and will overturn all anti-pollution regulations.
Hour reminder Trump doesn't believe in climate change
Other urls found in this thread:
>and will overturn all anti-pollution regulations.
source faggot
>source faggot
30 seconds on google. You couldn't even do that?
But he said he was for clean air and clean water.
I can not believe in climate change and still want a cleaner plant
Where is the template so I can make it for Trumpfags?
>But he said he was for clean air and clean water.
No he never said that. He said coal is clean and believes that we should turn our major cities into smog induced pollution.
Death of the planet is a good thing? Death of the human race and everyone on it is good?
Ah yes, finally I'll be able to import crates of cheap Russian 2 stroke outboards... Fuck the EPA
Wanting to kill the bloated, bureaucratic, anti-democratic mess that is the EPA doesn't mean you're against the environment, it just means you're against faceless career bureaucrats writing "codes and regulations" (i.e. laws)
>Fuck the EPA
So let's get rid of it so we can't breath in our major cities like in China! Ahhhhhh yooooo who needs air when I got memes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!
Good, Climate change has been a one way street for too long. Like why can't people accept the fact that we as first worlders can bicker about this all we want. But China and India which produce more pollution than the rest of the world combined, are going to keep increasing carbon emissions.
So fuck your shitty climate science, go tell the chinks and poo's this shit.
97% of the worlds scientists disagree with this post and 100% not funded by fossil fuel scientists.
A reminder that I don't give a shit, and also, he is not Hillary, therefore I vote Trump.
China's problem is the result central planning commie bullshit
Not too little planning
People naturally move away from industrial areas and those factories are rarely put near residential areas when the whole fucking city isn't centrally planned
Houston has more oil refineries than any city in China and its fine
"Scientists" also think you can have a penis and be female. What is your point?
Yes goy, they are here to ensure that our world is pollutant free. Give more of your shekels in tribute to big gov and we'll make sure your wife's son and his great grandchildren will live a world of crystal clear water and sweet, clean air.
That paper was refuted, some guy scanned a bunch of papers and if it mentioned global warming or anything to do with climate change they counted it as "in agreement"
You relativist don't understand the scientific method and thing random concenus is fact
Address the evidence
MAYBE maybe global warming is real, what is also real is that taxing white middle class citizens of Western countries is not going to make a damn bit of difference.
China will lie.
India doesn't give a flying fuck about "regulations"
There is almost 3 billion people who will cancel out 5x at least whatever whites can do.
>Wanting to kill the bloated, bureaucratic, anti-democratic mess that is the EPA doesn't mean you're against the environment,
LOL this is some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
Private companies will pollute the living shit out of our rivers and air and there will be fracking everywhere if we got rid of all environmental regulations. When are you libertarians going to get it, FREE MARKET CAPITALISM DOESN'T WORK IT GOT US INTO THIS CRISIS TO BEGIN WITH!
>China's problem is the result central planning commie bullshit
China is anything but communist you stupid faggot Amerifat.
Yeah we should give the EPA over to the Koch brothers! Let them take care of our kids health.
What's Hillary's plan to fight climate change? Is it inviting a million latin americans per year into this country to clog up the highways with Dodge Rams and F-150s?
>Address the evidence
>What's Hillary's plan to fight climate change?
What ever it is, it's better than Donald "Gut the EPA, Clean Coal" Trump
There are alternative ways to regulate companies and their interactions with the environment than a giant entity filled with people that weren't elected and most likely worked in or want to work in the regulated industries.
>MAYBE maybe global warming is real,
Doesn't matter what you believe, it's happening and if we don't do something our planet won't be habitable anymore. Our planet can't sustain billions of human beings on it if we keep expanding in growth like this. There isn't another native American civilization we can rape and steal resources and land from now faggot.
Those cities were all centrally planned and yes the country is communist
>monetary controls to where cash can't leave
>unstable currency due to government manipulation
>extremely corrupt and highly regulated economy
>censored information
>centrally planned cities
Lol lemme guess, they are democratic socialists?
Good they are too restrictive
>There are alternative ways to regulate companies
Which Trump isn't going to do. So why would you vote for Donald "Clean Coal" Trump
>than a giant entity filled with people that weren't elected and most likely worked in or want to work in the regulated industries.
Yes like Koch Industries! They will help us!
>Those cities were all centrally planned and yes the country is communist
It's state capitalist you retarded faggot. it's the place were you fattie faggot Amerifags get all your iphones. But hey I guess it's communist right?
>Europe was successful because they raped natives
Lol so why didn't the natives arrive to Europe or easily defeat Europe
Crazy how European society had thrived before ever crossing the Atlantic
Good. Lets crank them factories up and start making some shit. Build that pipeline too, fuck penguins.
>why bother refuting it myself when I can just ad verecundiam them instead?
Ya, you're not even trying and your half ass attempts to sound intelligent in here is getting old.
>Our planet can't sustain billions of human beings on it
Good, whites are simply maintaining their population, it is the browns mainly who are contributing to overpopulation AND global warming.
Leftists always project
No objective person would consider China, on average in the last 30 years to be a free market
Go try to start a business there
>will overturn all anti-pollution regulations
I wish.
>Europe was successful because they raped natives
Evey developed nation thought human history expanded though colonies and enacted protectionist policies to build up their nations. So yes they did steal from the third world. That's why the third world hates you crackers.
>free market
There is no such thing as a free market in the entire world. So pls go with your retarded shit. I bet you are so stupid you think America is free market capitalist and we are the greatest nation on god's earth right?
Inferior genes being told they are oppressed as a result of Marxists like yourself
Reminder climate change is bullshit buzzword code to make us all feel like we're doing the right thing by "trying to save the planet"
Agenda 21 is shite. I like being alive, sorry.
Refute 97% of the worldest scientists first. Are you a scientist now?
That wouldn't address the fact that I stated
>centrally planned cities
>centrally planned economy
>can't get money in or out of country
>high to regulated/corrupt economy
but but at least we got our meme candidate.
Global warming/peak oil would literally be the best thing to ever happen to Canada. I don't know why we're so cucked on the subject.
>centrally planned cities
USA has them.
>centrally planned economy
Mixed economic system, like the USA
>high to regulated/corrupt economy
You just described the USA. USA is communist now.
You think Koch Industries and other large corporations don't already have heavy influence over the EPA? Why is the federal government even in charge of this in the first place? Let states determine their own environmental regulations in a democratic way that's comprehensible and more influenced by the people that are in it. You have zero say in the operation of the EPA; you have more influence over how your state congress operates.
I'm not going to deny that corporate lobbying is a problem; in fact, it's what I'm trying to shut down. Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Phillip Morris, etc. own the FDA, Comcast and AT&T own the FCC, and the same companies you're talking about own the EPA. Trying to regulate these companies with the entities they basically control through lobbies or the revolving door system is futile. At least you can organize on a state and local level and hold your representatives accountable; there's no way in hell you will ever get an unelected bureaucrat that's in the pocket of someone thrown out. Unless they shoot someone or get fired, they're there until they collect retirement.
>Global warming/peak oil would literally be the best thing to ever happen to Canada.
You guys act like this is a joke. Death of the human race isn't a joke. You say this now, but your kids and grand kids will die because of your actions now.
Nice, the third world will be under water. I'm spraying a cfc can as I type, feels good
I believe in climate change change.
Thank god.
Let's drive this shit hole into oblivion
>China has the same economic structure and freedom as USA
Okay buddy
>Let states determine their own environmental regulations
Pls kill yourself homo faggot.
Yeah let's let Texas frack the shit out of their state so it can get into the water and cancer rates go up and our cities are unbreathable and there is lead in the water and we all die.
That went way over your head. Have fun arguing with yourself, I know you had a rough night.
>man made climate change
great meme
enjoy your motherfucking hell scape genius
>Okay buddy
How is US economic system not mixed economic system which is highly neoliberal just like China?
So trump doesn't think we should be bothering with climate change when the real culprits are china and india. That's completely logical.
hahahahahahahhahahaha Correct the Record BLOWN THE FUCK OUT again!!! this is too fuckin easy man
>That went way over your head. Have fun arguing with yourself, I know you had a rough night.
Again are you a scientist?
Do you believe evolution is real?
>not fracking
>not stacking up huge bonuses
>not obtaining energy independence
>believing in climate change fairy tales
*tips fedora
Yeah, because humans have never survived global temperature changes before, right?
Pic very much related.
>So trump doesn't think we should be bothering with climate change when the real culprits are china and india. That's completely logical.
Yeah let's just destroy the plane because of china and india!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!11!!!!1!!
>Yeah, because humans have never survived global temperature changes before, right?
This is bait but Amerifats will fall for it.
>muh 97%
I literally came here for this post just to blow you the fuck out.
Fuck you.
I stated there were drastic differences, do you or do you not disagree?
You'll believe it when all the major cities are under water and we are fighting wars over fresh water access.
>So where did that famous “consensus” claim that “98% of all scientists believe in global warming” come from? It originated from an endlessly reported 2009 American Geophysical Union (AGU) survey consisting of an intentionally brief two-minute, two question online survey sent to 10,257 earth scientists by two researchers at the University of Illinois. Of the about 3.000 who responded, 82% answered “yes” to the second question, which like the first, most people I know would also have agreed with.
>Then of those, only a small subset, just 77 who had been successful in getting more than half of their papers recently accepted by peer-reviewed climate science journals, were considered in their survey statistic. That “98% all scientists” referred to a laughably puny number of 75 of those 77 who answered “yes”.
>That anything-but-scientific survey asked two questions. The first: “When compared with pre-1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?” Few would be expected to dispute this…the planet began thawing out of the “Little Ice Age” in the middle 19th century, predating the Industrial Revolution. (That was the coldest period since the last real Ice Age ended roughly 10,000 years ago.)
>The second question asked: “Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?” So what constitutes “significant”? Does “changing” include both cooling and warming… and for both “better” and “worse”? And which contributions…does this include land use changes, such as agriculture and deforestation?
nah, lets just destroy the planet because HILLARY CLINTON wants more oil money!!!
YEAH LET'S DESTROY THE PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Because the EPA has been so effective at stopping fracking right now, amirite? Maybe it's because fracking companies have lobbies and people influencing the regulations that are written? Regulations that nobody voted on?
>destroy the planet
>man made climate change
>supporting bernie
user I am disappoint.
Watch the fucking vids you mong.
>Continents get flooded
>Why is that bad for us?
I've seen him say it in interviews
It might even be worst than the ice age of the 1970s
Better make sure you have enough cuck porn to last
NEW FROM RANDOM user ON Sup Forums!
Humans have thrived during periods of much warmer temperatures.
Good. I wish the election could be held sooner
>I've seen him say it in interviews
He's not gonna do shit because he:
1. Said he doesn't believe it because he's a Christian creationist.
2. Doesn't want to do shit because he get's a shit ton of money from the fossil fuels industry like all Republicans.
Carl Sagan wrote of arguments from authority:
"One of the great commandments of science is, 'Mistrust arguments from authority.'...Too many such arguments have proved too painfully wrong. Authorities must prove their contentions like everybody else."
You're missing the essence of science itself. You can't just say "muh made up number of people says it's wrong" and expect to be persuasive outside of your hugbox. You're not refuting anything, but playing intellectually lazy.
>97% of the worlds scientists disagree with this post
Why would they refute it? If you say because they are scientists again then I'll know you're a trisomy 21 victim.
>continents flood
Clearly you have no clue what you are talking about.
Mods you can delete this thread and move on desu.
Someone already has addressed this multiple times and provided links and graphics
>Humans have thrived during periods of much warmer temperatures.
None of those times were caused by human caused climate change you retarded faggot. There has never been a time in our history where we achieved this level of technology ever you creationist Christfag retard.
idk about thaaat. maybe for a few years...
we're reaching a technological point tho where solar power, quantum power, etc are going to be TAKING OFF. there'll be much less profit in "dirty" energy because it just won't be as efficient in a postsingularity america
If you don't believe in climate change because two factors don't have a direct relationship with each other, reevaluate. No climate scientist would tell you that CO2 is even close to the only factor that causes climate change. Your graph proves nothing
>Someone already has addressed this multiple times and provided links and graphics
You proved 97% of the worlds scientists wrong? So why isn't this national headlines?
You done?
>we're reaching a technological point tho where solar power, quantum power, etc are going to be TAKING OFF.
Which Trump will not only not do, but will actively work to suppress any development on that stuff because as I stated before he said he would put fossil fuel tycoons in his administration.
>he never said that
He literally said that on the most recent O'Reilly Factor.
Prove 97% of world scientists wrong
I never said I didn't believe in climate change.
Denying climate change is like denying gravity.
>He literally said that on the most recent O'Reilly Factor.
He also said
Already done, see
>implying i care