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I was more put off with the end. "and lots of schmear"
What sort of fuck wants to promote that as a "message"? Is this some sort of false flag to frame SJWs?
>everyone else has already moved on from this
>but not retard autistic faggots on Sup Forums - television and film
Fuck I hate kikes. Why are they so fun to hate bros :3?
>this is considered the pinnacle of academic achievement in fatmurrica
keep crying bill you're fucking gone
Because they hate us more.
>be liberal
>support gay rights
>see this
This "activism" is why Trump got elected and alt-right exists
The "message" doesn't bother me nearly as much as how fucking terrible the song is, her singing and dancing to it.
>false flag to frame SJWs
This is the only logical conclusion if you want to maintain a shred of respect for Bill Nye.
Stop false-flagging, everyone hates his new show.
Can someone post the webm? I haven't saved it yet.
You mean Jews? Schmear is yiddish.
>bagels with lox with lots of schmear
Somebody explain what this even means
You mean women? Rachel is a woman.
Yeast infection.
fuck off Bill Nye the science goy
Come on, guys. It was a cool little segment.
What the fuck, Bill? Also,
>that freeze he does when he sees the guy rip his pants off
I heard that they edited the episode of Bill Nye where he says your gender is determined by chromosomes.
pure coincidence goy.
>He's still in denial
>>bagels with lox with lots of schmear
lox are smoked salmon schmear as in schmear of cream cheese
Why wasn't cuckolding covered in this song? It's a perfectly natural expression of sexuality. Bill Nye is just as cuckoldophobic as the alt-right, disappointing
honestly this is the average sort of girl i wish i had been doing butt stuff with in college
nothing really noteworthy about her but it would be a good night of feeling like you're normal. i'd almost rather have versatile love with her than someone objectively prettier because at that point you're like "ok you're sexing me they way you want but you're out of my league, what's your angle"
with this girl you're like "ok shes just horny like me, we're both queers. cool"
anyway whats this thread about?
u lesboids are fuckin weird man
The funny thing is Gerard Depardieu left France and asked russian citizenship because he was tired of that western degeneracy.
>Is this some sort of false flag to frame SJWs?
No, this is how SJW have always been. You're now just realizing it. They are literal jew marxist cunts. Their entire point is destroy western civilization.
White men are to blame for everything.
Christian men are to blame for everything
The nuclear family is to blame for everything.
And so on.
You'll notice none of these nigger loving juden worshiping subhuman cunts ever have anything to say about sand niggers, niggers, spics, about gooks, etc.
That is exactly the right message, user.
>Bill Nye is just as cuckoldophobic as the alt-right
I was in the crowd during this episode, and just off camera bills wide was getting nailed by black dudes the entire time. Even black doctor from scrubs got a turn since that episode was filmed the same day.
Also interesting aside, after the sex junk song dj seahorse ran over and started rimming one of the dudes running a train on bills wife.
>You're now just realizing it.
I'm pretty sure i haven't seen an example as well covered as that.
Some weirdo holding a speech uploaded to youtube, or a gay parade or something, sure but a netflix aired show?
Only thing close i can think of is "Dear white people" which was still more subtle than this stuff
Also, you seem to be assuming i haven't seen the stupidity of SJWs until now, you're wrong.
What's the title of the vid?
holy shit I'm dying that was fucking hilarious. Home fucking run!
How long until pedophilia is normalized? I can't wait any longer.
We need another war to remind people that death exists
>kids cant consent
>kids should be able to decide their sexual preferences on their own
I am so confused about this message
Never. Remember that sex is healthy and natural and good unless you're under the age of 18 then it's the worst thing ever.
Do you think she strangles people with those leather straps?
I'd let her strangle me with those straps while she's riding my dick
>leather straps
that is chromosome spectrum
>my vagina has its own voice
Blah blah talking cunts blah blah