of either mathematics having a loop hole of its laws yet. It's just a theorem for now.
>It's just a theorem for now.
Yeah, just like how the fundamental theorem of algebra is just a theorem.
And how the fundamental theorem of calculus is just a theorem.
> just a theorem
I think you're unclear on what a theorem is.
Not talking about the systems but what makes mathematics (Apophenia) mathematics. Yes, it is Arbitrary BUT we must know that we can only benefit from mathematics IF we use the same systems. So what is mathematics if we don't even have the same Arbitrary point of view? The use of Apophenia is just ridiculous if we don't even acknowledge the fact that we must have a static laws, and not just subjective point of view (so called COMMON CORE)
God's a mathematician.
This is why rush is so badass
Calculus does work, does it?
true if the demo is true until proven false
fuck off kike
pic related
How are you moving from incompleteness to subjectivity? The fact that mathematics can be done in any of a variety of axiomatic systems does not somehow invalidate those systems.
>Using M.K. as a source
He is as crazy as they come
>meme kaku
Chef at Wendy's 11 inch cock 300k per year
that doesn't prove love
in fact it doesn't even prove anything
all intellectual pursuits are for love otherwise you may as well be dead
>Calculus does work, does it?
Yes? That has nothing to do with the incompleteness theorems.
He's trying to bridge a growing gap between athiests and thiests.
I support his insanity.
It does have to do with the incompleteness theorems if it was to stop working for just a tiny bit of time but it's improbable.
I know, the point is that every logical system has to take a first logical jump. Chill down, i still think that maths are the best science.
He's using God in the sense of nature in its totality, or in the sense of the divine watchmaker.
He's implying that reality in of itself is a mathematical abstraction.
Isn't math the concept of the number line (and with complex numbers, the vertical number line)? Tools of measurement ''discovered/invented' utilizing this concept of perfectly evenly spaced/valued nodes?
All 'subjectiveness' of math, is due to mechanisms used to traverse and utilize that eternal concept of a spatially infinite 3d graph composed of points of equal distance?
>all intellectual pursuits are for love
Prove it :^)
I don't think you understand what the incompleteness theorems mean.
The 1st states that there is no axiomatic system which can prove all truths about the natural numbers (in that there will be statements that cannot be proved true or false).
The 2nd states that any axiomatic system cannot demonstrate its own consistency.
And engineering is applied physics. There's a reason engineers are more financially successful than all other stem fields
>Physics is more important than pure math
No way. Physicists can't even agree on the most basic concepts that rule the universe, also they are all hipsters at this point. They are the philosophers of this era.
All emotions can be described as just electrical impulses you can quantify. That's all.
Mathematics is broken
mathematics is modeling. models can be mathematically "consistent," but they're only "true" insofar as they predict reality, and the only measure of this is empiricism.
They are in opposite sides of the spectrum
the concept of lines and graphs are also an abstraction, and even then, the complex numbers are just a 2d plane.
Numbers, quantities is subjective purely arbitrary.
Yall are gonna be pissed when you realize numbers is just a word and repetition is artificial.
You use different math for different problems.
1+1+1=5 ;^)
>mathematics is modeling
No, modeling is the application of mathematics to empirical data, I.E., statistics.
because you have feelings and you crave acceptance or recognition or even the worst kind of love - of the self
but there is nothing that is not done for a reward - be it from others or your own ego
the desire for the pursuit and its goal arises from a need which requires filling
>All emotions can be described as just electrical impulses you can quantify. That's all
quantify my love then
right now
do it
Actually it isn't, but you could try to prove it is. You'll need to be much more coherent than you've been so far.
t. first year math student
>you crave acceptance
Prove it :^)
Well, economists ruin the most lives, checkmate, engineers