daily reminder that this is undisputable.
Daily reminder that this is undisputable
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daily reminder that OP IS A FAG
is that peter hitchens?
wrong way around
Alex Jones appeals to morons, Milo is a bourgeois twat
For those who seek the truth
> alex jones
> anything above absolute shit
Can you please never breed OP
Peter hitchens is a fag. replace him with christopher, put adam corolla in the average middle class and then put whoever the fuck you want
Don't forget about me.
christopher hitchens is retarded
2 jews and a meme lord.
you poor stupid lost soul. I hope you learn some day what being a true patrician is.
>replacing based morality man with his degenerate brother
Absolutely haraam
u 2
go back to l e ddit cucktard
>based morality man
more like pussy christcuck. I think him and denesh desuza do butt stuff
>I think him and denesh desuza do butt stuff
Only in your fantasies, you godless homosexual.
godless? yes. its next to holiness
homosexual? no, its next to godliness
>mfw that joke will go WAY over your head
The Kosher Intellectual
Although I am not surprised. most people who still listen to talk radio are the religious right. I am just a younger kid who is pro trump and conservative and likes to be well informed. I happen to be an atheist who sees exactly what we both see in liberalism as illogical and just crazy logic, I see that in religion. I challenge you to apply your same bullshit detector and logic that made you a conservative and apply it to your religion, If you did you would be an atheist.
I did and I am still a christian. If you opened you're eyes and read the bible actually without anyone feedingg you the bullshit you would no longer be an athiest
>feeding me bullshit
the irony is way to much!
and nothing converts more atheists from christianity than actually reading the bible and not listening to all the sermons (bullshit)
No you look at it through a lens. Stop trying to debunk all the metaphors you were to stupid to decipher.
Jones is a fucking moron
get red pilled man. It's hard to accept but so was santa clause not being real. It's just part of growing up. but this argument is stupid. I am at least glad were on the same side politically, and if it means anything I would prefer you to most atheist degenerate pieces of liberal crap I know. I am a self hating atheist and much prefer the company of well adjusted christians.
And this man is for patricians.
>Implying Milo isn't a rich spoiled yuppie
>Implying Alex isn't poor
meant for 2nd poster
Who the fuck is every single person posted on here?
That's not grown up. That's denying the truth.
>gonna snatch every mother fucker birthday
??? learn english!!!!!
I disagree, OP
newfags get thee gone
>mfw santa IS real!
>mfw the world isn't real
>Peter Hitchens
>Australian post.
Well, colour me surprised.
This is the most euphoric post I've ever read. I don't believe in god either, but I think morality is important, Peter lays out a good case for it, and although he depends on religion for some of his claims, I still admire anyone who will stand up to the degeneracy of today's society.
this is for preppers ex-military militia people. they are alpha poor class
Oh I fucking hate most atheists. and it's hard to say anything bad about the community and charity work that (dare I say) "most" christian churches intend to promote as positive. Much rather that than fat tattooed naked slutty pierced women with short hair protesting for rights that they already have because they just want attention
oh and I'll consider my fedora tipped btw
Absolutely immoral