
Wait. Could if be that the Wikileaks' emails were leaked by the DNC staffer Seth Rich who got beaten up and killed two weeks ago in a robbery where nothing was stolen?


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very possible
wouldn't assange say something about it though, since he's now dead?

Vince Foster

No. It would make other people afraid to leak anything if they know someone got killed for it so easily.

dubs if trump tweets this """robbery"""

It's entirely possible that Assange and Wikileaks don't know the true identity of the leaker. In fact, I think it is more likely that they don't know. Maybe the leaker identified as someone working for DNC and gave some proof of his identity, but I don't see why they would have exposed their name.

She's nominated officially now. He better drop this "bomb" like the Enola Gay tomorrow or he's just full of shit.

Praise Kek!


If they want to inflict max damage, they will leak it on Thursday when Hillary is scheduled to speak at the convention.


kek make it so!

He should stay away from (((barbells)))

Damn hillary claims another one

Contrary to what DNC and Clinton makes out, WL isn't in the business of speculation just delivering facts.


Actually, he said in the OP pic's interview that he doesn't know the identity of the leaker.

>Though Assange guarantees to never reveal the source, he also claims he does not know the source of the DNC emails. “No one knows who our source is,” Assange said. “It’s simply speculation.”

what if the leaker was Donald Trump working there with a fake mustache?

I really hope Trump's ace people are perusing meme magic at this hour. A subtle nod in this direction would be of great aid.

kek wills it

Omg kek!

very possibly. but on the other hand, and having lived at Logan Circle just down the road by Rhode Island Ave to where he was killed (1/2 mile away in the wrong direction relative to civility), it's a nigger neighborhood dangerous at night. Sure, there's been plenty of gentrification of the last 20 years. Middle of the day no problem. But it's a dangerous place alone at night. All of us locals know that. It was half past 4 a.m. Nigs are out and few cops are to be seen. So who knows. . . To me it's highly suspicious as a hit compared to a robbery.

Likely as fuck.

>He was talking on the phone with his girlfriend when she heard noise on Rich's end of the line, Mary Rich said. Her son told his girlfriend not to worry about it.

>"There had been a struggle. His hands were bruised, his knees are bruised, his face is bruised, and yet he had two shots to his back, and yet they never took anything," she said.

I say it in every Seth Conrad Rich thread :


>Vince Foster

praise KEK

>Seth Conrad Rich



> Assange knows exactly who the leaker is
> Purposely acts ignorant to sow suspicion and discord in the DNC

I mean, I'd do the same thing in his situation. He didn't even have to divulge that much information. By doing it he's deliberately turning them against one another.

Does the endless meme ever cease?

Nah. It's best if none of the staffers trust each other.


He would never name a source that didn't want naming

Kek wills it.

Any of the leaked DNC emails dated after July 12th, that be an easy way to disprove if it's not true.

It's gonna be a video of her putting someone's head in a vice casino style

Why would the leaker reveal his name to Wikileaks instead of just giving them the emails?

Even after the guys dead?

>"Surely we can agree that weapons of war have no place on the streets of America."

haha fuck, a two-for-one: kill off a leaky staffer and sneak in a gun control plug while you're at it!


To prove they are legit. Wikileaks was meant to crowd source leaks while protecting whistleblowers. Manning the tranny got fucked for using poor opsec, but it happened.

nice conspiracy theory, it's obvious that it was Putin

:^ )

capped for posterity

brings a tear to my eye


why would they kill him a week before assange even dropped the emails?

There are other ways to prove that you're working for the DNC than giving out your name. Not all leakers want to come out in public like Manning and Snowden did.

Maybe that's the big fucking smoking gun leak he plans to share?
Fucking 1st degree murder with her hands all over it.

>Asks for dubs
>Gets quads

Under budget and ahead of schedule


You guys are overanalyzing the situation it was Pablo obviously

Add him to the list.

If he wasn't dead, then DNC couldn't run with the Russia narrative and claim that the emails are forged. It's damage control. If you can't stop the leak, discredit them.

*nods subtly in your direction*

Underrated post

It's great practice as a journalist to turn over your anonymous whistle-blowers :)

They could have known he was snooping or leaking confedential material. Assange said it took time to confirm the leak before it was posted. How much is unknown.

This, coupled with the fact that he might have more he could have shared AND you get to play the sad wounded party as one of "your own" is tragically lost?
I remember people trying to blame his death on Trump for fuck sakes, because of Trump's "dangerous rhetoric"

Kek is pleased.


Fuck off Pablo

>double dubs

what does this mean!!!!!



Calm down, Super Satan

That's definitely sketchy as hell. What would a young political worker be doing out in the middle of the night on a Sunday?

Who hacked the DNC

working late for the largest political party event of the year coming up that week?

Damn he was just about to smoke up that dank kush

This is sickening.
