Shit, we're going to become a cuckCountry
move over Sweden.
Putins Plan All Along
Other urls found in this thread:
>wealthy billionaire is secretly a Russian plant
This is what liberals actually believe.
>implying Russia is a bad country
Why would cher know about international schemes?
The news for me in all this is that Cher is still alive
>Trump wants to stop cold war 2.0 from happening
>would rather work with Russia to destroy ISIS
>"omg he is putins fuckboy lol!!"
Maybe this dumb cunt could learn to use English first.
someone post that tweet where Trump absolutely ravages cher's assehole
>.05 cents have been deposited to your account.
that's not what they mean dumbass
>Washed up celebrities last relevant upwards of 20-30 years ago trying to speak with authority on Social Media
Hey maybe we'll get Vanilla Ice and Eddie Murphy's opinions on foreign policies next. No wait, eddie murphy has been relevant more recently than fucking Cher.
Is Cher illiterate?
but Trump didn't give away 20% of US uranium production to Russia, Hillary Clinton did.
libs dont believe they parrot they dont think they repeat
isn't that bitch canadian or something?
Go suck trudeau's limp dick
Seriously Leftists are so obsessed with their cult of democracy which they don't even follow that they think it is more important that fucking Crimea remain in Ukraine which literally has no impact on the West at all, than that two empires with tens of thousands of ICBMs pointed at each other remain on good terms.
>Trump wouldn't sell out American interests to line his own pockets.
This is what morons believe.
u r dum
>Leftists are now the biggest proponents of McCarthyite Red Scare
Truly we live in interesting times.
Hey tard, Cher is just tweeting like any citizen.
Trump gave a speaking role at his convention to Scott fucking Baio.
Guys, are americans buying this DNC bullshit that russians are helping trump, or is it only delusional hillary supporters who believe this?
trump was in debt up to his eyeballs until Russia bailed him out.
>McCarthyite Red Scare
Hey stupid, a "scare" is something with no facts behind it.
The facts are Trump has been ass-kissing Putin, the DNC hack was done by Russia, Donnie Jr said Russians are a large portion of Donnie's investors, and Trump altered the RNC platform to go easy on Russia.
Facts, dummy. Use them sometime.
Trump has been rich for how long? he's done absolutely nothing, to better the country.
But now all of a sudden he wants to be president to make a "change"
when everyone knows real change comes from state level, the senate, etc..
so why didn't he get into politics before if he really cares about making America a great country?
Even he must be smart enough to know that the President's power is limited.
Oh good some more opinions from the bourgeois.
These people know the guillotine is coming.
DNC wrote the emails and colluded with Bernie and we are talking about some half baked conspiracy that would make Alex Jones blush.
News is shit. Glad i cut the chord. Havent looked back.
I for one however, welcome our new Slavic liberators.
I'll take an alliance with Russia over subjugation by the globalist bankers every day of the week,
A Trump/Putin alliance is literally the last hope of white civilization.
Daily reminder that the muzzie horde is now literally storming churches and sawing the heads off of christian clergy.
Done nothing?
How about actually contribute to the economy?
How much tax will you pay compared to Trump over your lifetime?
How many people will you employ?
Sure, he's not the greatest and most virulently successful businessman of all time. He's no Bill Gates, sure. But how many standard deviations above the mean is he?
And lets compare to Hillary. Career politician. TAKES money. NEVER creates. The only people she employs are there to take more money.
Employing 1000s and building towers seems like he helped more than Hillary "libeya is fucked" clinton
shes part native American so probably just drunk out of her mind.
Also, Trump has singlehandedly revitalized entire swaths of NYC. He's objectively a great American and has done more for the economy than all but a small handful of fellow billionaires.
I got a good laugh from this
Libs go tinfoil
But when the other side does it it's laughable
Literally it's only okay if they do it, fuck this shit
>200 undocumented immigrants
Why are libshits so homophobic, that they immediately portray anyone they don't like as gay?
Are you mansplaining?
When Trump brings the Fourth Reich, these traitorous libtards should be rounded up and sent to live in the third world they love so much.
Is Cher a fucking leaf??? She posts just like them
>the leftist cucks are suddenly hawkish supporters of globalist capitalism because their lizard-brained motivation is "do the opposite of what Trump does"
>they support TPP, and get mad at the idea of making peace with Russia
Conspiracy theorists are fucking insane lmao
Put on your tin foil hat you fag.
why do people even try to banter with Donald? thats his strongest point in life.
BTFO harder than sonny hitting trees
did you accidentally drink koala piss this morning instead of coffee?
it's true.
What woudln't I give if I could wake up even once without having to witness shilling as pathetic as this. How would murica become Putins bitch if Trump is elected? These are just lies of the democunts and that old cunt Hillary and as we have seen I doubt that they will stop their bullshitting there.
If Trump gets elected you get better relations to Russia at best but if Shillary get's elected you will most likely have just more war.
So please, before you buy everything that the CNN and other medias are shoving down your throat, try to use those puny brains that was given to you when you were born.
Fucking retards.
I fucking love it when he does that, I promise not to mention x while doing exactly that
Are you mansplaining?
>dems 30 years ago
>oh my god stop bully the soviet union, you're going to cause ww3
>dems now
>we must constantly provoke russia to protect our financial int... i mean, democracy, goyim!
>didn't work
So many ways he could have said it, and picked this way.
And it's so fucking effective it's unreal. This man is a genius.
>first legit chance at sustainable long term peace and better relationships between Global powers...
>hippies go frothing at the mouth and demand anti-Russia propaganda cause Trump....
>“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” Donald Trump Jr.
>citing politfact
And in the trash it goes
>soviets 30 years ago
>must spread degeneracy
>russis now
>must bring nations to fall for the oil bux..ehm i mean oil bux, bled.
>it's a libshits still pushing retarded garbage on Sup Forums episode
t. Hillary Clinton
I can't believe how homophobic the left is. We need to protest against Cher's hate speech.
>Ignoring all the fundraisings and donation he has given
>ignoring that he has been trying to get the political scene together for over 2 decades
>ignoring his contribution to the economy
Fucking MentallyHill get out.
What nations has Tovarisch Putin been trying to topple recently? As far as I know, it's Obama-Clinton-Kerry, along with Hollande and Cameron and so on, who have been trying to overthrow the govt in Syria, and successfully did so in Libya. They also showed support for Muslim Brotherhood taking over Egypt from secular govt.
>when peoppe in my in group do something I don't call them out, but I would if they were not a part of my in group
No shit, Sherlock. That's how humans behave in groups
huh do you have any sources to back up your claim?
I would like to see proofs, if not you should put on that tin-foil hat
This is the part of the show where that dubstep centipede song comes in.
Russia's not commie anymore
Most of the normalfags I know (liberals) believe this
>that image
It's precisely for that reason that we don't have to engage in brinksmanship with them anymore, but Obama-Clinton-Kerry have essentially a neo-con foreign policy which involves disrupting or regime-changing any non-NATO country.
Liberals are very selfish creatures that only think about themselves and no one else
Wow! I am now #Rootin4Putin!
are you really this retarded? you just described the opposite of liberals.
>corrupt as fuck
>no civil rights to speak of
>their leader is a 5'2" finno-ugric manlet with manboobs and a gallon of botox in his face
>their media is under kremlin's control
>all major companies are under kremlin's control
>le finno-ugric botox man steals billions for himself and his buddies
>HIV everywhere
>their national costume consists of fishnet stockings and fake mink fur for women, adidas knockoff tracksuits for men
>their allies include wonderful, successful states such as venezuela, syria and north korea
you've basically just nuked moscow
>Implying that the germyns would be or have ever been any better
From here it would seem that the germyns are doing a much better job with the "spreading your degeneracy" part. After all, the russians are nothing compared to the shit that you are causing globally and at least they have enough brains to realise when their own house is on fire instead of staying in it and pooring some more gasoline in to the flames.
>stop you'll anger Russia
nukes aside, their GDP is less than Germany
what can they do?
they can hack stuff
Rational people don't believe this because it's not true, guccifer2.0 was the one who exploited the DNC networks over a year ago and downloaded all the data he could from their servers. He posted on his website that he was thinking about leaking emails to wikileaks and he did. He used a vps [he's jumpbox ]with a ip from russia to expoit the dnc's server and crowdstrike [the cyber security firm that was suppost to secure their system's thinks it's the russians].
Now liberals are using the "le russia boogie man" meme to deflect people from the emails.
>muslims everywhere
>illegal chinese and central asian immigrants everywhere
>muslims and immigrants breed faster than russians
>russia is projected to have a muslim majority in the future
And last but not least:
>russia has "gay propaganda" laws but its military has widespread gay rape
>secretly closeted
>le Russia is America's#1 enemy meme
>widespread gay rape
*widespread gay rape problems
Yeah but what about Bernie supporters? Are they buying that story?
Getting a bit old eh? Well, you can be sure that the shills will keep on shoving it through every fucking cavity the human body has.
who else but china has the cajones to stand up to the US?
>Drumpf is going to start ww3 with russia!
>Drumpf is going to ally with Russia!
Now the Democrats are not liking how "other country" is messing with an election, just like they did with the middle east
Putin knows how to play 4d chess too
What you should be asking is that does Bernie belive this and what is he going to say to his supporters. I would like to think that there is some decency left in him but as we saw, she is now just a puppet for Shillary and will say what ever that old cunt wants him to say.
Liberals engage in identity politics, they always pander to minorities to get votes. They side with the big bankers and wall street and they willing pass laws to import millions of third workers for unlimited cheap labor to replace the local population in the work force so their donors become even richer while sucking the country dry. Democrates don't want to fix the ghettos or the black community, because they need depent voters who need them so they can keep in power. Liberals pretend to care about others but they don't