What are some movies about sink pissers master race?
What are some movies about sink pissers master race?
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that truman episode
im a reformed sink pisser and now have less damp patches
OK. I pissed in a sink once. I can't go a day without hearing about it. Every time I sign on to Facebook all my friends call me a sink pisser. I leave Facebook to come shitpost here and you faggots from my Facebook come here to harass me. I can't take it anymore. I'm gunna fucking snap. I can't escape it.
A chapter in White Noise by DeLillo details a conversation between university professors about the benefits of pissing in the sink.
But let me tell you a personal story. I've been pissing in sinks for years, and there's a social stigma. I once got caught pissing in the sink at a party one of my girlfriend's friends was hosting because I forgot to lock the door. I'll pretty much never live it down. After that, whenever I criticized anything my girlfriend did, she just said "Shut up, sink-pisser!" If she ever needs to tell an embarrassing story about me, that's her go-to.
You can't piss in a sink too much, it starts to stink after a while, though it is better than pissing in a toilet. Your best option is to piss in a bottle so it doesn't splash everywhere. When it gets full just pour it out into a toilet, swirl some water and bleach around in the bottle, and reuse it. Toilets are made for shitting and pissing is made for bottles and urinals.
Sink Pisser
>it's a Truman stares directly into a laser pointer for thirty minutes and then wonders why he has blind spots episode
thats why I only sink piss in public restrooms
That's it. I fucking had enough. I'm going down and you faggots are coming with me.
Holy fucking shit. Have you ever seen a picture of someone and you're convinced it might be you? This is freaking me out
I used a sink as my toilet for 2 years and it doesnt smell, just make sure the tap is running and you are good to go.
Why don't you go piss in a sink, sink pisser.
Only ever pissed in the sink when I'm so fucking hungover from drinking and a bunch of cocaine that I'm practically blind and worried I may miss the toilet. Sink pissing is pretty raunchy and only to be done in extreme circumstances.
Give me your fucking address. I'm gunna fuck you up, faggot.
>piss in container inside room
>take container to sink when full
>slowly pour piss down drain such that no splashing occurs
this is the less messy and more efficient method
Sure, my address is sink pisser road 342
How retarded are you guys that your sink starts to smell? Just pour some drain cleaner in there every once in a while (which you should do anyways). But running the tap while you piss should just about take care of everything.
>he doesn't rinse the sink with soap while the tap is running
If you do this after every piss there is 0 smell.
One time I got really drunk and pissed in the kitchen sink and then made eye contact with the lady next door who was looking out her window at me pissing in the sink. I didn't even stop.
Sink jizzer ubermensch reporting in
Who here /pissjug/ master race?
>Sink pissers "master race"
>(S)he doesn't shit in the sink
absolute plebians
also, not a movie but there's a Drawn Together episode where Clara pees in the sink
If you ain't shitting in a milk jug you ain't living. This is what freedom looks like you filthy Canadians.
I like it when the things we love to do bring us together. I love you fellow sink pissers
>sink pissing loser tier
Upgrade to my level
>tfw you will never drink an entire bag of piss until your belly is distended and then vomit the piss into your waifu's grave and fuck her dead body in the pisspit
I love you too.
bro that is twisted
you should seek professional help bro
I used to be, but now I live in a shitty studio apartment and the bathroom is only 5 feet away. Now I piss in the sink because my stream has gotten weak and I end up dribbling all over if I try to use the toilet. If I could afford a gun I would just end it all, desu
If you would live in eternal piss with your waifu you are a degenerate.
You do realize your supposed to run the tap after you piss to flush all the urine away right?
You have me so angry I am making the typos you slut.
Bro just be yourself.
Poor Jack, he was just trying to make something dumb for his kids and people won't stop making fun of him for it.