The left are coming to terms

The left are coming to terms

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More like coming out of denial.

Obama is proof of that

just think, 70 years ago nobody could have imagined having a Kenyan as the president of the USA

Obama only has himself to blame.

He screwed up the world, sure bush had a good start at it but Obama continued it a an exponential rate.

>He screwed up the world,
Is this what people actually believe

im sick of seeing that nigger on the tv

cant wait until he is dead

I walk away, change channel, and ignore. I won't say I hate the nigger, but what he's actively doing to the USA is shameful. He has no honor. I want him out of power now.

I agree

Anybody who's not a spic or a nigger does- yes.

Hillary was his Secretary of State during some of these screwups, so I'm not sure why anyone would vote for her.

The stages of acceptance in full display, lol.

Remember when he said Trump will absolutely not be the President just 6 months ago?

It's been fucked since the Korean War

really, the DNC could've walked a decent candidate past trump without much effort.

jim webb, o'malley, or biden would've been really safe bets against trump.

but for some reason they decided to go with an unlikable crony corporatist campaigning on BLM and gun control.

i don't think an election has been run as shit in decades.

How did he screw up the world?

Also, how old are you?


>for (((some reason)))

kek he hates hillary so bad

Nah, Catholic Church was the screwed up part. Damn Romans.

is this supposed to resemble tubgirl?




What are you fucking talking about

Today a priest in Normandy got beheaded by an organization that Obama funded and started.

ISIS were the people we were arming in the middle east, our so called "allies"

that's what it looks like

They're committed to identity politics. Really, the best thing would have been to have Warren run instead of Bernie. Would have totally neutralized the woman card and won with progressives. Since she didn't do it, Warren is obviously a sell out.

Trump should meet up with Obama(non-disclosure) and talk about policy.

all dems had to do is not go full retard

>rig the primary


gotta stay on the first train
>first nigger
>first cunt

The DNC is literally youtube comments

when you're 12 the post.

will Obama chimp out at the inauguration?

I'm 32

Yes, in fact Obama kept reassuring world leaders Trump won't become the GOP nominee. Wonder what other lies he's peddling, but not like other leaders aren't panicking since this Trump phenomenon isn't going away as they hoped.

Yes actually.

Basicly everything he promised he did the opposite.

No more wars in the Middle East:
>Backs Edyptian revolution
>Backs Edyptian military coup
>Backs Syrian Revolution
>Backs Syrian civil war
>Backs Yemen civil war
>Backs Libyan Revolution
>Backs Libyan civil war
>Does nothing to stop formation of ISIS
>Finally decided to air strike ISIS after they take over half of Syria and half of Iraq

Better race relations:
>Causes the worst race relations since 1960s

Hope and change
>No group in America has hope
>we got change for the worse

>unstable economy
>DOW can't sustain itself
>Gearing up for another recession

Other issues
>ignores true issues like terrorism
>focuses on climate change and transgenders

He did everything wrong

grow up then faggot

It's inevitable in the face of the DNC falling to pieces.

This should have been an easy win and somehow the dems managed to completely cock it up by giving Hillary special treatment.

The ancient and venerable political machine that is the Democratic Party and the Clinton machine have become one and the same over the last 8 years. That was part of the agreement. In the emails they talked about how DWS gets around campaign limits by giving the maximum amount of any donation to the Hillary campaign and then spending the rest on getting more donations. This is also why 2010 and 2014 were such massive landslides.

oh that article is rich!!!!

The electorate will not pick him, said Mr Obama, because "they recognise that being president is a serious job".

This coming from a President who regularly shows up on Fallon and Kimmel to make an ass out of himself and joke around. Pic related... it's Obama singing Rihanna's 'work.'

Why the fuck did my phone change it to edypt

>throws together a shitty healthcare system just so he can slap his name on something before he goes
Obama is a fucking narcissist


except his strategy for 4 years has been to arm "moderate" rebels who always end up being not-moderate rebels in disguise.

Please. Globalist kikes have been screwing up the world for the past century. Obama is just another puppet to meet that goal.

Things would have moved a little slower under McCain or Romney. But the destination was always the same.

I worked on John Kerry's 2004 campaign.

I also voted for Obama twice. He funded ISIS, it is well known. They destroyed 3 thousand year old artifacts in Iraq, they killed hundreds of thousands of people, they invaded Europe, and now they are killing people in the west.

Why? Because Obama is an Identity politician and he felt a bond with the poor brown muslims dat the ebil white man oppressed

So how did ObamaCare work out in the end? Good? Bad? Does it still exist? Will it cease to exist when Trump wins? Was it for blacks only?

He's starting to realize the DNC is likely fucking themselves this election with all the corruption

"until those votes are cast ..."

lol, just read 'Dark Camelot', votes phooey, am jaded now, brothers

No one likes Hillary not even Bill.

More deportation during his term than any other president.
>B...but undocumented migrants that have stay for decades without committing crimes are gonna get residency

The Mexican meme is the most ridiculous shit in the planet. Is there anybody who really believes this shit?


There are many more examples.

>Backed Ukrainian revolution
>Back Ukrainian civil war
>Opened the southern border
>Suppressed the border patrol
>Passed executive orders stopping illegal deportation

He used to say that he firmly believes Donald Trump will not become president

Oh my god the incoming landslide is going to be so fucking huuuuuge. Michael Moore calling it was one thing. Now Obama is buckling.

Obamacare sucks because he had to make concessions to Republican congress or else they would have just cockblocked the whole thing.

And he didn't JUST do it for his legacy, socialized healthcare is actually a good idea.

we can not slacken once he wins

subversion of a people 101
lots of drama contentious election
elation of winning by the people most likely to revolt.

that has prevented revolutions throughout history.
if we are betrayed we have to start political clubs everywhere.

making shit up the post

Trump already acts like the president, he has ruled out the option of losing the election.

This is the biggest difference between him and Hillary. Confidence is key, Trump has the mental mindset of having already won the election. You can see it in his speeches and it resonates through the crowd.

Even the media is unknowingly treating him like the president, because when they paint him with a black brush they need to portray him as one. Trump being president is the narrative.

We've already won, guys. We just need to fill up the paperwork.

The narrative is changing because (((liberals))) realized the backlash of trivializing Trump supporters. They're trying to take a more casual approach, as attacking only strengthened Trump's support.

Do not take this as a change in thinking. It is merely an alteration in strategy after a large failure.

My assumption, is now they'll admit it is possible, but stop adding fuel to the fire, in the hope that the election can be rigged.


It's in full affect now, people are paying twice as much as they were for the same healthcare.

People who can't afford it pay a fee almost as much as if they had bought the healthcare.

Basically it worked out badly for everyone

>socialized healthcare is actually a good idea
No, shouldn't be paying a cent for shaqushim to have her third bypass at 30 after pushing out her eight child.

he realizes he will have to work with trump from nov-jan and when trump finds out all the shit king nigger is doing, he better kiss the ring to stay out of prison

Fuck off leaf

>he felt a bond with the poor brown muslims dat the ebil white man oppressed
Obama is no perfect president and the Libs over-hype him for sure, but do you actually believe bullshit narratives like this? Because if so that's just embarrassing.

I remember back when Obamacare started I was working a call center for a health insurance company. Every single person that called during that time ended up paying more for the same or slightly less for a lot less benefits. I assume it's still the same?

>Is this what people actually believe
Are you dumb?
Bush memed up Iraq and Afghanistan but Obama continued to do it
Fucked Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Made Iraq WORSE somehow after fixing it for a while.

Made isis and co. And denied responsibility after they shockingly lost control of them

Starting tension with Russia for next to no fucking reason
Had a hand in fucking the Immigration policies of a country he helped collapse.
Fucked healthcare made racial tensions their worst since the fucking Civil Rights Act.

Even if you are a blind shill he's at aleast a bad president undeniably

a fucking leaf

It's a filter. Nightmare or dream or something, I can't remember. Disturbing amounts of dogs.

I worked in healthcare, and most paid either the same or more for slightly different benefits. Not even better, say the copay would be higher, but the deductible would be lower.

The system he shat out is shit. He could've left it for future presidents to finish, but no. He had to shit something out and put his name on it. Really repping those minorities

I thought it was supposed to be free or some shit? How is that any better than merely paying for health insurance? It isn't some kind of socialised health insurance fallback gap or whatever, like giving all the people below the breadline an X amount of health insurance to cover the basic needs?

Sounds pretty shitty, but maybe it's a good thing he tacked his name on it then? Like that Thanks Obama meme, and such.

Who did it hurt? The people or the industry? Did it lower the standards of private healthcare because it had to cater to the many instead of the few, also?

I'm from the UK so, NHS naturally but my local surgery recently changed to accomodate some seriously unfortunate fucks, the type that don't even leave their house and such, and the quality of service has really gone down since then. Probably not the same thing at all, but, trying to relate as best I can lol.

okie doke

It's kinda worth it to literally never need to worry about the financial implications of injuries or illnesses. Plus, privatized healthcare is still an option if you want to pay for faster service.

Also, we both know you're exaggerating, almost nobody is like your example.

>Even the media is unknowingly treating him like the president
I forget what i was watching the other night, but one MSM news network had a guy that kept slipping and calling him "president Trump" then correcting himself. And he waz talking against him, def not shillin trump

I see. Well we worked Cali only, so I don't know about the rest of the US. Still seems like a shitload of trouble for basically no change at best.

That's not what happened you moron, underage b& pls go

>And he didn't JUST do it for his legacy,
Nice meme

>Obamacare sucks because he had to make concessions to Republican congress or else they would have just cockblocked the whole thing.

Well im glad he still crookedly enforced his broken healthcare system.
D For effort you fuck

That seems like an uncommon/rare flag. Thank you for posting. Genuine, not smarmy or anything. I'm autistic and like saving the flags. Polkemon style.

>obamacare/Affordable Care Act
its literally the worst thing we couldve asked for in the healthcare sector

supporters of universal healthcare think its good because they think its sustainable but its not, we cant pay for it with these government insurance companies that are defaulting left and right

peoples premiums increased dramatically and people who didnt have insurance save a few hundred and can now buy it as but dont get shit for coverage had they just shelled out a few hundred more to begin with

tl;dr- its a blight on the healthcare sector that needs to be removed IMMEDIATELY, what we need is medical school reform and removal of malpractice lawsuit to incentivize medicine so we actually ave a pool of doctors to use considering that the medical community halved in the last 10 years and its been harder to become a doctor for less pay and more hours

>muh republicans made obamacare bad meme
Am I just imagining that the Democrats had a fucking supermajority and passed it without a single Republican vote?

>Voted for Obama not once but twice

Cheers m8. I lost my flag collection a while back and could never start again.

All I know is that I don't need healthcare insurance, yet if want to go without insurance, I have to pay a fucking fine (oh sorry, a tax) under obamacare.

I pay a little more for a similar coverage, higher copay, but the biggest impact is that it takes over 3 weeks to get an appointment now when before it was within 1 day almost every time.

It hasn't helped and now people are losing coverage because of it.

Shit my coverage got dropped for 6 months until I agreed on a new plan.




His absolute refusal to say Islamic terror, and anger when called out on it, says a lot.

"That guy will never be president"

"it's possible he will become president"

"He is president"


Then act like it.

Well said Charlie

obama is pretty right wing all things considered, and us politics are basically "insane right wing cryptofascists" vs "insane right wing open fascists" so i bet he doesnt even care

>Causes the worst race relations since 1960s
what are you measuring this by? because you're offend by being called out?

Every person of color i know says this is the best time in American history because they feel like they finally have a voice and are being heard

It's also a much better time for gays and gay rights

>No group in America has hope
People of color and member of LBGT have more hope than ever before

>we got change for the worse
Maybe if you're a white male

>wahh i'm a white boy and the world no longer bows to me but now woman and men of all race shit on me"

>ignores true issues like terrorism
We haven't had another 9/11. so he passed. now shut the fuck up and go jerk off you loser.

Jesus Christ Chan, you went 0-100 real quick


He isn't right wing enough, and he cares for niggers than white men.

Fuck him and what he stands for.

And no, his ass would fry when Trump becomes president.

Just like Obama, am I right or am I right?

TBF The last 2 Elections were fucking dreadful. I would never have Risked Palin being a stroke away from the Oval Office

Thank god for the Don

Wrong, he is about as left wing as Merkel. Conservatives are less right wing than European politicians like Le Pen, UKIP and Poland's far right party.

Fucking campers.

The niggers and the gay niggers can have hopes when they are burning in hell.

Fuck hopes, leave that shit for white men.

I recognise the work more and receive less pay issue, it was a big thing a few months ago in the UK. NHS isn't paid as well as the private sector healthcare, so the doctors and nurses demanded higher pay (from a government that was still looking for the £350,000,000 or so required to keep it running or somesuch, can't remember exactly, that might be the figure that was getting dumped into the EU each month instead lol) and of course didn't get it, so they've started looking elsewhere for better jobs. Seems like a shitty situtation.

So it costs more or less the same, but for less care than you original had been getting, and takes longer to receive? Was this an obvious happening that Obama didn't care about and just wanted his name on it, or did it explode afterwards?

$1,000,000,000 in losses...that's pretty staggering...and that's because of Obamacare? The same amount being spent on healthcare but less people being able to actually receive and thus pay for it?

Hopefully it gets fixed soon because that's fucking awful. I won't pretend I understand how the American healthcare system works (my knowledge is literally "Don't go on holiday to the US without medical insurance") but damn.

Here I was thinking ObamaCare was literally just the US NHS, with the poorer folk getting it free and basically the richer folk being taxed to cover it, damn.

Thanks for speedy education. Hopefully it'll be defunct education rapidly as Trump or someone with a head for business immediately kicks it out of the door.

Pretty much this, even people on this shithole called brazil are astonished at the current government's incompetency.

>Every person of color i know says this is the best time in American history because they feel like they finally have a voice and are being heard
lol stupid ass niggers

>until the votes are cast by the american people
>le al gore face.tiff

>race rioting
>so much for the working class
>especially if you're a white male
>I'll ignore any other substantial terrorist attack.