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It'll either be tomorrow or Thursday, before she gives her speech. I'm guessing late tomorrow so the media will be playing it all Thursday long leading up to her speech.

I honestly expected it to be today.

I'm wondering how if he's waiting for her to be the official nominee so it destroys the entire party.

>the media
>is not doing everything humanly possible to ensure hillary wins
>is bought and paid for
>will never bite the hand that feeds

Didn't the US already fabricate some rape charge against him?



I'd probably leak it AFTER her speech, because that lessens whatever she says because people are ignoring it, and because if it leaks prior to her speech, the MSM will simply ignore whatever is leaked and focus on whatever lies shillary gives during the speech


It makes more sense to do it after she accepts the nomination so that it's harder (impossible?) for the DNC to offer it to anyone else

Hmm... I guess that ensures a trump victory

What actually happens if she were to be arrested before the election? Is it automatically Kaine? Does Bernie take the spot because 2nd most delegates? Are the not allowed to win the election?

when the CIA gets around to releasing it via its cover site SHITILEAKS


i think around morning to noon GMT on July 29. just be patient.

Will never happen, they want AssangeĀ“s pussy first.


Its all about catching her in a lie for maximum effect.

They do an emergency nomination, which would suck because they might pick Biden, who can dish bantz himself

They should have gone with Biden anyway since he is 100% more charismatic and likeable.

But how woke is Julian going to make us do you guys think?


Nobody actually knows. I honestly hope it happens after Burnie dies at the end of summer so the cuck can't get his supporters back to vote...

>Biden, who can dish bantz
The thought of a Biden/Trump debate makes me moist.

>blog posts "by hqanon"
I really wish this weird teasing with obscure blog sites would stop and we actually get something. I'm willing to wait until after the convention, though, so they can't damage control on a big stage.
Though if it's sensational, right before Hillary's acceptance speech would be nice. She gets out there right when delegates' cell phones start to vibrate and increasing unrest grips the floor as the news spreads.
A man can dream.

based aussie shitposter will strike again.

daily reminder the rape charges are from sweden, trumped up feminist bullshit literally to just get him extradited and thrown in a hole for speaking out against TYRRANY.

any true american who follows the constitution should be heartily kekking at the impending shitposts he's going to lay down on hillary, the ultimate traitor.

it's amazing how the media is now trying to spin wikileaks as russian.

i can say with 100% certainty because i once knew the bloke that he's literally doing this as revenge shitposting for what the tyrannical friends of hillary have done to him in the last few years.

and even if russia helped out, it has no meaning whatsoever. hillary has broken the law and just because the truth gets revealed by her enemies does not make it any less true.

Is hillary running for president to get out of jail?
That sounds like the premise of a dumb 90's movie that I wouldn't mind watching.
Godspeed hillary

She might not be arrested, but it will probably lead to an indictment, which will be a longer legal process. This will be hell on hillarys campaign

Can confirm.

Pro nationalist CIA insurgency.

Taking out the trash from the inside.

Get ready for the shitstorm of a lifetime.

PS Comey already knew before he spoke.

Everything is falling into place.

I'd like to see Jack Nicholson play that role.

Joe would have ran if it wasn't for this rigged nomination that was promised to assblasted shillary so she would step aside in 2008. Even his dying son asked him to run.

Guys what's important to remember here is that even though all of this stuff is true and that the democrats are incredibly corrupt, and that the USA spies on literally everyone, allies included, and that leaving classified info on a relatively insecure server is like leaving a fish in front of a bear and not expecting it to get snatched, that the ONLY thing you should be thinking about this is that Russia (might have, in my headcannon) spied on us and that makes them the bad guys.

I heard tomorrow, would make sense. A day before her speech to really shake her up.

wrong time fame. after her speech, for maximum damage when she catches herself in multiple lies.

Yep this.

If we hit her too hard now, then Bernie might get it and that cuck has a cult following. Additionally, more Bernie supporters are voting Trump just to spite Hillary. We need that.

Wait until she accepts first. Then there's no backing down.

Do you think we'd be this amped for Trump if it was Biden? Biden as president would be comedy gold.

How is that going?

Patience my friend..".... Julian is still closing the "deal", with Emperor Trump,... But Beware!,,, Obama still has the hand in the trigger of the drone flying overhead the Embassy...

At exactly 0hrs 0min 1s after Hillary's grand speech on Thursday Wikileaks reveals a foolproof genealogical report that Hillary is the grandgrandgrand daughter of Hitler.


Can confirm, my dad works at Nintendo



If the leaks come before they can scramble people to modify her speech to fire back or undercut the info in the leaks.

The leak will come out during or immediately after her speech in order to do the most damage.

Unless they have her on tape personally paying the guy who murdered Vince Foster nothing will happen to her.

The day Sup Forums abandoned Trump.

gonna be working a 12 hour day in the hot sun tomorrow with no cell service.

going to miss the happening
no adrenaline rush for me
it better fucking happen god damnit i am so sick of pansy 12 or 100 people being killed I want war

>my next leak

got a childish chuckle out of me.

Hasn't it been confirmed that Assange was misquoted, and that there are no more leaks?

What is the point of announcing this before the release?

Probably mid August. The convention news cycle will be totally over and things will be somewhat "quiet" as Hilary gets into her campaign tours.

The whole point is to release it when nothing else is going on, and to play the news cycle against itself. Assange is waiting for Hilary to be on the trail before he ruins her.

This man is definitely on Shillary's kill list.

Survive Assange! Survive!

After her speech so she can't add damage control in her speech

I know he would be awful and has probably done awful things (he's a high ranking Dem after all), but that smile never fails to warm my soul.

4/10, would pull political punches on him

No. Wikileaks retweeted that more leaks are coming and that they impact the election.

Assange is so full of shit

>trusting an Australian about the content of his (shit)posts

Hasn't Sup Forums or Sup Forums taught you anything?

I can't see Hillary getting prosecuted, she has too many connections in Washington


Step 1: Make her sweat
Step 2: Wait
Step 3: Say "Just kidding, that was it"
Step 4: Hillary breathes sigh of relief, spills some more lies
Step 5: "Just kidding again, here's some new shit to contradict you"

Fuck yes

He also sniffs little girls.

Good. I hope there's full proof evidence of her guilt and she gets let off, maybe even a Presidential pardon.

So Trump can sweep the election and no one will resist when he purges the government.

>Additionally, more Bernie supporters are voting Trump just to spite Hillary. We need that.

You guys don't really believe this, do you? Guys?

Either during or right before the speech would be absolutely brutal. Imagine if she had to speak with full knowledge of the leaks but no time to adjust her strategy.

Honestly, Biden would have probably been about the best nominee they could have picked. Not disliked, no real scandals, would have had ridiculous banter with Trump at the debates.

Kek has foretold that Trump will be president

if it were me, i'd post it right as she takes the stage.

This is how Carter was able to sweep Ford, if there was truly damning evidence, Trump would defeat Clinton even more


evidence that the leak was sourced by a staffer

evidence that the staffer was killed by the DNC

It's not going to happen, lads. Even Bill can't touch her. You think the law can?

Nah, was probably just a lefty cuck that thought he didn't have to relax around blacks. Why would they murder him after they were aware of the leak, but before the actual leak occurred?

so he couldn't leak more stuff, or go public about it once it gets brought to light and leak EVEN MORE stuff in interviews and stuff maybe

he got double tapped quickly according to a witness, and the shooter didnt even take his wallet or phone

does that sound like a dindu to you?

Guys, they're gonna Mandela effect this to retroactively eliminate Project Montauk.

Also, Flat Earth deniers. How is the Earth round if the Universe itself is flat.

Finally release is still weeks away. This release was teased for months.

>link goes to a video from June

just fuck off

Julian better watch out.
He might drop a barbell on his neck.

I can see the future.

>(CNN) Wikileaks founder Julian Assange said Tuesday his whistleblowing website might release "a lot more material" relevant to the US electoral campaign.

Biden is the Old Guard. I just don't think he has the fight left in him anymore.

It'd be pay-per-view worthy

That's the good part of having Trump run against her. Her power and money doesn't mean anything against his. They're on equal grounds. She can't pay someone to assassinate Trump because he can double their pay and offer up all the same things she can. He's the perfect opposition against her and the DNC knows this, hence forcing her instead of Bernie into the running, otherwise Trump would just pull a Clinton bribery and win hands down.

Does he like Trump or does he just hate corruption? I think the second.

No matter what he leaks dems will still back her unless its so bad she gets arrested first

Why are people excited about this leak? True Trump fans want this to happen as close to November as possible in order to ensure Trump's victory. If the leak were to happen this early the Dem's could rally around another candidate who could potentially do better than Shillery.

I think he just loathes Hillary, as does everyone who's ever worked with her or met her or known of her.


That long? This is taking forever.

He said he would actually prefer a Trump presidency. He said in the interview yesterday that Clinton is actively trying to prosecute wikileaks.

>Next leak will ensure Clinton's arrest

Oh shit here we go. Time to strap in boys and enjoy this BASED ride.

>no real scandals

Yup. She cheated. Some of them got fucking bernie sanders tattoos. They're not voting for clinton

I was there. The protesters are either going third party or Trump. We nearly broke down the gate today. It was awesome.

The cops were spread thin too. They had a bunch of kids from the academy dressed up in riot gear to look tough behind the thin line of vets. Thursday night shit will hit the fan.

When are you going to get it through your heads that if this insufferable bitch of a criminal hasn't been arrested yet, she isn't going to be?
I hate her too, I'm not arguing for this, but odds are it's just not happening.

We're perfectly aware Assange is using hyperbole. Trump uses hyperbole too. He's prepping people for it, especially normies, who will barely understand the specifics of the emails.

In reality, the FBI has been thoroughly compromised, and she won't be arrested. Instead, she will be further damaged.

No, any time before they'll have contingencies in place. They can say she's running late or some shit and delay long enough to put something together.

The moment she's on that stage she's on her own.

It would fucking sick if Biden/Trump or Trump/Biden somehow ended up as President and VP.

If it's something bigger than the e-mails then i'd say Trump has the election in the bag.

No it wouldn't.

She knows what all he could possibly have. They have a strategy for handling all of it. This is the big leagues.

>giving up

I sure as Hell hope that it is bigger, our there won't even be hope for that indictment

it's almost like a setup
this whole situation is pretty fucking incredible if you think about it

I hope it's something huge

Also an email where she calls black people niggers

You know, like maybe taking attention away from the 469 congressional seats that are up for election by keeping focus on a relatively unimportant position...just a little bread and circuses for the plebes.

>BLM turning against Clinton.

This, unfortunately

Don't you get it faggots, it will never come out. It's Assange's insurance and ticket to freedom. It will never see the light!

5 hours
Love /hbg/

Does Assange have a9lh?