Do blacks realize that they have "western" privilege? Western nations were the first to demonize and make slavery illegal. The blacks in the west benifited from western society and they STILL benifit from western society. Also, do they realize that northern blacks discriminated against southern blacks, not because of their skin color, but because of their intelligence and ghetto culture? Do the nogs today realize that trump is as balanced as you can get when it comes to race? The democrats want to continue what they started, they want to keep minorities poor and victimized so they can get their votes through emotional appeal and government dependance. The based blacks today are like the northern blacks in the past, while the BLM race baiting folks are like the southern blacks. My question is, what would the US be like if southern blacks left the country after emancipation, while northern blacks stayed? Would black culture today be different?
Do blacks realize that they have "western" privilege...
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Bump dindu sempai
Nope, niggers are naturally dumb, democrats would have had find a way to put their new chains aka welfare
I dunno lad, apparently the blacks in the north didn't have that southern ghetto culture until they got mixed together. You're probably right though.
>Do blacks realize that they have "western" privilege?
Some do, some don't I'm sure.
>Western nations were the first to demonize and make slavery illegal. The blacks in the west benifited from western society and they STILL benifit from western society.
In many ways they do, in many other ways they're still being excluded.
>Also, do they realize that northern blacks discriminated against southern blacks, not because of their skin color, but because of their intelligence and ghetto culture?
Northerners think southerners are retarded. What's new?
>Do the nogs today realize that trump is as balanced as you can get when it comes to race? The democrats want to continue what they started, they want to keep minorities poor and victimized so they can get their votes through emotional appeal and government dependance.
Don't those stupid subhuman niggers who we want to kick out of country or otherwise subjugate realize that we're the good guys and those libtards are the REAL raycists??
>The based blacks today are like the northern blacks in the past, while the BLM race baiting folks are like the southern blacks.
'bait' implies that what they are saying is at least mostly untrue or exaggerated. It's not.
>My question is, what would the US be like if southern blacks left the country after emancipation, while northern blacks stayed? Would black culture today be different?
Not in the ways anyone here cares about or focuses on. The negative aspects of black culture here are inexorably tied to poverty, discrimination and the drug war. They'd probably have faired a little better overall if they had been concentrated in the north rather than the south, but that would be true for anyone, the south is a fucking shit hole.
a few less nigger
no all around the world nigger nig
How are they exludet and from what?
Deatails nigger!
Will the South ever rise again?
You've been brainwashed. Perhaps blacks are excluded because most have not been able to shed the southern ghetto culture? Hard to give 13% of the population more power when they commit half of the violent crime. If their population commit less crime and were more trustworthy, they would be more successful collectively.
>admitting wrongdoing
pick one
you could give every black american $1,000,000 and they would still complain and kill each other
thread song:
>blacks in the north aren't ghetto
>majority of chimpouts and black on black shootings in the north
>worst/most violent cities in the north (detroit, chicago, baltimore, cleveland etc..)
>Do blacks realize that they have "western" privilege?
Do you realize you have white privilege?
Kill them.
This. But it isn't a north-south thing. It's a city-country thing. In the north few blacks live outside urban areas. In the south the ones that do behave themselves much better than in, say, Atlanta.
Blacks have mostly been brainwashed to think the white devil is the root of all their problems. Occasionally a black person rejects that programming and is let into white culture. Once that happens they tend to recognize how destructive niggers are and call them out on their bullshit. Hardcore nigs reply by chanting "Uncle Tom!" as they run out on their kids. Enlightened blacks just shrug it off and continue to enjoy the superior white lifestyle and culture.
i live in greensboro nc. its 40% black and we have had zero black lives matter protests and relatively low crime for a city of our size.
its a north/south thing
i mean fucking newark new jersey is in the top 15 cities by violent crime and is the same size as greensboro (270,000) and greensboro isn't even in the top 50.
Im talking about hundreds of years ago. Northern blacks were very different from southern blacks.
I stand corrected.
Artificial selection. Northern blacks were the ones ambitious enough to desire freedom and intelligent enough to earn it e.g. Frederick Douglass
>i wanna be free
>im gonna shoot other black people and sell crack to black kids
Its just their culture lad
It wasn't hundreds of years ago, it was when the Southern blacks started moving up North during the same time wealthier blacks were moving to predominantly white neighborhoods that they could now afford. This caused white flight and the devaluation of property, allowing the southern blacks to then move into those areas along with the Northern blacks. You also have to understand that the mentality of the Southern blacks was pretty much that of a slave still, they never really progressed after slavery. You can thank the south for that, they set the country back 100 years in race relations and are the reason the southern blacks never progressed
Wasn't a major problem until Jews mass-marketed gangsta culture in the 80s via hip-hop.
>You can thank the south for that, they set the country back 100 years in race relations and are the reason the southern blacks never progressed
Yeah, remember the massive chimpout in Charleston after Dylann Roof shot up that church?
Oh wait, it didn't happen. Instead they literally told DeRay to fuck off back up north and quit making trouble.
>they set the country back 100 years in race relations
Congratulations, you are the Moron of the Day.
most negroes here look at american dindus as another species. they think of them as human pitbulls who were bred to do work. very very different. /most/ africans are bro tier
>tfw we will never know what the US would be like if southern degenerates never existed.
What does that have to with anything? It doesn't change the fact that the Southern blacks were basically still at the level of their ancestors when they were released from slavery, both intellectually and economically
>The South having 100 years of state sanctioned discrimination where blacks were relegated to shitty facilities and got shitty education along with lynchings and threats of violence if they tried to vote, had no effects on race relations
Are you retarded?
The south should've been occupied for at least one generation after the war
>white guy shoots up black church
>blacks react peacefully
yeah the evil ignorant south and their horrible race relations. we should be more (((civilized))) and (((cultured))) like the north with their daily chimpouts and burning cities.