ITT talentless hacks

ITT talentless hacks

pic unrelated


pic very related. I've never seen a convincing brando performance. Even as in godfather for which he won an oscar, he couldn't even get the non-rhotic accent down.

You do not remember me

I am Jor-El

I am your father

now that's talent

Why is there so much shitposting on this board today?

doubles guy is a good actor, fuck you.

His performances in Streetcar and Waterfront are genuine as fuck though.

it's a meme fucking newfag. he's pointing at (you)




>ITT talentless hacks


>1) While filming Guys and Dolls, Frank Sinatra had to quit for the day after being physically sick when Brando kept deliberately fluffing his lines in the scene where Sinatra has to eat some cheesecake (which he hated).

>2) At a dinner party in the 1960ʼs, Brando asked everyone to strip naked, he himself did so and then taking a lily from a nearby vase inserted up his ass.

>3) Marlon Brando used to give Michael Jackson acting lessons. Actress Pat Quinn once visited them and was greeted by Jackson dressed as Pinocchio complete with long nose.

>4) In the 1980ʼs Brando bought a pair of electric eels. His son Christianʼs unsuspecting girlfriend, while skinny-dipping, was blown clean out of the water.

>5) He used to try to lose weight by hanging upside down, but all he managed to do was choke himself with his own rolls of fat.

>6) While visiting the zoo, Marlon got into a spitting fight with a baboon. Marlon won.

>7) He once gave actress Pat Quinn a necklace made of a real human scalp.

>8) He used to divert his home phone number to that of the LA County Sewage Department and then secretly listen in on the ensuing conversations.

>9) In 1969, he bought himself a raccoon and called it Emma.

>10) He once went to a bar in a wheelchair and when a evangelical woman told him that God would cure him he pretended to be miraculously healed, jumping up in the air before tap-dancing on the table.

Holy shit this guy was autistic

Prove me wrong

Her acting is fairly decent for someone new to the scene, it's just J J giving her too much freedom with her character and not giving her enough pointers because he can't write a good character if his life depended on it.

Rian save us


Biggest alpha Hollywood has ever seen. They don't make them like they used to.

He sounds like a real cool fellow

almost as woke as /ourguy/ Mel

You forgot:

>He was an avid user of the Internet in his final years, often going into chat rooms to start arguments.

I wanted to include that one, but I'm 90% sure it's made up

