Why don't we have a money in the bank match for the Presidency?
Why don't we have a money in the bank match for the Presidency?
This guy would legit get dominated in a debate with Don
Who knows but a debate between him and trump would be incredible
So if he runs we're going to see all of his gay nudes drop, huh?
that would only help him get elected. could you imagine, a homosexual half black president, the libs would go nuts for it
Jesus christ the way fallon sucks his guests dicks is just plain obnoxious, I hate colbert just as much but I'm still glad he's losing viewers
>a homosexual half black president
Where have you been the last 8 years?
Let me guess, you think Donald Trump "dominated" the debates with Clinton, don't you?
If this interview is indicative of anything its that the rock would be in for a rude awakening if he steps out of the celebrity circlejerk where the rest of the country fucking despises hollywood.
If The Rock becomes president, this country is legit over.
Jesus christ they actually fucking conducted a poll about the rock just based off a meme answer that a celebrity said in Passing? He pathetic. If trump wins a second term there WILL be suicides.
He absolutely did you delusional faggot
That was the most difficult video opening I've ever sat through.
>spotted the roastie
I don't even think much of Trump but let's be real here, he had arguments on shit that mattered while Hill Shrill kept bringing up jokes he said in magazines decades ago
>where the rest of the country fucking despises hollywood.
You know that's bullshit though right? Most of the yokels claiming to hate Hollywood still spend all their time pumping their minimum wage funds into television and movies, and beg for pictures and an autograph if a celebrity so much as steps foot into their shitty town. It's why celebrities hate filming on location in middle America.
You people are animals.
If clinton had won the debates like those same news orgs were crowing about then she should've beaten trump in a landslide, like they were also crowing about.
*glass shatters*
Imagine being this delusional
>source: my fat citynigger ass
You clearly haven't been anywhere near a red state so why pretend you understand one?
The absolute state of liberal america
Who remembers this?
I don't think Clinton won, but I also don't think Trump won. They both came across as exactly what they were - historically unpopular candidates with nothing of substance to say.
I think you're also giving the debates an absurd amount of credit in determining the election. People care about what you say to their faces and in their town halls. Debates are just theater.
I don't need to climb into a toilet to know that it stinks.
Your elitist attitude is why Trump won and it's why he'll win again.
I can't tell if you honestly think the poll originated from the tonight show, so just for clarification it was a poll from the PPP.
And they are talking about news organizations covering the poll, which is something they tend to do because it's, well - news.
Did you not see the rape victims he brought to one of the debates?
Why are liberals so hateful?
I would just be happy to have a buff leader.
And your refusal to honestly look at your faults is why your communities will continue to be shit, regardless of who becomes President.
Your ballot box temper tantrums only end up hurting you.
What faults?
>A WWE superstar and honorary WWE hall of famer running against each other for President
Good theater, but shouldn't impress anyone with an IQ over 70.
it's been over since 11 September, 2001
we've been post-mortem for over 15 years, getting increasingly more ridiculous
our last president was a MULATTO ffs
Both would be running Republican, presumably.
>Clean, wholesome American values are shit
Will he deliver the people's elbow to Trump?
Ask your average trump supporter about their town, and it sounds like they're describing a Mad Max locale.
They're exaggerating for comedic effect.
He did. They even did an experiment with the genders swapped and it hilariously showed that her gender wasn't a factor, she was just shit.
>And your refusal to honestly look at your faults is why your communities will continue to be shit
This is supposed to be some kind of justification for filling the country with 3rd world detritus and inflating the ego of the jig population?
Call me retarded but I just realized Trump is president. I knew he won but I just now with this meme video processed it. Has Terry Crews talked about running? He has no right not to.
Clinton was shit. Everything was about Trump, he played the media. Don't think I'm supporting him, Trump is, without a doubt, the biggest retard I've seen, but he grabbed every idiot by the balls and said it was his. It's all funny to me, because Trump's existence triggers the fuck out of everyone, especially the liberals that lurk here.
Was voting for Trump also a part of this kaufmanesque master-ruse?
>liberals are for tolerance, love and understanding
>obsessed with IQ's and superior intelligence the opposite of what they peach
Why are libniggers so hypocritical
You both think cutting baby dicks is ok.
Yes, actually.
>The biggest illusion this election is that we think the people on the other side can’t see the warts on their own candidate. But I think they do. Clinton supporters know she is crooked, but I think they assume it is a normal degree of crookedness for an American politician. Americans assume that even the “good” politicians are trading favors and breaking every rule that is inconvenient to them. I’ve never heard a Clinton supporter defend Clinton as being pure and honest. Her supporters like her despite her crookedness.
>Likewise, Trump supporters know what they are getting. They know he’s offensive. They know he’s under-informed on policies. They know he pays as little in taxes as possible. They know he uses bankruptcy laws when needed. They know he ignores facts that are inconvenient to his message. They just don’t care. They want to push the monster into Washington D.C., close the door, and let him break everything that needs to be broken. Demolition is usually the first step of building something new. And Trump also knows how to build things when he isn’t in monster mode.
Both of you are subhuman scum that should be wiped off the map
Good job rustling all the republicucks itt, they're rabid and can't control themselves when the truth is revealed
>the libs would go nuts for it
I'm pretty sure he's a republican.
>celebrity circlejerk
Like the one the current president came from?
You're living a meme laddie.
"You make a Democrat angry by telling them the truth, you make a Republican angry by telling them a lie."
-LITERALLY- no one on this site is actually a republican
Trump expertly manipulated the media during the campaign, but I'm just talking about the debates. Even if you were just following the election because it was "funny", his performances against Clinton were disappointing. When you think of all the memorable memorable and insults from Trump, they all originate from the Republican debates. Anyone looking at the debates objectively would realize he didn't trounce Clinton like he did the other candidates who opposed him. And in Clinton's can, she didn't trounce the would-be, inexperienced politician despite having decades of preparation.
Once you remove bias from the equation, you will realize the debates were mainly just boring noise.
>Call me retarded but I just realized Trump is president. I knew he won but I just now with this meme video processed it.
It didn't quite sink in for me until the other day when I had to have a psych evaluation and one of the questions was who our current president was. It took me a second to process it and say "Donald Trump" out loud to an SSA-approved PhD holder, it felt like that wasn't the answer and I was letting an internet meme seep into real life.
>Some meme quote
Nah pretty sure that's you. I'm not a democrat anyway, so I don't really care what your meme quote says about them
And who did that favour in the end fucktard? No one said he won the Clinton debates with epic maymays just that he won them.
Sorry to disappoint, but I am a Republican. I just don't fetishize growing up in place because it's small and boring.
>And Trump also knows how to build things when he isn’t in monster mode.
kek wills it brother
So we have Kanye West and The Rock running for pres in 2020, who else am I missing here?
That quote is as myopic and overhanded as the one about being liberal as a child and becoming conservative as you grow up. You have to be an idiot to view the world so simply.
>And who did that favour in the end fucktard?
In my opinion, no one.
Because despite your desperate pleas to the contrary, Trump proved himself to be a poor debater and an even poorer candidate.
>Americans elect a businessman/celebrity as president
>He's not that good
>Instead of learning anything at all, just double down and vote in a Pro wrestler/actor
There's been talk of Oprah Winfrey and Mark Zuckerberg running too, they're going to make Trump win again just by dividing non-Trump voters' attention with all this star power. There can be only one Democrat nominee (and most likely some some boring politician like Elizabeth Warren), but the ones who don't drop out completely and run independent are going to steal votes in key states like Kasich and Stein did, and even if they do drop out they'll have loyalists who write them in anyway because it's funny.
Was true at some point, but the election brought unironic republicans in through all the media coverage centered on Sup Forums.
It took a literal meme candidate to get people here to support policies they hated from other conservative politicians for years.
I wish the white race didn't exist. Too evil desu. Especially with how they plundered Africa
Trump it's also a hall of famer for the WWF.
All they've learnt is that celebrities can now be president. Who wants some boring old guy when you can have the man you see everyday on TV! He's cool! Fuck knowledge n education n shieeeeeet!
I think your underestimating just how good a "boring" politician may look four years from now.
>Because you'd be in jail.
Literally the only thing from the debates that anybody remembers and it was on par with the Reagan/Mondale age exchange.
That last month of the election was a lot of fun.
But he's never been World Heavyweight Champion.
At least we can assume the rocks first intentioms wouldnt be to fuck everyone
There hasn't been knowledge and education in politics for ages now, there have been lawyers and bureaucrats fucking about with things
kill all the lawyers desu
What if Joe Rogan ran for president? Holy fucking shit what if Mark Hamill ran?
I think Trump would rather us all forget about him promising to lock up his friend Hillary Clinton.
>He's not that good
better than the last 3 so far
Yeah because Africa is a paradise now and African people haven't been brutalized by dictators like Mugabe and Charles Taylor.
Based on what, exactly?
Killing TPP and re-negotiating NAFTA
funny that trump will be the one ending up in jail, or at least half of his administration will be
top lel
Lot of silly bitches would be done for
Lot of dmt would be consumed
Lot of eggs not properly cooked
Nationwide search for Bigfoot commences
All drugs legalised
Mandatory kettle bell training
and lets get this man to run as third party... more experience than the rock
Ronald Reagan was a Hollywood actor. Why are we acting like Trump is new ground? Reagan was fucking dumb and corrupt.
Because most of the people on Sup Forums weren't old enough to vote until last year.
Are you a woman by chance?
wew lad, people who think white people are the worst thing in the world are in for a rude awakening when ethnic supremacist Mexicans (who hate black people) take over the United States and the zerg Chinese basically control the world even more than they do now. Not to mention intra-racial conflict, go down the list of largest genocides and the vast majority of them would be what most in the world would consider to be two very similar peoples killing each other. Pre-Holocaust Germany with all those Jews looked whiter than modern day post-refugee Germany.
>Trump nominates for president
>he doesn't know anything about politics! he won't be able to do it!
>Dwayne Johnson Addresses Rumors He May Run for President
>great, go for it
thinking emoji png
reagan had a poitical career before running for president (governor of californaia before the last office before he won) so by the point he was known for politics..he stopped acting by 1940 to fight in WWII, then immediately became the president of SAG
Trump had Vladimir behind him. Rock's gonna need something similarly powerful
Imagine Joe in a presidential debate. Jesus fucking Christ.
So he's better than twenty-four years of Presidents because of...two trade deals? That we've yet to see the final repercussions of?
You can't think this is reasonable.
Everything Johnson does is so fucking fake.
>That we've yet to see the final repercussions of?
I think I've seen enough of what NAFTA's done at this point tbqh
How do Drumpf supporters still justify him breaking all of his promises and being worse than HIllary?
And introducing my running mate!
Hint:he would do better than trump
No shit. He would do a whole podcast about his opponent being a corrupt motherfucker.
Is the Russia plug actually doing anything? Like is it convincing ANY trump voters at all to reconsider their vote? If not then it's useless.
>inb4 it's real and he'll be impeached