Why was this movie so critically panned?
Why was this movie so critically panned?
People thought they were going to get a spooky movie but instead they got Johnny Depp smoking and drinking through Europe.
I liked it a lot 2bh.
Is it worth torrenting?
instead they got Johnny Depp smoking and drinking through Europe.
This. Comfy as fuck.
It has a great atmosphere and interesting story.
>goes to study room
>finds small update on situation
>repeat for 2 hours
America soured on polanski
i went to watch this with my sister once, we both made the mistake of thinking this was a horror movie and fell asleep
Hollyjew and the critics still love him
It was just boring people were expecting a spooky Omen meets Indiana Jones movie and got books
i really liked it on a second viewing.
any comparable occult movies with subtle tension? Aside from rosemary's baby?
1408 is kinda in that category I guess
Because it depicts the social, political, and economic elite as depraved aging hedonists, and dilettantes larping at devil worship.
Love this movie
Very enjoyable movie
People have told me I look like Johnny Depp in this movie/Secret Window when I have facial hair like so.
Is this good?
already saw that, but it was a lot more overboard with its supernatural stuff.
Have you seen the prestige?
You could always watch Manos: The Hands of Fate as well.
Check out Clive Barkers Lord of Illusions, it definitely has supernatural stuff in it but its still very much an atmosphere movie.
Lord of Illusions, Prince of Darkness, Serpent and the Rainbow, Angelheart.
Supernatural Noir is something I really dig, it's not that common:
Lord of Illusions
Angel Eyes
Cigarette Burns (masters of horror)
You may also dig Sinister.
Angel Heart not angel eyes. Meh
>Prince of Darkness
The Thing gets all the press in the Apoc Trilogy but PoD is pretty great once you understand what it's going for.
Mouth of Madness is still my favorite of the three.
What if Polanski originally intended to shine the light on Pedos in Hollywood and was framed and this is his piece to try to point us in that direction?
The movie is based on a book called The Dumas Club. He even said in an interview he was reluctant to direct it.
I only saw Angel Heart Once, Circa, 1988. Lisa Bonnet damn nearly cost me a cock. I fapped so much to the scene of her and Mickey. Damn. I passed out once. Wore the damn home video out. Shit cost 24 bucks.
>movie depicts secret satanic sex cults of the upper echelon
>critics and movie industry people that tell you what to watch are the upper echelon
I wonder.
If you like comfy, and Lovecraft like protagonists, watch it. It's one of those films you have to watch in a closed room, and pay attention to. Just absorb the comfy.
He was framed well before The 9th Gate. Having said that, I can see him directing this to point out that sex cults are common among the upper echelon.
>Lord of Illusions
this one i did actually not see, thanks ill check it out.
>The Dumas Club
Awesome. Looking for a copy of it online now.
>(masters of horror)
Oh wow, I haven't watched that series in forever. Thanks for reminding me, user.
Hit too close to home I guess.
It's a really comfy book, you won't regret getting it.
>like Lord of Illusions
>read lots of people butthurt that it changes the story its based on so much and that Bakula doesn't fit their vision of Harry D'armor
>read the original short years later
It has a woman who thinks she's been swallowed whole by a tiger and that she is actually talking to Harry from the inside of its stomach
I has a bunch of demons playing in a band with the instruments made out of people (including xylophone ribs).
The short is one of the worst in the Books of Blood, not sure why people are so precious about it.
>Clive Barker also says he writes D'Amour picturing Bakula
Why did The Scarlet Gospels have to suck so hard...
Da Vinci Code un-ironically
That's my guess
Johnny Derp's hollow "acting"
Released in same year as Eyes Wide Shut, The Matrix and Fight Club.
1999 was the illuminati giving the world a peak at what they do.
The film is too close to the truth about elites and satanism. Thats why it's "panned" or not talked about.
Go watch it, one of my fave films
Depp's character was so weak willed
Redpill for ants
Nothing to do with muh illuminutty just a dull movie full of plot whole that was too poorly written to be as ambiguous as it was
If it had been a plot half or a plot three quarters would you have liked it more, critiquekun?
Because it wasn't that good
Doesn't help that this movie has some scenes that are so fucking stupid that they're unintentionally hilarious.
I mean, its not nearly has bad as The Happening in that department, but its bad.
Shut the fuck up and never try to describe anything ever again.
Ya that scene where his boss scares all those Satanists away by saying boo made me laugh
I don't know. I myself have a love hate relationship with it. On the one hand, I think it's a fantastic movie. On the other hand, I think Polanski is a scumbag. Same as with Chinatown. But yeah, the movie is great. A Satanic film noir with Johnny Depp smoking and drinking through Europe while investigating rare literature? Fuck yes.
True, I read The Dumas Club though, and Ninth Gate is very very different from it.
Huh? He's spot-on with his description.
Finding an online translation is impossible.
I understand that conflict, so I try to separate the work from the artist when it comes to moral evaluations.
>The Dumas Club
spend a couple bucks or use a library, faggot
I enjoy it but I don't think it's a good movie