Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god-tier ideology, but the movie of Atlas Shrugged sucked.
Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god-tier ideology...
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you're a moron.
prove him wrong
he's right except for the fact that the accumulation of capital is perfectly capable of squashing human dignity without the state. any free society abolishes both
spoiler: varg vikernes is behind that mask.
Existentialism is the only ideology to live by.
Objectivism/libertarianism is bullshit and only bares fruit for the already rich (or, at the very least, for the non-poor). Libertarianism also fails to function pragmatically, as it denies or at least does not acknowledge the interconnectedness of people. You cannot, and will not, function in a world of pure self-interest. We're simply not built for it. Communism is also bullshit for the opposite reason; humans can't function in a society of NO self-interest.
These utopias are fantasies that will never, ever work. Subscribing vehemently to a single ideology is the single dumbest fucking thing any one person can do, imo.
Libertarianism is also THE neckbeard ideology.
>nazi and commie raeptoy survives to writes fanfic about industrial supermen while living on social welfare and being an amphetamine junkie
You only liked Atlas Shrugged because you self-inserted yourself as the main characters. You people all believe that you would be the "Men of the Mind" that get chosen by their Lord and Savior John Galt to live in the unrealistic paradise of Galt's Gulch, when in reality you would probably be part of the masses starving and dying after the Gulchers sabotaged everything in order to collapse society.
>following any form of philosophical ideology whatsoever
The hilarious thing to me is that even though the fee marke judged the first movie to be a faliure, the producers insisted on making 2 more even though they were losing money and had to resort to crowdfunding.
It was pathetic really, even moreso since they changed every single actor for each movie.
fuck off paul ryan
Reminder that Ayn Rand dwas on welfare when she died
Grow up
Libertarianism is a god tier ideology
Ayn rand was a cunt and objectivism is fucking retarded.
Stop shilling this thread every month op
Protip: capital accumulation increases living standards for the working class
Hello 12 year old
honestly this is the morally bankrupt sort of ideology i wish i had been having thoughts about in college
nothing really noteworthy about it but it would be a good time of feeling like you're edgy. i'd almost rather think this than something objectively better because at that point you're like "ok you're an ideology me but you're way too good on paper, what's your practical application"
with this ideology you're like "ok its just greedy like me, we're both cunts. cool"
anyway whats this thread about?
Objectivism is god tier which is why it can only be applied by gods and not hack writers and teenagers on a message board.
>I'm too much of a pussy to live in a free market
Neckbeard detected
Daily reminder the first country to eliminate their central bank and allow free market banking will have the highest living standards on earth within 5 years.
Massive high paying service sector jobs with dominate this country's economy to consume the goods the rest of the world has to produce for it.
The workweek would shrink to 2-3 days a week and people would retire much earlier. This will also lead to more jobs becoming available.
Everyone would have high saving rates. Houses would be inexpensive. Debt would be strongly discouraged economically.
Massive automation would take place as the cost of capital goods would be extremely cheap. This will lead to massive levels of technological innovation.
It would be extremely easy for the average person to start a business due to the cheap cost of capital goods.
Daily reminder actual free markets have prices falling all the time instead of going up.
Daily reminder America never had a system of free market banking. There were only patches of American history with free market banking. The panics that happened during the 1800s were due to government intervention in the banking sector. Sweden had the longest most successful period of free banking and that's what made them really rich.
Daily reminder the longest period of (relatively)free banking in America coincided with the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION where wages rose and prices fell.
Daily reminder central banks are the very reason the economy is a pile of shit and our generation is so fucked.
>anyway whats this thread about?
It's some gay leftist faggot that posts this bait thread every month.
this is unfunny redddit tier humor
>when you can't argue against the obvious benefits of egoism so you have to call people children while still following ideological spooks like some child himself
Pretty sad.
>benefits of egoism
Destruction of society?
Being alone forever?
What benefits are there?
haha yes, surely the wealth will trickle down as it always does
*citation needed*
Haha ikno rite
Fukking republiturds vote against their own ectopic interests
I bet they all watch FOX NEWS!!!!
I'm a """""""""""progressive""""""""
Welcome to my world
i can't hear you user i'm drowning in all this wealth, it's not a trickle it's a torrent god bless ayn rand
>Be tanner in the 19th century
>Work hard at the tannery for 20 hours to save enough money to get somewhere
>Have to collect coins off horse shit for that extra money to send one kid to school
>Daughter has to work too
>Loses her arm in an industrial accident and gets docked pay as well because she interrupted the machinery
>Finally amass enough capital after half a decade
>Die at the ripe age of 62
>Look down and see some middle class faggot who's never gone without claim he gives a solitary shit about working class people and also advocate a return to a no regulations based manufacturing economy
>What benefits are there?
Whatever is in my self interest. I don't know where you get the other stuff from.
>Will we ever get a good Ayn
just play bioshock
Why do you ignorantly think the economy would have the same exact level of economic production as the 1800s today?
Also why do you pretend the government is responsible for our current living standards today?
Are you this retarded?
good goy
the free market will surely defend workers rights as it has historically :') none of those pesky unions achieved anything, it was all the benevolence of the factory owner
Shut the fuck up and get back on the wheel, tick-tock wagecuck those belts don't drive themselves!
Ironically this thread has better discussion than anything on Sup Forums, /lit/, or /sci/.
The actual problem with objectivism is that humans are very bad at actually knowing what is in their best interest. As smart and knowledgeable as any one person is, their brain will obfuscate data and rational arguments so that they can't actually get an objective look at anything important. A person can say and believe that they are making choices in their rational self-interest, but it's very difficult to actually combat internal biases, even if you know what they are. A ideology that also lays down a system for government would ideally recognize this, and that most, if not all, people are too bad at recognizing biases to act in their rational self-interest.
I think adults have a lot more experience with this, which is why usually only teenagers are hardcore into objectivism.
If everybody acted solely in their self interest, society wouldn't be able to function. Why bother caring for children, the old or the disabled? What's in it for me?
Why should I care about polluting water or the air if it doesn't happen where I live?
Atlas Shrugged is pleb-tier intro to capitalism ebin libertariansim maymay trash. The Fountainhead is a way better Ayn Rand book but really you need to grow up.
no because nobody wants to make a movie about utter bullshit
Compared to Atlas Shrugged even fucking The Room was a complex, mind-bending romance/drama.
>There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.
unironically good post
can't happen.
movies are a collaborative art form.
people who read ayn rand each believe themselves to be the only good person on the planet.
How do objectivists raise children? They're useless and drain your work and resources. Do they see them as investment?
Ayn Rand never had children and only recall 2 children being in Galt's Gulch, which were the only children mentioned in the entire book other than the kid who died in the train crash.
I just met the next prime minister of Canada at a conference center in Edmonton.
Canada is going to be a libertarian country in 2019
I can't fucking wait.
Unfunny quote from a loser faggot
Pic related
Maxime Bernier
>I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god-tier ideology
Why do leftists constantly post pictures of themselves wearing fedoras?
During the free market "gilded age" wages rose dramatically while prices fell dramatically. America had the highest living standards on earth.
Why do you leftists love being wrong so much?
>being so new you fall for a bait thread
Because unions worked hard at campaigning to not eat fat kike cock everyday, had nothing to do with your magical playground where every business owner is a saint you dumb cunt
Fuck unions
They did absolutely nothing to raise the living standards for workers.
They were an extremely small percentage of the workforce during this period.
Real wages were dramatically increasing for fucking decades before union turds got any political power or relevance. Highest wages and living standards on earth with hardly any unions meanwhile yurop was heavily unionized and living standards there we're much shittier.
Stay brainwashed, you central bank supporting pleb.
>the unrealistic paradise of Galt's Gulch
How the fuck do a couple of rich folks with no practical experience do all that farming, mining and construction by themselves? The magical infinite energy machine can't replace labor. How the fuck do you even grow Tobacco in the mountains of Colorado?
How is a group composed entirely of selfish egotistical assholes not constantly at each other's throats?
>Oy vey the unions support the central banks!
>Not based capitalists who bankrolled and invested into them
Usury is a sin you know?
Henry Frick did nothing wrong.
Unions DO support central banks though you gigantic moron.
>usury is a sin
Good, go live in your Christian theocracy where usury is banned and enjoy your economic stagnation and poverty.
>Literally outing yourself as a Zionist
Well done, so what's your next step? Saying gender and/or race is a social construct?
Lmao what the fuck?
Are you drooling leftist retards actually this fucking stupid?
I've suggested this to you before. It is a good movie.
>I love me some usury
>It's the best thing ever!
Might as well don the yarmulke and get it over with
Maybe the Fountainhead, because that's the only non-shit book she wrote
Usury has been part of economics since forever.
There would be little economic growth without it.
Kill yourself you delusional poverty loving moron
The main character is still an asshole. He blew up somebody else's property just because he didn't like the design they used. Also he's kind of rapey.
Making a good movie from shit source material is pretty difficult, so no.
>Anti-Libertarian cucks have no arguments against libertarianism other than "lol libertarianism"
Basically this.
Leftists actually WANT to be poor, it's quite hilarious.
They worship central banks and then call libertarians shills. Lmao
There are plenty of arguments, you just choose to ignore them, just like socialists ignore all arguments and refuse to admit that socialism doesn't work and will say shit like "Venezuela doesn't count".
>If everybody acted solely in their self interest, society wouldn't be able to function.
>This pasta still gets (you)s
I want reddit newfags to leave
>There are plenty of arguments
None of them ITT though
individualism doesn't work for humanity because we're a naturally collectivized species and you can't reduce our nature to simple economic theory, you're literally no better than communists, and also like the communists, your belief system is strongly associated with autism
>talks about libertarianism
>posts ancap ball
Libertarians and Ancaps use the exact same arguments for everything. It's hard to tell you people apart.
>Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie?
no because the source material is complete garbage. cant polish a turd
you're wrong. I bet you started posting here after that post was made.
>individualism doesn't work for humanity because we're a naturally collectivized species
Why shouldn't humans collectivize along shared traits though? It seems to me that some people for some reason want to keep the tension artificially up.
Unions are not a function of government you fucking retard. Unions are a free market function
>a group composed entirely of selfish egotistical assholes
Because none of them were egoistical assholes
Instead of actually trying to make things better, they decided to sabotage the world so that everything would collapse while they all retreat to a utopia only for people as awesome as themselves. They don't care about all the people that would die, they were in fact glad to see it all fall.
>Book is all about how people who are innovative and can create things are the ubermensch and takers are subhuman scum
>Objectivism/Rand fans couldn't create a decent version of the movie to save their lives
Really makes me think
wtf I love objectivism now
In the real world, the Gulcher's "strike" would have had no effect on anything, since other people would have taken their place and the world would move on.
Not to mention that there is no way that a place like Galt's Gulch could ever work, even if they did have a Magical Infinite Energy Machine that Galt could have made billions off of if he hadn't been so butthurt about the company he worked for being run by idiots.
Are you retarded?
They were trying to make things better their entire lives. Innovation and production literally raise the standard of living. But they were met with violence and disdain and 'all the people that would die' were the ones looting them.
Guess you are one of the looters.
>could have made billions
Please go into a communist country and make billions. I want to see that.
All they had to do was do what real world rich people do: lobby the government so that they'll lower your taxes and cut regulations.
Or heck, one of them could have just run for government office themselves. Every time any of them gives a speech, everybody listens and is engrossed, even the looters, it would have been really easy. Heck, in the end they actually beg John Galt to run things but he refuses.
More importantly, if John Galt had sold his infinite energy machine, the energy crisis would have been solved and things would have been a lot better.
Regardless, not "being treated with respect" by the government is no excuse to engineer the collapse of society.
Name one armed conflict that didn't arise because some fuckhead wanted to collectivize those who didn't want to be part of said collective.
Humans are tribalist, but that ends at the family or the community. I have more in common with people from all over the world than I have with many of my countrymen. Why should someone else decide who I associate (collectivize) with?
>More importantly, if John Galt had sold his infinite energy machine
Maybe he doesn't seek the general betterment of the people but the betterment of the people to his liking.
All the looters had to do was fuck off. They didn't. So why should Galts bunch do anything?
Did you even read the book? There was no way Galt could have sold the machine, because selling things for profit was deemed selfish and evil and because the people NEED the machine, he would have had to just hand it out. Like Rearden steel.
The entire point of the book is to not sanction the looters by abiding by their rules, and that you can not make rational trades with people who claim that rationality does not exist.
Also it's mentioned several times that none of the industrialists were good at politics. They rightfully hated it, as it is a waste of time.
Only those who don't produce use politics to steal from the producers.
>Did you even read the book? There was no way Galt could have sold the machine, because selling things for profit was deemed selfish and evil and because the people NEED the machine, he would have had to just hand it out. Like Rearden steel.
I always found it weird that Ayn Rand was so intense in her defense of patents. All the libertarians I know hae patents.
>The entire point of the book is to not sanction the looters by abiding by their rules, and that you can not make rational trades with people who claim that rationality does not exist.
In other words, Ayn Rand created straw men so that her heroes could look good by comparison.
I don't know her stance on patents, but there is clearly a difference between keeping your idea secret, protecting it with government violence, or having to share it because of government violence.
Just take a look at any social media site or history. She didn't create anything that didn't or doesn't already exist.
But what does it say about objectivism or ancap or libertarianism, who are all related but not the same, when pretty much every argument against them is also a strawmen created to make the status quo look good in comparison? More importantly, what does it say about the status quo?