Is this guy retarded?
He's already more successful than Trump ever was
someone needs to shop this with a dick in his mouth and tag it BLACKED
>a non president
>more successful than an actual president
Yeah, because being the most powerful man in the world and having a few billions on the side is something that some talk show host can compete with.
Worse. He's a catholic liberal.
He really should KYS.
Fuck PLUMPF fuck white "people"
are you?
>he thinks trump has money
he did release his taxes because hes A POOR
>Catholic referring to someone as a "cock holster"
That is not very Christlike. Whatever happened to "Love thy neighbor as thyself"?
For that matter, whatever happened to "Render unto Caesar"?
Trump personally d oes not have billions, probably, like he claims. But he's doublessly richer than barry sotero when he took office. Who only was worth a measly 12 million after all those years of community organizing
They're all fucking crooks. Just stop voting.
He's suffering from 'Post-Trump Derangement Syndrome' (PTDS), a type of mental illness. Look at the replies to any tweet made by the president and you'll see it manifest en masse among people that are deeply unwell and feel the need to screech into the void constantly
Hes a catholic liberal. He can recite the catechisms. He knows vatican law. He enjoys being under a specific type of boot. But he doesn't give a shit about loving christ.
Does he really own billions in real estate? I find that hard to believe.
Antitrumpers are always going to assert that Trump is dumb and they are smarter despite being classes below him. It's probably the biggest case of dunning-kruger effect the world has ever seen
>alt right humour
>counter alt right humour
2017 is so shit
Is he making fun of that disabled reporter that everyone claimed Trump mocked too?
No more retarded than your average Trump supporter
>That is not very Christlike.
Neither are Catholics. They're Satanist.
Catholics are full of spite and condescension.