Marina Joyce


Other urls found in this thread:

Sam Hyde's latest victim

Literally who?

Look at that face full of plaster




That's just so you can smear it around with your dick

Is this a false flag?

imagine how much they have raped her

I heard about a meeting or something? When is it?


3 de agosto.

Will one of you fucking niggers explain whats going on.


I wonder what happens when dick skin comes in contact with all that foundation and toner.

Marina Joyce is a Youtuber and just recently there's been rumors that she's being held hostage by terrorists. A lot of her recent videos show her acting very nervous and you can see bruises on her. People are saying the meeting at Bethnal Green on August 3rd at 6:30 AM is supposed to be a way to lure victims for another terrorist attack

august 3.

I am new to this two and just heard about her today... apparently somebody may be abusing/kidnapped her and are using her large following to lure people in to a mass shooting.

She's cute

ISIS luring her fans to Bethnal Green

LARPers please go

She's just a drug addict. Druggies always have bruises all over them cause they're clumsy



looks like she's been spending a lot of time on her knees, if ya know what i mean

Thatd be some tactical shit on ISIS's part

Are brits allowed to have guns?

OK I just watched a 2 minute video of this cunt swirling around in dresses I hope she gets beheaded

That's not a gun it's a rooty tooty point and shooty.


We don't completely know that though. All we can do is wait until something comes up on the news involving the Allahu Akhbars

I dont get it, what do you mean by that.

I found this

Poppy is top MKUltrafu!!
No, fuck her.

You'd think with all the attention she'd just call the meetup off at this point? There's no way anyone is going to go there expecting anything but a terrorist massacre now, regardless if she is just a druggie or not.

Who is this and wtf is going on?

Shes ded

methamphetamine is pretty well known to cause easy bruising in addicts, especially if they use it intravenously since they'll bruise everywhere they inject it after awhile due to vitamin/mineral deficiencies and blood pressure effects of meth.
But a lot of meth addicts report getting bruises all over themselves that they can't remember how. Even people that go out drinking tend to get bruises and cuts and can't remember how.



6/10 made me sensibly chuckle.

Anyone ever stop and think that maybe her boyfriend beats the shit out of her? Not that uncommon.

She just acts like someone who does a lot of molly and is really "spiritual."

somebody go and livestream the happening

r9k has a thread going on about it. Some flimsy evidence she is being held hostage/ abused/ drugs. She's a youtuber.

>This post was created by a user and has not been vetted or endorsed by BuzzFeed's editorial staff.

>yfw it's a false-flag created by (((them))) and the feminists to """problematize""" about domestic violence

This is the dumbest shit ever. She's probably just depressed and getting beat by her boyfriend or something. No, ISIS is not holding her hostage.

How many hits are her videos getting? She played everyone

Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is not a happening

Hahahahaha holy shit the police actually went to her house? What the fuck


That's true. Or her boyfriend could be some psycho who uses her as a lab rat for experimentation. I mean, look at that Frankenstein looking motherfucker.


How competent are Britbong police on average?

haha bunch of retards

Methamphetamine is almost nonexistent in the UK.


I unironically refer to all of my guns as rootie tootie point and shooties.

Just FYI.

Look at his face.
He have that school shooter face.

You guys are so retarded. Literally. This whole thing started on /x/. I can't believe it's even on here and has you believing there is something political about it. This chick is suffering from psychological disorders and is now heavily medicated. She is acting weird because of the pharmaceuticals she is on and because she is trying to force herself to be the way she was before being medicated. There is no happening, /x/ or Sup Forums related. Fuck.

They found a broken stick but fortunately it was confiscated.

go back to r9k...

It does look like she's being controlled but why is she outside dancing with her friends at the end?

That guy looks off as fuck, a bit old, and not that good-looking.

She's being controlled by Zoloft and latuda for fuck sakes! Not isis!

No, just a junkie.

Thank god I lost my mother to a broken stick


>when abu hajaar gives her too much captagon
the succ better than jannah, alhamdullilah

because it would be racist and islamophobic to suspect some honest muslim men just taking their white girlfriends for a walk in fancy dress

competent enough to note the dfference between a dead publicity whore and a live one, I guess

she's looking at the monitor on the camera, but she is clearly on drugs


jesus when will he stop corrupting all the qts

Bitch has so much foundation she could probably save the world trade center


Are you guys retarded? All the 'evidence' points to this being an elaborate ARG.

See AlanTutorial

Speaking of Sam Hyde...

Competent enough to ignore rape for over a decade

It's all in the fedora


Some people have noted that the pink highlights she has in her hair are the same as the ones she had two years ago, meaning the footage could just be there purely to make us think she's alright.


I'm not gonna lie, I thought alantutorial was HowtoBasic's half aborted brother



Fuck her face is creepy in that vid.

Kidnapped by ISIS

Alternate reality game

One day Sam Hyde is going to legitimately get away with murder because the police will have gotten so sick and tired of this meme.

I know what an ARG is retard but why does this point to one?

Yes but you're not meant to store them like that. Probably an air rifle.

Australia back at with the shit posting

>this is my rooty tooty this is my gun
>one is for point and shooty one is for fun

At what point does she say save me really fast?

never heard of her - trying to catch up... how far back in her youtube history do I have to go in order to see the "normal" pre-hostage version of her?

11-13 Seconds

Because it's either that or she's legit mentally ill and is hurting herself being a retard.


she has a few last videos where she's acting fucking weird (confirmed, I watched them)
she has bruises all over her arms (new) and is acting like she's on a lot of drugs or like she had a gun to he head but she's really fucking stupid and annoying so it's hard to tell
that also matches her

meeting right now in UK supposedly

is anybody that's at the meetup streaming? if so links