Why does Sup Forums hate stoners so much?
Aren't they less of a burden than drunks?
Why does Sup Forums hate stoners so much?
Aren't they less of a burden than drunks?
a leaf fpbp
very rare
Wise words from the weed bro
because they are culturally conditioned and programmed to think that way
>pseudo Libertarian esk faggots, who'd rather throw a pissy fit about vice of choice and drop it, then protest for freedom of association
Long term leads to mental afflictions such as forgetfulness etc
I don't understand how a culture that references weed in every form of media constantly can also create such a knee-jerk negative reaction to it
It's such an odd phenomenon
Drunks are much more fun
I had a list of studies but i got high and lost it
Guy in ops pic literally makes his lifestyle on weed smoking, why would he stop?
I don't hate stoners. Sup Forums is not one person. I just don't partake, because I care more about having a career, and not being a lazy, worthless piece of shit.
If you are retired, go right ahead. If you are very ill and in pain, again, knock yourself out. Otherwise, don't complain when you can't get a job worth shit and are functionally useless for a good portion of your life.
How do you know when it moves from one to the other? Once/twice a week is fine but 3 times is not? Who can say
Absolutely true
but I don't have to listen to a drunks trying to convince me how great alcoholism is.
Because most (about 90%) are the annoying
types that claim its healthy because "it's natural" and have the general IQ of a walnut
Drunks are also degenerate.
That's like asking if I'd like to gas Jews or Muslims
The great harm with marijuana is that people base their whole lives around it, and refuse to acknowledge the negative effects that it has on them. "Nah man, I drive even BETTER while high!"
While it's not as harmful as alcohol per se, marijuana enthusiasts are unbearable, and refuse to acknowledge any negatives associated with it. They're the ultimate degenerates. It massively fucks up memory, fucks up coordination when people are on it, and takes away most drive to do anything.
I hope it stays illegal forever, because there's no reason to legalize it for recreational use. Fuck people who willingly break a law, then bitch about getting caught and the consequences. If they want to use it for medical purposes, give them a strain that doesn't give them a high.
We don't need more impaired people when it's extremely difficult to detect.
I hate stoners because they're all lazy progressives, but they always seem to be at least a bit smarter than the SJWs or the feminists.
I smoke all the time, but I still get my shit done and keep my apartment clean. A normal stoner's place is fucking disgusting.
>but I don't have to listen to a drunks trying to convince me how great alcoholism is.
That dude looks like he is wearing football pads under his shirt.
Is he swole?
Lots of the greatest men to ever live were alcoholics. A functional alcoholic can do lots of shit and get shit done. A pot head can't do anything productive.
Because they are annoying and not funny
t. drunkard
Every time I smoke the kush,
I let the flames burn, like George Bush . . .
Drunks don't gloat about being drunks.
>but I don't have to listen to a drunks trying to convince me how great alcoholism is.
this nigger has never seen a beer commercial.
No, eating seeds is a better activity
that's a fucking lie, there are plenty of functional stoners aswell
Filthy frank faggot detected
>mexican intellectual
There are functional stoners but they don't contribute shit except for stupid pot head movies and more jewish memes
that's a fucking lie, there are plenty of functional stoners as well
that man beats his wife
>never smoked weed/hash in good company
You missed out so much stuff.
Drunk people sometims get violent. And they have the nasty habit of vomiting
Depends on the individual case on the whole I would say drunks probably cost more for tax payers but potheads can when they are broke faggots who don't work.
Yeah actually they do.
i hate weed culture and i hate the complacency and apathy it breeds. it's less of a social thing than alcohol. it should be legal, i just don't approve
and you know a bunch of the worlds best musicians, and I'm sure many other people we just don't know about
and falling, and touching you, and getting emotional
>but they don't contribute shit except
>what is the "discovery" of DNA
two of my good asian nerd friends from highschool both became stoners. One works for goldman sachs now and had a 2Mil bonus last year. The other advises the UN on economic policies or something.
Drunks tend to work.
But they're also more violent.
Sadly it's drunks who built civilization. Given that Clean fresh water used to be rather scarce, yet you can make, say, rum (for sailors this was their own supply of drink since fresh water stagnates) and just stockpile it from any piece of shit water since the distillation process kills all the bacteria.
Yeah, like crying in my shoulder for 30 min because his girlfriend did something i never quite understood. If he wasn't such a bro, i would have told him to fuck off.
But when i get highed in good company, we laugh until we can't laugh no more, everything is great, the food tastes awesome...
God I just want to tie him down to a chair and make him recite the song "colt 45" as I pluck off his faggy ass pedo stache, hair by hair, and see how many hairs get pulled before he begs for mercy
Because people who drink tend to do once a week or so to enhance a social situation or at worst every night but at least they have the decency to shut up about it.
Stoners smoke as often as they can, claim it doesn't affect their lives in any way and won't shut up about it. If you smoke a joint once a week or so with mates coz you're all doing something and it makes it better than awesome. But majority do it simply to not be bored. So Fuck em
>Drunks tend to work.
You got any source on this? Os is it all just memes, that only students and neets smoke weed?
Your right, they cause domestic crime.
Stoner music is just a degenerate jewish meme. Alcoholics and psychonauts are the only ones that abuse drugs and contribute actual improvements to society.
>but at least they have the decency to shut up about it.
They normally don't boast of how much they beated their wife.
>Yeah, like crying in my shoulder for 30 min because his girlfriend did something i never quite understood. If he wasn't such a bro, i would have told him to fuck off.
yeah, something like that
>But when i get highed in good company, we laugh until we can't laugh no more, everything is great, the food tastes awesome...
>Why does Sup Forums hate stoners so much?
>implying it's just Sup Forums
Everyone who is not a stoner reviles stoners. It isn't a Sup Forums phenomenon.
Any job worth a shit drug tests.
>Get stoned
>eat something
>go to bed
>wake up and go to work
>Get drunk
>eat something
>go to bed
>wake up and vomit
>be hungover
If you can restrict yourself to evenings, and everyday stoner is a hell of a lot more productive than an everyday drinker
But we both know both these faggots will be working in a gas station, fast food joint or similar minimum wage dead end job.
The guy in your pic isn't a good example but, it's possible for stoners to be productive people. I was stoned all the time for over a decade as an adult. That was while working a full time job even operating heavy equipment. But it's definitely not for everyone. Some people are useless on it.
I'd still be a stoner but I got tired of associating with the people I had to buy it from. It's for the best that I only smoke a few times a year now. It's a waste of money and unnecessary. It's hard to see how unnecessary it is until you quit.
>lock them out of job market
>bitch them out for not working
What type of stoner logic is this?
>Any job worth a shit drug tests.
And you are proud of this?
You are proud that the state forbids you to smoke a natural plant because shit and giggles?
>Any job worth a shit drug tests.
That only applies to wage slaves.
No normal person boasts about that. Only rednecks and Portuguese think that's the shit.
weed is fine
weed "culture" is fucking cancer
it's almost like when you make your entire identity around one thing (pretty much anything) you become insufferable to the vast majority of people... almost...
>can't understand what i meant
I thought australians were smart
From someone who's smoked over 40+ ounces.
Don't smoke pot. It's a massive waste. Not worth it at all.
...Really though?
this more or less
Like fucking vegans the only tolerable ones are the ones you don't genrally know who are Stoners.
The fucking degenerate scum who are usually either do NOTHING all day have no motivation and kill anything that resembled a drive, or they NEED it to function like some alcholic when they are the "DUDE WEEED IS LIKE CURES EVERYTHING' and fucking preach on it make that person somehow worse
also this
>or they NEED it to function like some alcholic when they are the "DUDE WEEED IS LIKE CURES EVERYTHING' and fucking preach on it make that person somehow worse
I've never met someone like this. And i have been around many stoners. It must be your culture
Typically those kinds have other addictions like are pill poppers as well. But they do exist, and they are cancer had a roomate that NEEDED no less than a 20bag every day. He was a fucking anoying person otherwise but if he didnt get high he was full nigger
Used to smoke every day for years, eventually it became a detriment to my health (I'm dysthymic).
It made me a shell of my former self, made me content to make no forward progress with life, was too in my own head to go out looking for a job or talk to girls and pursue relationships.
Once I quit all my verve and energy returned, I'm in a relationship now with a super cool South African girl and am working a real neat job as a park ranger in BC.
Honestly quitting was one of the best decisions I've ever made. However I bring all of this up to draw a comparison with a good friend who still smokes daily. He's never had a problem with any of the aforementioned stuff I struggled with.
It's different strokes for different folks. Some people can blaze every day and be fine, others cannot. I used to advocate for weed as an alternative to alcohol, and desu given the choice I'd advise weed before liquor. A weed addiction (and don't laugh some people really do suffer from it, marijuana use disorder is a common enough problem there exists a MA [Marijuana Anonymous]) is definitely preferable to alcoholism for various physiological/psyhcological reasons.
Now I'm just high on sober living and good tunes all day long. And if you feel like you have a weed addiction I seriously recommend speaking to someone about it, there's lots of internet forums where you can touch base with people who suffer similarly.
On a side note that guy in OPs pic is so fucking annoying.
this dude's a fucking leaf so he knows what hes talking about lmao
Also I'm not accusing you OP specifically of having issues with bud, more just a general statement for anyone reading it.
My brother smokes all day everyday (like 3-6g).
He rarely talks about weed.
Won't shut up about BJJ though.
But to be fair he does train at least 5 days a week, usually 7...
There is no need to be upset
I want to get started but it's not the easiest thing for a NEET basement dweller without any friends to get. Wish we could legalise possession, sale and use so that I can finally try it. Alcohol can be good but I don't like how deadly it is.
Glad it's legal but imo it's a NEET thing.
It alters reality which doesn't coincide with the Family, Self, Career lifestyle. It can I'm sure just not in my anecdotal evidence. The majority of stoners I've come across are super generic. Stuck in a hazy time loop of basic dulled enjoyment.
Stoner culture is more obnoxious than drunk culture.
It's a hallucinogenic dude. Since you can't test if they're currently high it's dangerous to allow it in the workforce period
Alcohol doesn't have such a long debilitating effect. You get hungover for a few hours and you're back to normal.
Marijuana fogs your brain with regular use and can dull you for weeks, creating a hindrance to work for as long as they use.
Kek, nice one leaf
Smoking weed all by yourself will probably not be a very enjoyable thing. Aslo since you don't have friends, it will be hard to get weed. And if you approach someone on the strets, he will see you are a autist and willl sell you shit.
>what is alcohol
> Since you can't test if they're currently high
You can. Just look at the eyes. It's pretty easy to see if someone is high
How about you smoke some Moonlighter?
It's only a plant, so it must be ok, bruh.
>Alcohol doesn't have such a long debilitating effect.
>drunk stockholm syndrome
>Marijuana fogs your brain with regular use and can dull you for weeks
>alcohol shill/10
It's a shit analogy, and you know it.
Weed,CA? Holy shit,I live near there.
>Aren't they less of a burden than drunks?
The only reason a stoner or a drunk would be a "burden" is if they are an unemployed piece of shit or regular criminal. Seems much more like a stoner would fall under both categories tbqhwyfamiglia.
DUDEWEEDfags are far more obnoxious about their addiction and trying to push it as being cool. They're almost universally leftists on top of this.
Drunks don't cover a particular political spectrum and the faggots who are 'LOL WHY DON'T YOU DRINK' aren't common, contrasted to 'LOL WHY DON'T YOU SMOKE' who are the norm among stoners.
tl;dr- They're a bunch of obnoxious faggots.
He's fat
I'd like to see some long term studies that back this claim up.
if you don't stick the good stuff 2 ur veins go home
>Alcohol doesn't have such a long debilitating effect. You get hungover for a few hours and you're back to normal.
Too many variables for that statement to be true such as; the amount ingested and frequency it's being used. Add to that the availability. Marijuana is addictive but alcohol is more addictive. Alcohol is poisonous to the human body. Using it as a social drug is almost always going to be worse for your body than marijuana use.