>video games can't be ki-
Video games can't be ki-
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All premise no plot. Typical modern GTA.
if you think gta has a remotely interesting plot. or any game for that matter you are either underage or a man child or watch cape shit
I don't know whats worse
Character > atmosphere > plot
go read a book, reddit
Oops, wrong pic.
the characters weren't interesting at all either.
very clunky shitty video game storytelling. I'll give it a point for atmosphere though
The death of art
Greatest game of all time, right there
better written and directed, more interesting and heartfelt than any zombie related film or series
Both correct
GTA IV started really strong.
Everything after Vlad killed it for me.
Didn't pick up again until hours into the game. Zero character development during that literal filler.
Some of the writing was decent
I'll go that far..
That's not how you spell bloodborne.
Gameplay > everything else
They're fucking video GAMES for fuck sake.
Agreed tbqh. It's the only game where I felt the motion-capture acting and voice work were on the level of a good film.
it's so kino it's no longer a good game
Gta iv was stupid as fuck
>Wahh wahh killing is so bad. War is bad.
>*Slaughters a dozen gangbangers*
Also, the map was boring and ugly
Life is complicated...
Bloodborne is top 5, but MGS2 is the GOAT.
As soon as you get a flamethrower these are the easiest enemies
>any zombie related
Wow big accomplishment
I stopped playing that faster than I did Mass Effect 3 desu
>what's the inner conflict?
user, don't be stupid.
I like storytelling through gameplay.
Yeah because you got shit on so hard by the first boss you ragequit..
>Film will never have a piece of media on the same level of artistry as these three masterpieces
Top kek, are you fags even trying?
Why do you still pretend that video games aren't an artform?
>TL note: I like having to read item descriptions for 80 hours
sorry guys OP here, posted the wrong pic
Can gore be kino?
>people who say CoD can't be kino
Truly a game for intellectuals
this is deep to autistic people. wow
Too bad it's stuck on two underpowered consoles that can't do it justice.
>yfw Hotline Miami is confirmed to be in the same universe as Payday
I don't see how that's relevant to the plot, PCuck.
>Video games can't be ki-
Videogame can be film, that's for sure.
This is without doubt videogame kino. Fantastic visuals, sound and atmosphere. Ontop of that, excellent writing.
The ending was shit.
Items have 1-2 sentences at most. The bosses could've been fleshed out more, like an execution or death cutscene. The game could easily be compared to Samurai Jack. Not much dialogue, and alot of action and monster designs.
>yfw the developers with their never-ending DLC are the real robbers
>not liking the comfy city atmosphere
I'll admit Alderney was a bit of a letdown but I liked the city much more than V's Los Santos.
people saying that certain games are artistic because of their plot or visuals are in fact reducing games to pretty much interactive movie or novel
games should be praised for the gameplay and mechanics first, and then story or graphics
that's exactly why most of the games listed here are not artistic in a video game art sense
And John Wick too.
gameplay is for fags
>I liked the city much more than V's Los Santos
I suppose you're definitely not alone there. I've seen more people bring up valid criticisms over it versus actually liking the map. Fuck Los Santos was so disappointing, not to mention that empty fucking desert above it.
peak vidyakino coming through
That's not even the best part.
GTA V has an uninteresting plot and bland characters.
The same cannot be said of IV, which is better in almost every way, starting with how the protagonist has a clear motivation other than getting rich.
But most of the game ITT do have good gameplay. Don't tell me you've fallen for the shitty Sup Forums memes about them.
looks like typical japshit
Yeah, I mean I love the extra outside detailing of the buildings and the mansions and stint houses in LS but the lack of explorable interiors and the lifeless feeling of LS really hurt it for me.
Both games are great but V's map feels like wasted potential, whereas IV has a smaller map but seems to better utilize the space given.
Why do people go apeshit over the Ludwig cutscene?
Bloodborne is literally MTG's Eldritch Moon in vidya form.
True Kino
>more interesting than vast majority of tv/movie antagonists
is he, dare i say it, /ourguy/?
>Why do people go apeshit over the Ludwig cutscene?
It was unexpected and cool I guess. I've never really found it amazing either.
>normie bait
>plays like ass
if you enjoy it so much you would probably like watching movies with a controller in your hand, same feeling
>plays like ass
Not really. It plays like Resident Evil 4 but better.
Overreacting. Though it is quite funny and he is a fun/hard boss.
t. person who has never played it and only dislikes it because Sup Forums told him to
No typical japshit has characters that look like little children. Typical japshit is usually edgy DBZ tier also. The complete opposite to bloodborne.
but Sup Forums loves this shitty game
Remember when these games were lauded for their single player campaign?
Niko is an anagram for kino
I kno
That set is underrated as fuck.
>tfw ordered ten packs at $2 each during a Christmas sale on CoolStuffInc. and opened three Liliana the Last Hope's
I got two packs of Eternal Masters cheap and opened a Mana Crypt and foil Entomb from that same order too. Best opening I've ever had.
This, tbqhwy. They need to hurry up and start releasing more trailers for RDR2. I also don't doubt it's going to get delayed either.
if everyone in this thread was banned Sup Forums would be fixed. yes, including me, that's how cancerous Sup Forums is.
Sacrifices gameplay in favor of characters
Not necessarily a bad thing, but still what;s the point of calling it a video game when the developers put more effort into characters than gameplay? And the characters aren't even that interesting to begin with.
OP here. I barely play video games. I just remembered how comfy liberty city was. It's kino in its own way.