How long can he hold this for?
How long can he hold this for?
Not so long as Bill Clinton continues to steal the spotlight.
Sadly trump looks like its going to win and i cant do anything to stop him
im going to vote hillary to try to stop him i cant let him win not after i sacrificed so much with bernie
At this point with all the leaks and scandals I think it's Trumps game to lose.
Yeah things are going great
all those Bernie voters are #TerminallyHill now thanks to Bill's endless stories about the 70s
Unless Trump says something massively fucking retarded and off-putting (like he did in the beginning of his campaign [ie: even if minorities are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime, don't say it!]), he should win.
As long as he continues to show a calmer, more "presidential" persona, and Hillary's campaign continues to crumble around her, he should win pretty handily.
Trump needs to keep his damn mouth shut and let the scandals/leaks do the work.
Literally every time he gets level with her he says some dumb shit and drops 10 points.
Just shut the fuck up and work 24/7 on ground game.
This breddy much.
4 years
There will be a point where she takes a lead again but it will be artificial propaganda.
If all goes well, with more scripted speeches and tighter management every day, it's unlikely Trump will make a major Gaffigan. So it might hold.
Not very long unfortunately.
Michelle and Bill gave magnificent speeches and I'm sure Obama will tomorrow.
If only the GOP could get a line-up even remotely close to this.
He already fucked up a few hours ago. He tweeted at Megyn Kelly telling her to "get her facts straight"
>[ie: even if minorities are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime, don't say it!])
Just like every other cuckservative for the past 16 years?
Fuck off. There's a reason Republicans were losing, and it's not because of the spic or nigger vote. It's because conservatives don't call out the marxist liberals on their race-baiting politics and pandering. Trump is winning because he speaks the truth that no one else dares to say. Sorry that offends your little feelings, faggot.
>not understanding convention bumps
This is the last time Trump will be in the lead barring Wikileaks dropping some damning shit on Shillary.
Everyone was too butt frustrated about losing to Trump that they didn't show up. I feel like it's going to come back and bite Trump in the ass
That... is an ant sized fuck up even if she's completely correct
He has already been saying shit about both Sanders and Clinton over the leaks. The only argument people is for him to release his tax returns.
LOL you're saying the mainstream media labeling him a bigot/racist/Nazi is GOOD for him?
Get real. The only reason he's winning is because Hillary's just a lying turd.
"HILLARY SURGING" will be next week
Most likely a convention bump. Hillary will get her's soon too. August we will be able to see where the race is going.
About eight years.
Good thing 92% of America (and growing) doesn't trust the media. Just keep screaming "racist! bigot!". I'm sure it'll work after the 16th time for sure. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hillary being a lying marxist cunt also helps.
gary johnson
All he needs to do is shut his trap.
Please I want that fucking TV personality as Pres. Best election in decades
I'm sorry but american election is won state by state, and Clinton is probably winning easily at this game. A general poll doesnt mean much
>There's a reason Republicans were losing, and it's not because of the spic or nigger vote. It's because conservatives don't call out the marxist liberals on their race-baiting politics and pandering.
Hate to break it to you, but conservatives and redpilled folk in general are a small minority in this country who already have one of the highest voter turnouts of any demographic. But even then, they're only barely holding it together against the bluepilled hordes. The only way a conservative is going to pull in a majority again is if he can draw some voters from the middle or across the aisle.
>Trump is winning because he speaks the truth that no one else dares to say.
He won the PRIMARY for that reason. The only reason he even stands a chance in the general at this point is because the Democrats nominated satan incarnate. If Trump were running against Bernie or Biden or literally anyone else, he'd be utterly BTFO in the general.
Why can't you grasp that Trump is the best for America?
The difference is that the only walkout in the RNC was Ted Cruz walking out of his political career.
The DNC just lost 50% of Bernie supporters after blatantly rigging the primary against him.
I absolutely favor a more moderate tone leading up to the election. He set the bar so high with his outrageous remarks, he can afford to lower them a bit and still be technically be an absolute madman, but the media will have to admit he's becoming more electable and "presidential".
We now know what his views are. I doubt he will care much about the liberal outrage when he - once in office - does exactly what he intended to do from the start. But he really needs to tone it down a bit, just a bit, or we have a real chance of president Hillary Clinton and the definitive end of white men in America.
>Best for america
his tax plan is shit he wants to deport all inmigrants and like hitler he wants a minority to wear ID's just like hitler wanted he is part of the 1% and he is extremely racist and sexist just like he demonstarded on the apprentice and miss universe
If the Berncucks and BLM fags can manage to spark something resembling a riot, Donald will have won the election hook line and sinker.
>Hillary was just penetrated by Donald Trump
Will the media call this rape?
Kek looks kindly upon this.
>Wants muslims to have ID's just like hitler wanted jews to have ID's
>Wants to deport all inmigrants
>Humilliates women and non whites on the apprentice and on miss universe
>Wants to openly start wars
Face it he is hitler reborn
We love Hitler.
This is Sup Forums, we all wear IDs here, friend.
Checked. Guess Hitler was never in Argentina at all, he was in Brazil.
Hitler ruined german made germany be in a incredible economic and social drought started WW2 and killed over 6 million jews he was not a good leader and facism doesnt work
>its another thread filled with literal CTR shills
don't you guys get bored? or is it the paycheck that good?
you're a bexy guy
>Wants muslims to have ID's just like hitler wanted jews to have ID's
Not true.
>Wants to deport all inmigrants
All ILLEGAL immigrants, you dumbass.
>Humilliates women and non whites on the apprentice and on miss universe
I never heard anything about this, but I'm guessing you're just cherry picking and ignoring when he targets a fucking white male
>Wants to openly start wars
Not true.
Germany was already shit to begin with.
the nly thing he really did right was realize the death of aryan culture, and didn't want it fucked with.
As military leader he was comically fucking retarded
>Not true
>all ILLEGAL inmigrants you dumbass
Stop name calling and use your brain first the illegals (which are a good thing because they bring cheap labor and take the jobs no one wants) then minorites and finally ALL THE INMIGRANTS
>Humilliates women and non whites on the apprentice and on miss universe
Look up ANY the apprentice firing he is clearly biased toward white males
>Wants to openly start wars
American bro's, I got a question about the minimum wage argument dems make. Does the avarage American realise that this will translate into less people being hired for low skill jobs or are they "Higher wages automatically makes things better"
>being literally retarded
Why the fuck would he deport perfectly functioning non nigger members of society?
They don't have the concept to understand even the bare essentials no.
>XD 15$ an hour will be like getting 15$ an hour, all prices will be the same the job market too.
They are just fucking stupid. They have no foresight to such a thing. hence why the
>Free college man XD its easy
>free healthcare man XD its like easy
are such alive memes
>Good thing 92% of America (and growing) doesn't trust the media. Just keep screaming "racist! bigot!". I'm sure it'll work after the 16th time for sure
And yet, despite this distrust, a great many people fully and completely buy into the narrative. Why? because any narrative, even one from someone you don't like, reverberates more powerfully in your head than no narrative.
Because he is xenophobic bastard he hates all kind of inmigrants and to "Make America Great Again" he will only leave people that were born in USA
He will then use the unneducated Americans to brainwash them and ruin the country while enriching himself
>wants to openly start wars
Can you fucktards make up your mind? Either he is colluding with foriegn powers or he is trying to start wars with them. Which fucking one is it?
Got a source on this?
How many times has he talked about how much he hates White Immigrants? Are you retarded?
Holy hell you have drunk too much Kool-aid. Trump has only ever spoken against illegals. Because they have absolutely no right to be in this country.
That's because he shit on everyone. He's reaping what his fat mouth sowed. The guy is legit retarded. I can't believe Sup Forums drank his cool aid
He is just using them he is a extremely intelligent man but he is rotten to the core
he will just create chaos worldwide
what the hell kind of kool-aid are you drinking? If you wanna say xenophobic who hates brown people there is at least basis to that argument. I mean who doesn't hate Illegal Niggerments.
you are preaching something that has 0 basis
No im not retarded maybe you are retarded for resorting to name calling instead off proving your point
there are no illegals everyone needs to have a chance at the american dream they dont harm anybody and in fact THEY BENEFIT THE COUNTRY WITH CHEAP LABOR AND THEY PAY TAXES
>When you meme so hard your political opponents disintegrate
>LOL you're saying the mainstream media labeling him a bigot/racist/Nazi is GOOD for him?
yes, it is. it's the old story of the boy who cried wolf. When the media runs a cycle on anti-semitism over a star of david on a tweet meme, normal people start to wonder what the fuck is going on in the media. Every over the top attempt to attack trump on the racist/sexist/whatever is an erosion of the weapon. It's a pretty dull weapon now.
Secondary effect is:
The duller the weapon, the more the normal people become immune to shaming along racist/sexist/-ist lines. When you can call your "trendy liberal" friend racist because he doesn't want to live in mexico 2.0 and he doesn't care, you've lost the moral tug of war.
This thread is crawling with paid shills.
Stop replying to them.
That's a good description of Hillary
He will fall a little, but he will win the election. It will not even be close.
Everyone who opposes trump hasa curse put on them. Well documented, watch all of these Democrat speech stars get their lives rekt in coming weeks.
Screenshot this
Just do a little research and there is so much evidence that he only cares about his benefit to the cost of other lives he is a xenophobic bastard
my oc
pls r8
> that image
cmon dude.
>he is an extremely intelligent man
Si now Trump is an extremely intelligent manipulator that is playing 4d chess? See his opponents just constantly try to shift the narrative around about whatever is scaring them at the moment rather than discuss the actual man.
>Because she is an elitist bastard and hates all kinds of peasants and to be "with her" you will disparage only people that were born in the USA
>She will then use the uneducated non-Americans to brainwash them and ruin the country while enriching herself
fuck off faget
>Muslim Database
>Implying the government doesn't aleady do this under the guise of: all people suspected or likely terrorists are being monitored.
Also this is literally one statement that is now no longer real policy
>Slippery Slope Fallacy
Secondly, this slippery slope fallacy of yours is retarded on every measure. If Donald is a racist, then he values the contributions of whites over other colors. Yet, he would also depart white immigrants with equal gusto under this baboon tier logic of yours.
>(which are a good thing because they bring cheap labor and take the jobs no one wants)
Your trolling at this point, but your b8 made me too mad to ignore.
>Look up ANY the apprentice firing he is clearly biased toward white males
This your cognitive dissonance at work here. You are now seeking patterns, to reinforce your belief in Donald' "racism"
>Openly start wars
Literally that entire article had nothing to do with Donald having a neo-con foreign policy in any capacity whatsoever.
>there are no illegals everyone needs to have a chance at the american dream
They do you, retard They either don;t immigrate legally or refused to become citizens that's all they fuckign have to do. Instead of cutting peoples heads off with chainsaws and being welfare queens.
Fucking noone would have a problem if they were becoming citizens legally, that or just not sand niggers here to kill people for their god and ruin our culture by violently demaning we adhere to them, instead of adopting our values or just being able to accept them whilst they practice their own
And i will resort to name calling when you make 5 year old story diarrhea of the mouth arguments
>They benefit corporate paymasters with cheap labor.
its only significant if it holds after the DNC
though if the DNC continues to exist in lala land where we all love and tolerate each other its entirely possible
That image you posted, that's what scares me about not just my generation but anyone on Facebook. There are boomers in my feed posting all sorts of maymays that are factually incorrect.
there is literally nothing wrong with being Xenophobic.
Asian nations are some of the most Xenophobic on the planet. As are Mudslimes. we are the most tolerant nation on Earth. Not even withstanding SJW babble shit. Refusing a few more darkies then usual is Self Preservation. we don;t owe Bingo Bongo or Ahmed Ahmedd Amed or Ahmmedd fucking anything.
The convention ending will mark the end of the Democrats ability to control the narrative and maintain their frame.
This was inevitable. One people look at the Trump, they can not look away. He's just a joke until you are forced to listen to him. Soon normies everywhere will hear the voice of the great one and the wool will fall from their eyes.
Also, why the fuck is Billy Baldwin on CNN?
Have you guys ever tried to see how long and complicated the process to even get a green card is?
It is also quite unproductive, like, me and my familly want to start a bussines in the US to employ US citzens and give them jobs, but we have a arbitrary number of 500k dollars as minimum to start the bussines as investors, even if the thing would just give us green cards and we would be able to do the same thing for half the cost
Really fucking counter-productive, and the system is full of things like that.
Shill detected.
Last I heard it was 7 million
They are humans you cant deport them they want to be part of the american dream what gives HIM THE RIGHT TO KILL THE DREAM
The debates will be the end of Trump, he can't just attack and insult Shillary the whole time. He needs to start prepping hardcore for the debates or he will lose and white america will go down with him
Yeah, too bad that doesn't mean shit in American style election.
You see i wuld be for a change in it that makes legal immigration not a bunch of stupid technical shit, make it stricter, straight foward and fair. Then i generally have no issue with it. Its the fact that they usually do it to be welfare niggers or just cant find a job in their shit country.
Im sure there are a decent number of people who should b here. ill take them over welfare fucks and greaseballs who will just end up i jail.
No, wrong goy! It's 8.88 million!
>implying petty insults will even phase her
Hillary has faced some of the harshest verbal beatdowns anyone in government could receive. She is going to run circles around Trump and make him look like a belligerent child.
Im just saying that is undeniable that the system needs a reform, lots of good things can come from it
Its full of arbitrary numbers and absurd waiting times
after a mass shooting happens again.
Post convention bump happens every year for both parties. So I'd say by next week we balance out unless the media fails to cover up the shitshow that is the DNC.
Today on the radio I heard Bernie's speech where he endorsed Clinton but they replaced the boos with cheers. So I expect Hill to bump back up.
It was way above 7 million hitler killed 6 million JEWS he killed a lot of minorities and members of the LGBTQ Community
i alrready sunk my teeth in..fuck
it's pretty fkn gross man
just post it on your social media feeds and link the offenders towards it.
you'd be amazed at the responses
I don't know how long he cam go before his taxes turn into a loaded gun at his head. There has to be something dark and dirty in there unless this is some 52d chess shit where he provokes dems into raping his ass for months before going ITS FUCKING NOTHING
Yeah I also extremelly dislike the idea of a welfare state in general
I think Trump will reach his peak next week, unless Assange keeps dropping leak bombs throughout the next 3 months.
6 billion you anti-Semite.
And fuck off Hindendberg and even Lloyd George himself said Hitler was great. Funny how the story changed after the war.
Expect a Hillary post-convention bump. Next week things will be back where they should be. Drumpf in second place, loser.
whether this is trolling or not it's still an accurate portrayal of an actual brainwashed leftist drone
you're on the wrong side of history lmao
It's still really early. Being extremely divisive is probably the best move for now. No one on the Republican side is going to jump ship that hasn't already, but the Democrats are a powder keg. The independent vote can wait, demoralizing Hillary's core support and smashing the Democrats to pieces will be more beneficial in the long run.