Is there any evidence suggesting that Russia hacked the DNC or are they just doing damage control?
Is there any evidence suggesting that Russia hacked the DNC or are they just doing damage control?
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Putin is a Trump dick rider, so very likely.
literally zero evidence
The only evidence was an "unnamed government official."
That's it. Literally fucking no one to throw under the bus even, they just threw it out there and kept the puppet show going.
They're so out of touch that they think the red scare is still a real thing. This is what you get with foreign staffers who studied America instead of living it.
Trump and Putin have had many of 4choons best hackers on their payroll for the better part of the past year. I thought this was common knowledge.
they have no idea who so they're going after the biggest enemy.
NYT posted this
Which, IMO, sounds convincing enough.
Assange said there wasn't any evidence though.
Washington Post, don't know why I said NYT
Actually, a whistleblower inside the DNC leaked the emails. The DNC found out about it but it was already too late. So, they did what any other criminal does.
The guy was shot twice in the back and was not robbed just days before the wikileaks release.
>It is a Krager the nigger giving his worthless opinion post
Get back to Sup Forums, and I will blow you a new one, peadophobe.
>But the truth is that the emails didn’t show that the DNC “rigged” the primaries in Hillary Clinton’s favor. Yes, DNC staffers plainly preferred that Clinton become the nominee. The DNC did appear to give more weight to the Clinton campaign’s desire for fewer debates. But there was nothing that the DNC did that seriously harmed his chances or meaningfully impacted the outcome of the nomination contest
>But weirdly, nobody’s saying those kinds of things about Donald Trump, despite the fact that he is, without question, the most anti-American and un-American candidate in living memory.
>We have no way to know for certain what the motivation behind the DNC hack was and who ordered it, and we may never know. But there’s no question whom Vladimir Putin favors in this election.
Whoa, #I'mWithHer now.
>some guy got shot
Like that isn't a common occurrence in America Kek, drug deals, fucked with the wrong ppl, hell gangs in California kill random people in drive by shooting just to join a gang
Yeah I thought that part was a bit much, even for the WP. Still, that doesn't really bunk what he's claiming
The fucking Washington post was implicated in the leaks for fundraising with clinton. Why the fuck would you trust anything they have to say about the dnc or clinton? There is no evidence 'russia' hacked anything its just a way for the dems to try turn this leak into something good. No one is discussing the contents except one bernie backstab.
>not blaming a youtube video like they did for Bengayzi
Dems are really losing it
Whether Russia leaked the documents or not is irrelevant.
The content of the emails is what is important.
>>But the truth is that the emails didn’t show that the DNC “rigged” the primaries in Hillary Clinton’s favor.
That's a lie. The definition of "rigged" is:
> transitive verb
> 1
> : to manipulate or control usually by deceptive or dishonest means
> 2
> : to fix in advance for a desired result
By the reporting you quoted, that is the definition of rigging, which is manipulation through bias.
Russian meddling in the US Presidential election sounds more relevant to me than the content of the emails. Emails just told us what we already knew.
Could you let the media know? Thanks.
But really, the DNC is pretty toothless. Even if they used every resource they had they couldn't rig the thing 100%. Bernie was just a little bit too extreme for the mainstream Dem voters.
Got any proofs? No? Then the electoral system being a sham is a great story now we have real evidence
The emails show the media colluding with the DNC. That's like having police investigate themselves. No wrongdoings, guys!
Russians are shitting their pants because a HRC presidency pretty much guarantees war with Russia.
What's your opinion on Edward Snowden?
Yes, Russia likely hacked the DNC.
No, there's no evidence that said hack and the leak are connected.
Worst DNC could do is a shitty debate schedule. How does that make the election a sham?
Russia isn't scared of a war with HRC, they're scared that HRC won't let them swallow Europe whole.
>The emails showed that some staffers talked about undermining Sanders — and that there was real hostility between the DNC and the Sanders campaign — but those DNC staffers never followed through.
We only made and discussed plans to rig your elections but we didn't implement them. Vote establishment, goys.
>Now we should say that at the moment, most of the evidence of Russian involvement is circumstantial, if substantial.
He doesn't claim anything except what he wants to believe. And what he wants to believe is pretty obvious, I don't see texts this biased even in the Russian media.
I certainly don't think Russia is without reproach (Their shenanigans in Georgia and the Ukraine, for instance), but I certainly can't fault them for not wanting a globalist cunt like HRC a POTUS.
Says the literal nigger from Sup Forums.
>out out out
I think it showed it. It seemed that whoever was in charge of the state's primaries intentionally fucked things up to harm Bernie. People that changed from independent to democrate before the deadline, had it randomly changed back a day or two before primaries. Pretty obvious thats on purpose and the majority of those voters were sanders.
> they just doing damage control
Regardless of how unpalatable Sanders was to the Dems, the fact that the DNC was still nervous about Hillary winning shows how fragile their shit is.
I think her Iraq vote was situational, she was sitting in a senate seat for NY, and at the time there was mad disinfo regarding Iraq and 9/11 that fools bought wholesale. Also the authorization would pass overwhelmingly without her, so there was no sense standing in front of a steamroller. I'd same that hawkishness isn't her primary flaw, but a lack of political courage. She'd basically be another Obama term, and I'm good with that.
Trump was for the invasions of Iraq and Libya (Even theouh he says he wasn't). The only big shift Trump wanted in the RNC platform is a hands-off policy in Ukraine. I think this has to do with his Russian ties (Manafort used to work for Yanukovych) and Flynn worked for RT
they had shit security,beware russia is just their damage control
>We only made and discussed plans to rig your elections but we didn't implement them. Vote establishment, goys.
You can't be too obvious, Boris. You kind of slipped here too. The public can't realize that they are under a blanket of manipulation.
I mean, Russia bros, calling legitimate criticism of state action (((propaganda))) just because it's from a foreign source is straight from the bloc (as a tactic) anyway right?
Libcucks have inadvertently turned commie thanks to the Bernouts. Or was it purposeful? Bill himself said something about making people who might cause change look "cartoonish." Could even Sanders be a democratic plant to push to the left?
This kid didn't know shit nor did he have the capacity to steal his neighbors wi-fi.
really what is the probability to be shot and killed at any moment?
You have evidance supporting your bold claims?
Who cares? Why do we talk about Russia like it's something inherently bad or wrong?
Better than Hillary who literally is sponsored by Saudi "we did 9/11" Arabia
if you take the number 91 deaths by gun per day and dived into 350 mil (i didn't look up usa population) it is 0.000026 % chance to die by a gun on any given day
this is using ALL gun deaths
also a shitload of those are suicides too
from the first google search
>But there’s no question whom Vladimir Putin favors in this election.
Fuck. It sounds like "Carthage must be destroyed".
>Is there any evidence suggesting that Russia hacked the DNC or are they just doing damage control?
Literally no evidence.
-Clinton campaign officials
clinton is fucking guaranteed to wage war with him. of course he prefers anyone not associated with her
its just a very poor attempt at damage control. the DNC would much rather everyone think that the russians are attempting to subvert the US election process than the DNC doing it themselves, as the leaked e-mails plainly show.
Apparently Russian code was used somewhere. I dying reemerge the details, however, everyone steals code and just tinkers it. So no, there was literally no evidence.
The story of a Russian hack at the DNC has been kicking around for quite a while. Here's a WaPo article on Russians hacking the DNC AND Trump back in June.
>Russians are shitting their pants because a HRC presidency pretty much guarantees war with Russia.
Both of them guarantees war, because president mean nothing.
We not shitting but preparing.
Oh, mighty Putin!
He makes Ukrainians tear apart their own country, props up ISIS, wills Britain into exiting EU and even influences US elections. At this point I'm surprised nobody's blaming earthquakes and climate change on him, too.
All that from a country that barely has any real influence in the world and definitely has no resources to exert that influence.
Y'all should make up your mind, either Russia is Nigeria with snow or it's an almighty evil empire with Putin as its Sauron.
Well Mordor was basically Nigeria.
Question: Putin is getting up in years. Especially given the Russian lifespan. What happens when he croaks?
>• The same people on the Clinton team who made enormous efforts to claim her private email server—which operated unencrypted over the Internet for three months, including during trips to China and Russia, and which contained top-secret national-security data—was not hacked by the Russians now are certain that the DNC server was hacked by the Russians.
Nope. Just Hillary trying to build hate so she can start a war against Russia
>Especially given the Russian lifespan.
You should have been looking up the lifespans of Soviet/Russian heads of state instead.
Can't argue with that, although the last part of what you said could alienate a lot of history majors who have no choice but the study the past.
These are the same clowns who went on record predicting Trump's inevitable demise at every turn during the primaries.
They get away with it because there isn't a place to aggregate all their failed predictions.
Damage control. Ooga-booga russia is bad. Russia controls ISIS, Assad, Europe, Migrants, Republicans, Nato, North Korea, Pope... yeah.Anything bad is Russia, remember. We are the bad guys to break, don't forget. You are the good goys after all.
Speaking of shenanigans...
Isn't WP a bunch of Bezos bitch clowns now, just trying to smear anything on Trump to see what may stick.
The DNC is reverting to Cold War rhetoric because Hillary is too old to keep up with the times.
Under Obama, the Pentagon and government were adamant that the new enemy are Chinese military hackers.
You forgot Erdogan now that he is a genocidal maniac. Clearly controlled by Kremlin.
Not quite the same as invading a country during the Olympics, but yeah.
>Not quite the same as invading a country during the Olympics, but yeah.
Indeed, Georgia was an even more blatant example. Good thing Russia kicked them out of SO.
Medvedev will fill his role. He's basically sitting in the best position right now, he's in the game, he's not really responsible for anything(governmnet just does what it's told to do, so all failings are not his fault), he was president onece, he's well connected and the elites are perfectly ok with him being the mediator of their interests. Not that he won't have any opposition from KGB folks and military, but if he pleases them, they will be on his side.
yeah, and take a wild guess who started the thing during the Olympics.
You're aware that the Soviet Union became Balkanized well over a decade ago, right?
The Putin move into Crimea was expected. And who can blame Russia for drawing a line at Ukraine and their tiny enclave in Kaliningrad? It's Russian territory after all.
>we were exposed as lying, cheating criminals
>b-b-but it doesn't count because it was mean, old Russia who caught us
How the fuck do these delusional assholes think this is a valid excuse??
>The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
because their main voter base is so brainwashed they'll vote blue no matter what
Medvedev's problem is that he's hardly demonstrated any ability to make his own decisions.
if Putin decides to go once and for all, he'll have to pick someone with a spine, otherwise it'll be 90s 2: Electric Yugosloo on your hands.
There's also a possibility that hardliners would come into power and send all the liberals to Magadan logging resorts, but that would be practically the only upside to the situation.
I remember a month or so ago people on here saying Russia had the email and was going to leak them after Hillary got the nomination, and that's what happened. It was Russia, we all know it was Russia, but that dosen't negate the fact that what is in these emails is the truth. Liberals can speculate all they want about why Russia got involved, but that dosen't change the fact that the DNC did all of these things and should be held responsible
They don't try to use it as an excuse. They hope that it will reduce the damage because some of the voters will think that Trump is backed by evil russkis who are infiltrating American government.
>Implying Russia has money
>Russian meddling in the US Presidential election sounds more relevant to me than the content of the emails.
Literally why
>real evidence
Not really.
WaPo will drag out the Russian Hacker story on any day with there isn't an Islamic atrocity somewhere in Europe or America.
Journalists call this an "evergreen" story.
The implication here is insanely idiotic, I've never heard anyone suggest it. It makes no fucking sense at all. There is no evidence whatsoever that Russia's potential annexation would extend to any countries except those with Slavic people. You were probably exaggerating, but there's no realistic assessment of Russia's expansionist intentions that could even come close to rationalizing such a hyperbole.
As much proof as the media has for this theory.