Empty theatre vs Packed theatre

>Empty theatre vs Packed theatre

Which would you rather find yourself in?

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empty, my falcon likes to put his feet on the chairs in front of him

Doesn't matter. I always end up in the singles pit

empty are u fucking gay or something

Dependson the mobie. Normally empty, but some mobies end up being an event.

When i saw rambo, everyone there was drunk and ready to trash it. By the end everyone was literally cheering him on. That was fun.

I specifically go at the emptiest day/time possible, and even then there's still always at least one inconsiderate dipshit I have to tell to shut the fuck up.

>Crying kids it doesn't matter what genre it is.
>sick people coughing up their fucking lungs
>rude people on the fucking phone, or talking about the movie
>niggers being niggers
>the sound of wrappers and soda being opened. Some mother fuckers brought baked chicken.

>nobody to share the movie with.

It's always a losing battle it's why I just stay home and watch things on the internet.

>blockbuster, no brain, movie

Packed. People laughs, cheers, and gasp can enhance the experience.

Otherwise, empty. People are scum and can't respect others. I don't want to hear you talking or see your phone's light.

pretty much this, as long as the movie is not PG-13 schlock and the theater isn't filled with children.
I saw Creed in theaters with a bunch of black folks filling up the seats and you could feel the audience's reaction to every punch during the fight scenes. Everyone was quiet during the drama parts. Shit was great.

But it sucks if you can't get a good seat due to it being too crowded

>nobody to share the movie with.
What does that even mean? How does watching a movie with other people increase your enjoyment of it? Watching a movie alone with zero distractions is the ideal way.

>black folks filling up the seats
>Everyone was quiet during the drama parts.


>Toward the end of Logan
>Logan is dying, and his daughter is weeping
>Some fuckwit in the front starts laughing like a monkey for some reason
>Totally ruined all immersion

It genuinely surprised me, which is why I still reference it now even though I saw it almost two years ago. I guess it's because I live in a pretty affluent, white area with overpriced movie tickets (and it was like a mid-afternoon showing) so there weren't many straight-up nigs in the audience - just black people.

They were still very expressive during the fights, but no one was ever hooting and hollering or yelling comments or anything like that

Do you go to mercer?

Every recent blockbuster of the last 5 years I have seen in an empty cinema in the middle of a week day. Perfect.

In Georgia? no, I live in Maryland


I usually go to the first showing of the day on the weekend. The theater near me has an early bird discount on top of matine pricing. At most there are like 10 people in the theater and most of them are old folks. Even on opening weekend.
Roll out of bed, wear some grungy sweats, sneak in a thermos of coffee.
Its the only way to go.

Empty as can be. I am going to see Power Rangers for $2 today at the cheap theater and hoping I am the only one there.

I saw Logan with like two other people. It was great.

Empty, that is why I only on weekdays and to the matine, I fucking hate people man with their talking to their friends irl and phones so fucking annoying. Why can't they be lonely like me?

You forgot all the farts you are inhaling, mathematical fact.

Saw Guardians of the Galaxy by myself on Wednesday morning at 9:15 AM. Always a bit weird but it did mean that I could play with my phone during the previews and the 18 extra endings they tacked on.

Ah, yes. The falconer. We meet again.

empty, there's nothing like having a whole theater for yourself

That sounds very comfy.



whichever one has less cum stains on the seats