Sup Forums is literally dale
Sup Forums is literally dale
Dale is clearly /x/ noob.
Sup Forums is Phelps
Dale is love, Dale is life.
Hank is probably one of the hobbyist boards like /diy/
Boomhauer is Sup Forums and /fit/
Dale is Sup Forums and /x/
Bill is /r9k/
And bobby.. is probably /mlp/
that boy just ain't right
wtf I hate bill now
What's the difference at this point?
>/threading your own post
Dale was more of a libertarian conspiracy theorist who was obsessed with the supernatural, I don't really agree with him embodying Sup Forums as a whole.
Cotton is Sup Forums & /k/
bobby is Sup Forums and a bit of reddot
Luanne is /o/ and /s/
Top tier
i like my own shit on facebook, too.
fite me irl
OP is clearly a (((fag)))
I'll agree to an /x/ version of Rand Paul, that little manlet is absolutely letting his wife fuck a better specimen.
bobby is Sup Forums obviously
cotton is Sup Forums
So a cuck?
Dale is an imaginary character. Actual people post here. Can you tell the difference between fantasy and reality?
>implying Cotton would go on a site owned by a Tojo
Cotton is the better side of Sup Forums, yes.
cotton is the closest thing to Sup Forums on the show
>Actual people post here
>he doesnt know
You poor thing
Really makes you think
/diy/ is amazing. I wish it was more active.
Hank is who we should aim to be.
Dale is who we are on the inside.
Bill is who we should avoid being.
Boomhauer is who we are on the outside.
how is that any different from the navy seal copypasta
early dale actually was an attempt to wake up middle america by co creator greg daniels. (the NWO was suppose to happen in 2000 but the first terrroist attack on the world trade centers didn't trigger the response like 9/11 did. btw they are pretty behind schedule and since they believe in numerology they have to wait for things to line up perfectly. be warned they are going all out now.the whole BLM movement is meant to trigger a usa race war or as they call it civil war II. the euro terrorist attacks are meant to trigger WWIII. putin and trump are literal god sends. also to usa, they are very upset that sandy hook did not make america demand that all guns are taken. two things about this: they will try harder with more fucked up scenarios and americans are so desensitized to violence (ironically because of their own propaganda) i don't know how it's gonna go down.kek seems to want chaos to their planned order.
>tfw am bill
>tfw am dale
Sup Forums is joey
2.Obsessed with guns.
Sup Forums strives to be cotton
always figured as much (if you listen to some of the things early dale says about the trilateral commission and other conspiracy theories, it's strikingly on point).
didn't know it was greg daniels, can you link to further info?
Sup Forums figured it out back in 2006. should we tell him?
He fucked one of their women
Dale is a cuck
>you'll never blatantly grab your son's neighbor's wife's ass
watch his other shows he's co created i.e. parks and rec or developed i.e. the office (US)
it's always the earlier episodes with the unapologetic satire and the messages.