There used to be real women in film and television. What went wrong?

There used to be real women in film and television. What went wrong?


Shit I remember this semen demon. Where's this from?

the moviw where Jim Carrey was a liar - lawyer

SJW culture, 3rd gen feminism and 'muh diversity'


I think the movie was titled, "Liar Lawyer"

Liar Liar. She was a big softcore porn actress though.

where do I get a woman like this to let me suk on her teddies?

be famou/rich or pay for it.

??? Are you gay, son?


What's her name?

why dont you post it then

Don't worry, David is bringing them back, he's even got Monica Bellucci in the new season.



Krista Allen

she's 46 now

not him but search for emmanuelle in space


Shit nigga I had to look that up, I thought I was up to date on the info, but dayum, monica is in it.

9-11 turned you all into pic
all the real women ran away to mexico

Awful nose job lol

she's an actual porn actress. her name is kristal something

underage &b


You have to go back.

>being this underage you dont recognize one of the most amazing softcore actresses EVER

Autism and manchildishness changed the audience. Seriously not even memeing, we all inadvertently been buying into this for decades.

>mfw blatant shills can't get the lingo right

it's funny because this is true

men no longer occupy a privileged place in society, and will soon be relegated to positions of labour. they will work to their (physical) strengths, and women to theirs (intellectual)


t. 3/10 bodied female

is there anything hotter than fitness models?

I miss being 12 and knowing the password to the parental lock. Emmanuelle series was kino.

"real women" = Sup Forums sex fantasy?
Hmm... you learn something new ebery day

Just remembered her soft voice. Guess it's time to look her up on xvideos and fap in the middle of the day.


ugly roastie lmao


attractive women make women feel worthless, so anything with an attractive woman is harder to market to women.

nobody hates women more than women etc.

>intellectual strength

are you trying to imply that there arent enough big breasted women in movies now a days?

Yes, it's all ugly unfunny butch Jewish dykes.

t. Hitchens

but jewish dykes have huge tits

not the dykes, just the normal ones

>being attracted to a healthy woman with a pretty face and big tits is bad